Half The Indian Children Are Malnourished: Report

BANGALORE: India is at first position for highest under five mortality rate. 50 percent of children die due to malnourishment and due to improper implementation of government policies. Malnutrition is more common in India than any African country, which is a very serious matter for the government to take immediate steps up on. 46 percent of children in India, below the age of three are smaller than their average growth. 47 percent children are underweight and 16 percent are wasted, reports UNICEF.

Girls are more prone to malnutrition than boys. In India, Madhya Pradesh (55 percent) has the highest rate recorded whereas Kerala (27 percent) has the lowest rate. Pitiable condition of pregnant mother and new born, lack of access to health services and poor hygiene practice can be the major reasons for malnutrition in India.

Malnutrition in India has become a major week point that needs to be changed. From the time Modi came in power people are expecting development in each area. Now it is time for the medical services. Recently, Modi-led government has started planning for a complete transformation in health sector through research, innovation and latest technology and working on the blueprint of world’s largest universal health insurance program, announced by health minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan in a speech on behalf of the Prime Minister.

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As Grains Rot, Millions Die Of Malnutrition in India

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