5 Social Services That Revolutionized Enterprise Space

Bangalore: We know that our world is in the course of a revolutionary phase, led by social networking sites along with consumers and enterprises. Enterprises rely on these technologies so that they can improve their quality and share information’s throughout. With socialized giants like Facebook and Twitter leading the revolutionary pack, there is also another group, who creates social innovation within the enterprise and business sector. To be exact, according to a Forrester report, over $6.4 billion is projected to expand in 2016 from these technologies. So with that here is a list of 5 major companies that are leading the way.

#5 Oracle:

Founded in 1977, Oracle is an American corporation that mainly deals in computer hardware, enterprise products- its development and marketing. Oracle also specializes in database management systems. Oracle is also the third largest corporate in software making, with Microsoft and IBM leading the pack. The company also boasts of having more than 380,000 customers worldwide. Oracle, for years, is the best pick among many corporate from different sectors like banking, communication, health, retail and transportation.