siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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10 Best D2C Fashion Startups - 2023

Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) fashion startups spearheading a stylish evolution and revolutionizing the industry’s conventional customs. Taking up the digital platforms, they offer tailored & ethically-produced attires. Whilst we are tending to getting lost in the fascinating era of fashion, mostly we fail to realize that the fashion industry is one of the major contributors to environmental pollution. In order to change the condition, recently the D2C fashion startups in India are evidently heading towards the sustainable future with their organic, vegan and eco-friendly...Read More

10 Best Biodegrdable Products - 2023

With the aim to paint the Mother Earth green again, adopting eco-friendly practices & products as alternatives to plastics is the first step everyone should seize within. Due to this sustainable change, there is a surge of Biodegradable products in Indian market. Their commitment to innovation, sustainability and quality caters all the needs of businesses and consumers looking for eco-friendly solutions. Understanding the significance of minimizing the environmental impact, they are coming up with various products and services that can be re-used and re-cycled without harming...Read More

10 Best Wearables Startups - 2023

Wearable Devices: Wear The Technology & Be One Step Ahead Of Time
With the progress of technology new devices are being invented every day and people are getting highly benefitted from these inventions. One such category of devices which has been storming the commercial market is wearable smart devices. These devices can be worn as accessories, embedded in clothing, implanted in the user's body, or even tattooed on the skin. These are generally hands-free gadget with practical uses, powered by microprocessors and enhanced with the ability to send...Read More

10 Best Facility Management Startups - 2023

Facility Management Startups: Streamlining Smarter Spaces for Tomorrow
Optimizing the operations for businesses by offering wide array of services, Facility Management Startups are rising as crucial players in Indian business landscape. They are encompassing the management & maintenance of equipment, services, infrastructure and simplifying the critical business functionalities & operations. With the advent of fine outsourcing & access to technology adoption, these facility management startups are well-equipped to meet the evolving needs &...Read More

10 Best Data Analytics Startups - 2023

Digital Analytics Startups are disrupting the Tech-terrain of India
In the vivacious tapestry of Indian startup ecosystem, new waves of data analytics startups are sweeping through the tech landscape. Armed with technological intelligence & data-driven insights, these startups are at the forefront of exploring the advancements in cutting-edge technologies, developing tech-driven solutions and systematic examination to uncover the strategic optimization of business performances. Within the various verticals, these startups are making the organizations...Read More

10 Best Startups Cyber Security Consulting - 2023

Get your Systems Immuned with Cyber Security Tools & Solutions
In this technology driven world, where a parallel world is going side by side with us through metaverse using AR &VR, it becomes pivotal to secure all the data in an encrypted format, so that, hackers won’t breach the data leading to malicious attacks. With the scale of the cyber threat set to continue to rise, global spending on cybersecurity solutions is naturally increasing. Gartner predicts cybersecurity spending will reach $188.3 billion in 2023 and surpass $260 billion...Read More

10 Best Startups Cyber Security -2023

Get your Systems Immuned with Cyber Security Tools & Solutions
In this technology driven world, where a parallel world is going side by side with us through metaverse using AR &VR, it becomes pivotal to secure all the data in an encrypted format, so that, hackers won’t breach the data leading to malicious attacks. With the scale of the cyber threat set to continue to rise, global spending on cybersecurity solutions is naturally increasing. Gartner predicts cybersecurity spending will reach $188.3 billion in 2023 and surpass $260 billion...Read More

10 Best Investment Startups - 2023

Financial Investment Startups: Balancing the Best Investment for better Tomorrow
Startups are the gem of the industry which possess the innovation and have the ability to earn the country a good economic return in the form of GDP and make India proud. Funding or capital lays the foundation of any startup. Capital is the first and foremost thing a startup needs to operate their day-to-day work, because capital is the life-blood of a business. In such a tightly packed cut-throat competitive world, raised funds or getting the required capital is getting very...Read More

10 Best Fantasy Sports Startups - 2023

Unveil the Door of Fantasy world & Experience the phenomenal Magic through Gaming

After ending of a tiring brainstorming day, we all crave for something which will divert our mind and take us to another world where we can be the super heroes, and moreover which gives a moment of rehabilitation to our health and well-being by entertaining us. It is gaming, which is one of the most exciting industries in tech because of its importance to culture, entertainment and technological advancement. PC, console and mobile gaming...Read More

10 Best Gaming Startups - 2023

Unveil the Door of Fantasy world & Experience the phenomenal Magic through Gaming<br>
After ending of a tiring brainstorming day, we all crave for something which will divert our mind and take us to another world where we can be the super heroes, and moreover which gives a moment of rehabilitation to our health and well-being by entertaining us. It is gaming, which is one of the most exciting industries in tech because of its importance to culture, entertainment and technological advancement. PC, console and mobile gaming companies are using the...Read More

10 Best Co-Living Space Startups - 2023

Into the dynamic realm of Indian Real Estate, co-living startups are emerging as forerunner where innovation meets accommodation in a groundbreaking business model. Revolutionizing the traditional real estate landscape, these startups are redefining mutual living spaces as flourishing hubs of productivity & community engagement. By flawlessly merging the modernity and convenience in one place, the co-living platforms are offering tremendous solutions for urban tenants seeking residence more than just housing. They offer living spaces with modern amenities, community events and a lively atmosphere that...Read More

10 Best AI Startups - 2023

Thriving Tech Prowess of AI Startups in India
As we are in the lively era of Artificial Intelligence, the scientific & technological expertise unifies to bring marvels to the world. In recent days, there are significant AI tools and software that are emerging in the market to create a huge impact in each & every corner of the industrial operations. Thus, by understanding the astonishing power of Artificial Intelligence in all areas, there are larger number of Indian startups that are emerging in the landscape of AI and fostering a symphony of...Read More

10 Best Renewable Energy Startups - 2023

Give your company from 'Care' to 'Cure' with Sound Procurement
Whenever you are starting a new venture, you need to take care of various aspects of the business. Procurement is one of such important factors, which ensures that you get a good value for money when acquiring something from suppliers. Procurement ensures that you establish and manage healthy relationships with suppliers. Precisely, procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods or services from an external source. It involves identifying the need for a product or...Read More

10 Best Procurement Startups - 2023

Give your company from 'Care' to 'Cure' with Sound Procurement
Whenever you are starting a new venture, you need to take care of various aspects of the business. Procurement is one of such important factors, which ensures that you get a good value for money when acquiring something from suppliers. Procurement ensures that you establish and manage healthy relationships with suppliers. Precisely, procurement refers to the process of acquiring goods or services from an external source. It involves identifying the need for a product or...Read More

10 Best Legal Tech Startups - 2023

Tech Disruption in Legality - The Rise of Legal-Tech Frontiers in Startup Landscape
The Legal tech startups in India are emerging as the forefront of innovation and assimilating the intricacies of law with cutting-edge technologies to modernize the legal landscape of the country. These startups spearhead a transformative era where law and innovation meets together to uplift the legality across the nation. Armed with AI algorithms, machine learning, and intuitive platforms, these trailblazers are not merely boosting the legal processes, they are redefining...Read More

10 Best Recruitment Consultants Startups From Pune – 2023

Startups from Pune Redefining Recruitment Scene in India

In the ever-evolving job market, the recruitment consulting startups in India have emerged as a dynamic. With their sole blend of expertise and innovation, these startups are transfiguring the way organizations discover and hire the top talents. Pune is one of the vibrant states of India, known as the ‘Oxford of the East’ due to its esteemed educational institutions and flourishing IT zones, now the state is generating a productive ground for recruitment startups to bloom.

Recruitment consulting...Read More

10 Best Emerging Tea Brands - 2023

Dive in the Cup of Flavors & Freshness to Revitalize your Senses
The small word ‘tea’ has been carrying all the emotions of its dedicated lovers on its tiny shoulder from the time immemorial. Whether you are in a state of deep grief, or delight, tea is your perfect companion. From a storming political meeting, to corporate meeting till the tantalizing gossip session or kitty parties, this aromatic beverage is the showstopper. If you are having a brainstorming session, and you need to reenergize yourself, just a cup of tea is all you need. A simple act of pouring a cup...Read More

10 Best Emergency Medical Service Startups – 2023

Emergency Medical Services: Each second is utilized effectively to save & secure

Whenever we get severe issues with the health, we need an immediate action to be taken to reach to the medical experts to get the relief. If we don’t get the required services on time, there is no point of having it later. A person’s life cannot wait for anyone just like the time and tide, a second of negligence and it is gone. According to the 'Golden Hour' concept, critically injured patients must receive immediate medical attention within 60 minutes of sustaining injuries,...Read More

10 Best Custom Software Development Startups - 2023

Custom Software Development Startups Rewriting the Tech-landscape

Amid a prosperous pool of talented software engineers and a flourishing entrepreneurial ecosystem, India has become a heart for startups focused & specialized in creating custom-made software solutions. In technology industry of India, custom software development startups have come into view as a vibrant and inventive force.

These startups are driven by a passion for solving complex problems and delivering unique software products that cater to the specific needs of businesses across various...Read More

10 Best Women Owned Startups From Tamil Nadu - 2023

Tamil Nadu’s Trailblazing Landscape of Women Startups

It’s truly overwhelming to witness the rise of new-age women entrepreneurs in Indian startup landscape. As a result of their spearheading entrepreneurial endeavors, today women are emerging as inspirational startup founders and lettering their success stories to inspire others. Backed with strong technological expertise, leadership qualities and advanced skill sets, women expanding their wings in multitude sectors. From organizing household things to organizing their own company’s meeting using Cloud...Read More

10 Best Aeroponics & Hydroponics Startups - 2023

Explore & embrace the new concepts of Aeroponics & Hydroponics as well as B2B & B2C Market
Agricultural science has come-up with a new and advanced tactics of growing crops which are getting quite popular these days, which are Aeroponics and Hydroponics. Aeroponics and hydroponics are interlinked with each other, they are similar systems developed to offer sustainable alternatives of growing food. When it comes to commercial farming, Hydroponics farming is an exciting movement in the field of commercial agriculture. Hydroponics farming method...Read More

10 Best Fintech Startups - 2023

After the thud of Covid -19 pandemic this Fintech companies have grown even more because the whole world was celebrating their quarantined life getting stuck to their homes. Technology is one among them which is making our life smoother by allowing us to pay for anything from anywhere with just a single click. In this vital situation, being cashless was the only option left for us to survive and therefore, these online payment companies grew more rapidly. Globally, an average of 64% of consumers adopted Fintech services. The revenue of the Fintech industry has grown by almost...Read More

10 Best Cloud Kitchen Startups – 2023

Cloud Kitchens are Excellently Ideating & Introducing Innovation into the Food Industry

With the advent of seamless technology integration and advancements, the restaurant industry of India is undergoing huge transformation. The wave of Pandemic increased the graph of ordering food in online and forecasted the restaurant-type dining experiences without stepping to physical areas. One such case, recently the cloud kitchen is sneaking into the food industry and the scenario of restaurants is changing over by the storm of these kitchens. A report from India Brand Equity...Read More

10 Best Organic & Bio Fertilizer Startups - 2023

Switch to Organic Fertilizer Today & Ensure the Health of your Food Tomorrow
In this social media driven decade where people believe social media influencers more than their parents or friends, the new concept of sustainable organic farming, and organic food is burgeoning at a potential pace. Intensive food production for explosively bulging population uses animal feeds supplemented with essential elements and other nonessential metals which get incorporated inadvertently in animal manures, which can uplift the quality of the soil without extensively...Read More

10 Best Startups from North East - 2023

North East Startups - The Emerging Dynamos of India
Nuzzled in the wonderful scenery of India, the startups from Northeast region are constantly gaining a momentum. In recent days they are emerging as spirit-hub of invention and entrepreneurship. Opening from the Meghalaya hills to boundaries of Arunachal Pradesh, these startups are proving that geographical barriers are not a big deal when you have a powerful wisdom and strong aspiration. They are playing a pivotal role by acting as backing system by nurturing and fostering the technological innovations...Read More

10 Best Non-Banking Financial Startups - 2023

The surge of NBFCs restructuring the finance & banking sector of India
According to statista, there is 9680 Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs) that are registered under reserve bank of India. The services and retail industry has remained largest recipient of credits from Nonbanking financial companies. The GDP ratio of NBFCs credit has rose and stood at the rate of 13.7 percent from the FY 2013 to 2021. With growing financial needs of rural population and urban middle class people, Non-banking financial companies are considered as perfect...Read More

10 Best Ad-Tech Startups - 2023

Ad-tech Startups flourishing the Advertising Landscape in India
In the business-crowded world, the robust expansion of internet users and sticking to digital media consumption led the companies and businesses to rely on advertisement providers to reach their targeted consumers. This paradigm shift has been giving rise to the market size of Ad-tech industry in India. According to Statista, the digital Advertising market in India is expected to grow by 8.48 percent during the forecast period of 2023 to 2027. And the market momentum is projected to create...Read More

10 Best PR Agencies Startups - 2023

PR Agencies Startups - Ensuring Data-driven results to various businesses
In the ever-evolving landscape of business world, standing out from the crowd is very essential, so that your brand will get recognition. In that context, the new surge of PR agencies startups is witnessed with huge responses and data-driven results for businesses by ensuring their brand’s visibility and validity. The rise of Digital media and technologies has totally changed the way data & information travels and how it creates impact on the brands reputation. The PR...Read More

10 Best Commercial Interior Design Startups - 2023

Commercial Interior Design Startups: Turning the Empty Spaces into Masterpieces
According to the market research of Mordor Intelligence, by the year 2025, the Indian real estate industry is anticipated to contribute GDP 12 percent to the country. The revenue generated in India’s commercial interior designing industry was estimated at $22.21 billion in 2023 & it’s expected to grow with CAGR of 18 percent during the forecast period 2023 to 2028. The major growth factor of interior designing is the skyrocketing rise of real estate in recent...Read More

10 Best Electronics Startups - 2023

A notable transformation of power-packed electronics industry

According to report of economic survey, the market value of electronics industry of India estimated at $118 billion in the year 2023. And the industry is aiming to achieve $300 billion by 2026. In recent decades, the penetration of digital technology in business is irresistible. It was revolutionizing the diverse range of sectors with innovative applications & services. In that list, electronics industry is witnessing with major growth and demand. Due to the doubling of urbanization and globalization, the massive...Read More

10 Best Freight Forwarding Startups - 2023

Freight Forwarding is Navigating & Crossing Horizons to Fasten the World
As we all know business trade is characterized by the interaction between buyer and seller. In this ever evolving competitive business scenario, it is little tricky to find right transportation modes, timely delivery partners, routes, all at an affordable prices, especially when it comes to international shipments. In order to synchronize communication with delivery details and balancing connection between organizations and consumers it is very important to fix the shipment...Read More

10 Best Engineering Startups - 2023

Startups Enfolding the Multifaceted Terrain of Engineering Industry
India is the country of building advanced innovations and making robust advancements at various disciplines. According to the market analysis of Mordor Intelligence, the Indian engineering services market size was estimated at $65.3 billion in 2023. Furthermore, the values are expected to reach $88.77 billion by 2028 with growth rate of CAGR of 6.35 percent in the forecast period of 2023 to 2028. Undoubtedly, engineering services industry is effectively witnessing significant growth and...Read More

10 Best B2B Marketplace Startups - 2023

Explore & embrace the new concepts of Aeroponics & Hydroponics as well as B2B & B2C Market
Agricultural science has come-up with a new and advanced tactics of growing crops which are getting quite popular these days, which are Aeroponics and Hydroponics. Aeroponics and hydroponics are interlinked with each other, they are similar systems developed to offer sustainable alternatives of growing food. When it comes to commercial farming, Hydroponics farming is an exciting movement in the field of commercial agriculture. Hydroponics farming method...Read More

10 Best Application Programming Interface Startups - 2023

API Is Creatively Enhancing Flexibility & Functionality In The Business Infrastructure
Restructuring various industries, transforming the way business operates, API has become back bone for present-day applications with massive potential in growing digital eco-space of India. API (Application programming interface) is essential software integration acting as a bridge that allows various software systems to interact each other seamlessly. Startups appeared under API technology in India are unleashing the numerous possibilities across various sectors....Read More

10 Best Bamboo - Based Product Startups - 2023

Meet the sustainable & eco-friendly alternatives - Bamboo-based Products
According to the report of Press Information Bureau(PIB) of India-2023, India alone generated 4,126,997 tonnes of unmanaged plastic waste per annum. Right from the plates and bottles we eat and drink to the miniature toys we gift our children, plastic has been indispensible part of our lives. However plastics are hazardous to our health and environment, unfortunately the usage is constantly increasing in multiple times. Recognizing this as a serious concern and make the world...Read More

10 Best Healthtech Startups - 2023

Revolutionizing Environmental Challenges & Damages With Sustainable Cleantech Solutions To Promote Safe & Healthy Living
Fueled by innovation and sustainability in the eco-conscious world, India has been spotlighting increased number of cleanTech startups in recent years. These startups are developing and deploying innovative solutions and technologies to identify and cater the core challenges in industries. They are constantly offering break-through solutions to address the disputes in each and every sector based on their products and services....Read More

10 Best Startups From Nepal - 2023

Alluring Landscape of Nepal Startups - Bringing Resilience in Business
Nepal, nestled in the arms of Himalayas, it is the most important land-locked countries in south - Asia which possesses eight out of ten world’s highest mountain peaks. The country is well known for immense natural beauty and cultural heritage in the world. Since ages, the tourism sector takes major part in Nepal’s GDP growth. The World Bank states that, the tourism industry of Nepal contributes about 6.7 percent in overall GDP of the nation. But today, the country is...Read More

Top 10 Dietary Supplements Startups - 2023

In proportion to the report of Ministry of Food Processing Industry of India, the market volume of Dietary supplements in India is estimated at $3924.44 million in 2020 and the report further states that it will reach $10,198.57 million by the year 2026 with growth rate of 22 percent on the year. Owing to the Pandemic wave, the Indian consumers are observed with holding huge belief on immunity-boosting dietary supplements which led the significant shift of buying patterns in the marketplace. Identifying the market demand and potential, India is witnessing a surge in booming startups focused on Dietary...Read More

10 Best Disinfection Product Startups - 2023

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle to Tackle the Waste
As the world grapples with managing the ever increasing wastes in eco-system, the need of innovative and sustainable solutions is skyrocketing. Due to the rapid urbanization and awareness about proper segregation of wastes embarked the country to restructure and reform waste management. On other side, the robust production of e-waste due to the increased usage of electronic gadgets has been threatening with scary effects. A report by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) states, India is generating 62...Read More

10 Best Construction Tech Startups - 2023

Technology is Enhancing the Standards of Construction Industry
Indian real estate sector has been a key driver for India’s economical growth in recent decades. There is no doubt, that construction industry is one of the fastest growing sectors in India. The robust explosion of residential and industrial construction made this industry to fly beyond the expectations. Construction companies, startups and their entrepreneurs are enthusiastically leveraging technology into the sector to cater the ever-growing demands in construction industry. Now, the...Read More

10 Best Retail Startups - 2023

The Disruption of Startups in Retail Industry of India
As world’s fourth largest country in the retail space, India is one of the most developing and promising marketplace in global destination. Global players and multinational companies precisely keeping their eyes on India, due to increased purchasing power of the country. After defeating pandemic, the market rise has been an eye-opening phase for Indian retail industry. Not just only in metro cities, also in rural areas the retail wave is blowing heavily with significant growth. A recent study...Read More

10 Best Corporate Employee Transportation Startups - 2023

Reshaping the Corporate Employee Transportation Services using Reliable Solutions
Driven by increased consciousness on safe and reliable transport solutions for employees, the corporate employee transportation industry has witnessed significant growth in India. Seeing roads without traffic is something rare in today’s context. The ever-increasing usage of vehicles has triggered the problem for people, who are supposed to travel in same jammed route every day for work or back home. In many cases, employees get delayed in booking cabs and picking...Read More

10 Best Productivity Tools Startups - 2023

Unleash Your Productivity & Conquer The Whole World With Efficient Corporate Services & Effective Tools
This complex corporate world is always running behind tasks, deadlines, and projects which need a sound and professional internal workforce which will ensure smooth and effortless successful operations that can earn profits and praises. Small business organizations always take good care of their core business functions, attention and resources, so that the flow of work might not get obstructed by any means. Corporate services cover several...Read More

10 Best Startups For Corporate Services - 2023

Unleash Your Productivity & Conquer The Whole World With Efficient Corporate Services & Effective Tools
This complex corporate world is always running behind tasks, deadlines, and projects which need a sound and professional internal workforce which will ensure smooth and effortless successful operations that can earn profits and praises. Small business organizations always take good care of their core business functions, attention and resources, so that the flow of work might not get obstructed by any means. Corporate services cover several...Read More

10 Best Crowdfunding Startups - 2023

Crowdfunding: The Future of Funding & Investment

With the advent of technology, a ground breaking phenomenon has taken centre attraction – Crowdfunding. An innovative method has revolutionized the conventional way of fund raising landscape. It is empowering the entrepreneurs to break free from limitations of traditional fund acquisition and enabling access to new era of collaborative funding. Crowdfunding is emerging as the key game changer as it is helping in collecting small amount of capital from mass individuals. Technology disruption in crowdfunding has fueled its...Read More

10 Best Organic Food Product Startups - 2023

Remarkable Growth of Indian Organic Food Products Industry

After the thrashing intruding of this gigantic pandemic, we completely understood the value of good eating and good habits for maintaining health and wellbeing. Now we know that quality of food or any products that we are consuming plays a pivotal role, and that’s the point where organic food, organic farming, and herbal & ayurvedic products have started gaining importance and they are riding up the ladder of success by skyrocketing their sale. In this social media driven decade where people believe social media...Read More

10 Best Agri Products Startups – 2023

Agri Products are Scaling-up the Standards of Indian Agriculture
India’s agriculture sector has long been the backbone of country’s economy and providing sustenance to livelihood for millions of people. With the diversified agro-climatic nature, fertile soil and rich agricultural heritage, India has emerged as global powerhouse in the agricultural products industry. The fascinating world of agri - products industry exploring huge array of crops, spices, rice varieties, vegetable and fruits to decor our dining through flavors without compromising our taste buds. Trends...Read More

10 Best Startups for Outsourced CFO Services - 2023

Outsourced CFO Services-The Unsung Blessing for Startups & Organizations
In a fast paced and competitive era of business world, it is more essential to handle the financial management carefully to ensure the success and profitability of any business. Financial health is one of the most crucial factors of our life which helps in pulling out the success ladder of the company. Whether for a startup or for well established company, managing the areas from operation management to implementing marketing strategies, investment plays an important role....Read More

10 Best Ayush Startups - 2023

Revitalizing the Health Care with Reviving AYUSH Trends
I n the ever-changing landscape of health care services, the AYUSH industry has witnessed significant growth in recent years, especially after pandemic. ‘Ayush’ is a term derived from ‘Ayurveda’ which means ‘Knowledge of Life’. AYUSH is the acronym of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy. It is an ancient medicinal practice emerged 5000 years ago, that gives holistic health care solutions. Today, the increased interests of...Read More

10 Best Cleantech Startups - 2023

Revolutionizing Environmental Challenges & Damages With Sustainable Cleantech Solutions To Promote Safe & Healthy Living
Fueled by innovation and sustainability in the eco-conscious world, India has been spotlighting increased number of cleanTech startups in recent years. These startups are developing and deploying innovative solutions and technologies to identify and cater the core challenges in industries. They are constantly offering break-through solutions to address the disputes in each and every sector based on their products and services....Read More

September Spotlight Edition - 2023

Startups Are Evolving & Spreading Their Wings Highways
From the last quarter of 20th century, the science and technology are getting stronger and superior position by the adoption and proliferation of digital computers and digital storage of information. This uncontrolled wave of scientific progress was termed as digital revolution, which fostered the development of more advanced computer systems able to digitally replicate and automate previously manually performed mathematical calculations. Today every corner of the industry is widely driven by...Read More

10 Best Video Marketing Startups - 2023

Escalating the Metrics of Business – Role of “Video Marketing” in Digital Age
According to the survey of statista, people are watching approximately 19 hours of online videos per week by 5.18 billion internet users globally. And here, video marketing plays a massive role in all types of business. Video marketing focuses on assisting the business to leverage the ability of video efficiently to transfer their brand message and engage their target audience to achieve business goals. Video marketing companies are implementing technical...Read More

10 Best Drug Discovery & Delivery Startups - 2023

In this era of customization and personalization the new horizons of science and technology is co-operating the brands to operate their business perfectly well, unveiling numerous platforms in front of the business organizations. Everyone wants to look good and stay healthy and for that, taking care of skin and health is of top priority to them. There are millions of people having different texture of skin and hair with various problems related to their health. It is not possible that one product having all the remedies for all the diseases, so it is very important to connect to the customer and knowing...Read More

10 Best Mutual Funds Startups - 2023

Pooling More Funds & Investors To Transform Mutual Funds Industry Through Mutual Funds Distributors
A registered investment advisors acts as an intermediary for investors. These advisors are regulated by SEBI (Security and exchange board of India) and AMFI (Association of mutual funds in India). They assist the investors in implementing the revenue strategies, availing the mutual funds for investments and loans against security and property. A mutual fund advisory individual or company guides the investor in financial decision making which involves...Read More

10 Best WealthTech Startups - 2023

Welcome to the New Era of Wealth Management Holding the Hands of Technology
Technology is a wonderful wonder of science that is used in practical fields in a productive way to produce more in an efficient manner. All the corners of industry have embraced technology for upbringing and updating the quality of their outcomes. Technology is playing a pivotal role in science and engineering. With each passing day the management of wealth and finance are surrendering in the hands of technology. Now like every fold of industry, technology has been infused well...Read More

10 Best FoodTech Startups - 2023

Reshaping the Food Industry by Leveraging Food Technology
What is food technology?

Food technology is the usage of cutting-edge technologies to develop, manufacture, and distribute food products and help to research and check the quality of food. It also helps to increase the food production by developing the way of cultivating and processing of food grains. Day-by-day the advancement of technology is opening new horizons in the industry and it has changed the perception of people about food & beverages. Food technology has given birth to many...Read More

10 Best Women Owned Startups From Hyderabad - 2023

Breaking the Stereotypes - Women Entrepreneurs Re-defining the Startup Game
Facing the struggles and fighting against the patriarchal norms for ages, today women have become indispensible living element to propel the nation with prosperous economy. As per the data of MoSPI (Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation), women occupies 14 percent in total entrepreneurs and 35 percent of startups founders are women. A report from ABP Network says women led business share about 20.37 percent in MSME industry of India. They are being frontrunners in...Read More

10 Best Energy Storage Startups – 2023

Efficiently Store the Potential Energy to Change the Way of Life we Live Today

Being a developing country, India is heading to attain a major succession in global economy. In enchanted growth of Indian economy, transportation and industrial sector covers a huge area to uplift the succession. At the same time, it elevates the chances of electricity scarcity and leading to increased greenhouse gases in the environment is betting simultaneously. On account of this the concept of energy storage can play an important role in improving the source of electrification grid as well saving...Read More

10 Best Digital Medical Checkup & Medicine Delivery Startups - 2023

Trimming the Blocks & Intensifying the Healthcare Facilities using Integrated Technologies

Technology has become the main component in current circumstances. It is enhancing its features in every industry, and the Healthcare industry is not an exception. It is bridging the gap between the traditional and modern healthcare system. As we all know, the impact of Covid-19 pandemic demanded the entire heathcare system to move the huge range of services to virtual mode. This crisis boosted the essence of technology in Healthcare industry and transformed Healthcare IT to a new level,...Read More

Top 10 Edtech Startups - 2023

Refurbishing the Education Industry with Uprising Technologies

Imagine earlier we were taught by our teachers who used to take lectures by standing in front of the room while students used to sit in rows and listen and jot down notes from the black board. But today, technology is impacting almost every industry and education sector is no exception. It is transforming the traditional classrooms into digital classrooms through the evolution of internet. Technology has prominently changed the structure of education. Technology has profoundly changed this scene and enabled the new...Read More

10 Best Digital Twin Startups - 2023

Surrender to the Hands of Technology & Accelerate the Efficiency with Digital Twin Technology
In today’s rapidly changing world, people seem to be moving around their hectic corporate life, where they can’t afford to waste a single moment as lazy hours. Science and technology are fueling up the speed of this progress of mankind by offering new discoveries and inventions. Digital devices are the main bridge that are connecting the human and technology and increasing the profit in the market. Just like internet, cloud computing, application...Read More

10 Best Sustainable Tourism Startups - 2023

Refocusing the Focus of the Travelers from Tourism to Sustainable Tourism
Sometimes to escape from this hustle-bustle of life is important to get back the rhythm of life to work with full concentration and freshness. Travelling gives us that golden opportunity to free our mind from stress ands anxiety. With the increased level of pollution, people got to know about the significance of switching to environment friendly substitutes. In Tourism industry, the concept of sustainability has crept in and driving the whole industry.

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10 Best AI in HR & Recruitment Startups - 2023

Recruit the Right Person Referring the Righteous Decisions of Artificial Intelligence for your Business Empire
Human resource is the foundation stone for any business empire which brings their desired outcome earning a recognizable position in the market. So, the right process of recruiting right person in your company is of utmost importance. With each passing day, technology is booming unfurling the flag of advancement in the sky making us aware of its existence in the human world. After the advent of Artificial intelligence, Machine learning various...Read More

10 Best Startups To Work For Kolkata - 2023

Startups are pushing the future towards a new dawn  of the Aspiring Business Empires
India has rich cultural heritage with having ample amount of natural resources for its people to use them. The country is having a strong line of advanced scientists who are working round the clock to pull up the economic condition through digitization and globalization. After meeting the goodness of globalization many aspiring entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas which are making our country proud in the foreign lands and extracting hefty profit and enriching...Read More

10 Best Startups To Work For Mumbai - 2023

Startups are pushing the future towards a new dawn  of the Aspiring Business Empires
India has rich cultural heritage with having ample amount of natural resources for its people to use them. The country is having a strong line of advanced scientists who are working round the clock to pull up the economic condition through digitization and globalization. After meeting the goodness of globalization many aspiring entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas which are making our country proud in the foreign lands and extracting hefty profit and enriching...Read More

10 Best Startups To Work For Hyderabad - 2023

Startups are pushing the future towards a new dawn  of the Aspiring Business Empires
India has rich cultural heritage with having ample amount of natural resources for its people to use them. The country is having a strong line of advanced scientists who are working round the clock to pull up the economic condition through digitization and globalization. After meeting the goodness of globalization many aspiring entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas which are making our country proud in the foreign lands and extracting hefty profit and enriching...Read More

10 Best Startups To Work For Bangalore - 2023

Startups are pushing the future towards a new dawn  of the Aspiring Business Empires
India has rich cultural heritage with having ample amount of natural resources for its people to use them. The country is having a strong line of advanced scientists who are working round the clock to pull up the economic condition through digitization and globalization. After meeting the goodness of globalization many aspiring entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas which are making our country proud in the foreign lands and extracting hefty profit and enriching...Read More

10 Best Fisheries & Aquaculture Startups - 2023

Stronger Economic & Ecological Benefits are Driving a Change in Fisheries & Aquaculture Industry in India

A second largest aquaculture country in the world, India occupies eight percent of global production in Fisheries & Aquaculture sector. The Fisheries & Aquaculture sector in India has been playing an essential role in elevating Indian economy and meeting the demand for modest source of nutrition. Apart from this, the Fisheries sector is supporting the livelihood of more than 28 million people in India. So, this huge industry definitely has the potential to...Read More

10 Best Recruitment Consultants Startups In Bangalore - 2023

Recruitment Consultants are redefining the Human Resource with the Touch of Technology

Being one of the smartest and advanced cities of the world, Bangalore is known as “Silicon Valley of India”. This top metropolitan city contributes huge part in the establishment of IT sector in India. Apart from having multinational companies, the city is known for innovative tech-startups and being pivotal area for entrepreneurs across the country to implement their objectives. Hence the rising emergence of tech startups & businesses is driving the pace of demand for top notch...Read More

10 Best In-Person & Digital Fitness Startups - 2023

Technology Advancements Driving the Future of Fitness Industry
Leave the anxiety, Throw out the stress and Surrender to a Sturdy Session of Digital Workout

Taking out time for physical activity is very crucial yet, in such a hectic corporate life, it is nearly impossible. It is the keyfactor which made the idea of digital fitness so popular. On the other hand, it is cost efficient, time saving as it minimizes the travel time and offers to dedicate a long strong hour into physical activity and that too being in the cozy corner of living room.
...Read More

10 Best Digital Streaming Startups - 2023

Digital Streaming Platforms: Restructuring the Entertainment Industry

The generation of having hectic work life and expectation to avail everything online has given way for evolution of digital streaming. Digital streaming means without downloading or buying the original audio or video file, we can watch and listen the different mediums including TV programs, podcasts and online shows using internet which is retrieved in specific web network. Due to the availability of affordable internet packages, there is remarkable increase in internet usage; further this boon has given rise to...Read More

10 Best Career Counselling & Guidance Startups - 2023

Career Counselling & Guidance Platforms - Navigating Careers With Confidence
As the technology evolves, endless career opportunities also emerge simultaneously. It opens numerous doors for students and professionals to enter and flourish. Usually in India, we get career guidance from our parents or educated relatives and friends. But the problem is they don’t know the specific interests and capabilities of the candidate and sometimes they will not be aware of what is trending. Since ages they mostly grind the same flours by recommending options...Read More

10 Best Brand Development Startups - 2023

Strategizing the Strategies to Create Brand Awareness

In the fast growing digital world, the role of branding becomes essential in developing business and achieving the enormous growth in market place. Branding is the way of business that differentiates the brand from competitors and creates unique identity among the targeted audiences. This activity not only boosts the popularity, it also adds value to the brand among customers. Firms which are aiming to develop their business and generate good returns on investment, then branding is an ultimate solution for a successful outcome....Read More

10 Best ERP Consulting Startups - 2023

Save your company from being broken by repairing the broken systems with

ERP solutions

In this information technology driven world, every system is fast forwarding with the constantly changing developing environment. The complex corporate life doesn’t give us sufficient time to sit and relax. In such a situation the magical machineries and highend software come into play which stop our brainstorming session at once and provide us a moment of fresh air to take a sigh of relief. ERP or Enterprise Resource Planning is one of the astounding inventions...Read More

10 Best IOT Startups - 2023

Internet of Things (IoT): Connecting Personal to Professional Life with a Single Click
The progress of science has blessed the mankind in every sphere of life by bestowing amazing and magnificent discoveries which are revolutionizing the whole world.With the advent of digitization holding the hands of science and technology, the wave of science and technology has made the whole nation smarter, wiser and efficient. Just like, artificial intelligence, wireless technology, application software which connects the whole world with a common string. Just like...Read More

10 Best Nutrition Startups - 2023

Nutraceutical Market is Progressively Evolving
What are nutrition supplements?

A Nutrition supplement is an engrossment of essential nutrients which are extracted from organic sources or concentrated by artificial synthesis. These supplements can generally consume in the form of powder, pills, or liquid based products. The prominent function of these supplements is to meet and fulfill the nutritional requirement of human body by balancing the nutritional deficiency. They contain ingredients which are rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids and...Read More

10 Best Waste Management Startups - 2023

Reduce, Reuse & Recycle to Tackle the Waste
As the world grapples with managing the ever increasing wastes in ecosystem, the need of innovative and sustainable solutions is skyrocketing. Due to the rapid urbanization and awareness about proper segregation of wastes embarked the country to restructure and reform waste management. On other side, the robust production of e-waste due to the increased usage of electronic gadgets has been threatening with scary effects. A report by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) states, India is generating 62...Read More

10 Best Personal Care D2C Startups - 2023

Improve the Health & Enlighten your Beauty without Running from Pillar to Post

In this era of customization and personalization the new horizons of science and technology is co-operating the brands to operate their business perfectly well, unveiling numerous platforms in front of the business organizations. Everyone wants to look good and stay healthy and for that, taking care of skin and health is of top priority to them. There are millions of people having different texture of skin and hair with various problems related to their health. It is not possible that one product...Read More

10 Best Hemp-based Products Startups - 2023

Hemp Industry Is Generating More Crueltyfree Products & Penetrating Sustainable Economy
Going back to the time of ancient civilization, Ayurveda considered hemp as pack of medicinal values with a capability of understanding the body rejuvenation properties. Hemp, a botanical class of cannabis, it is concretely grown for its medicinal benefits and industrial uses. It is used in wide range of commercial products. Comparing to other trees and plants, hemp absorbs more carbon-di-oxide in the environment. Currently, many countries have started investing on...Read More

10 Best Security & Surveillance Startups – 2023

Prevent your property from the prey of the cunning criminals installing the advanced system of security
Today’s fast urban life leaves no stone unturned to get us occupied and sandwiched in between the doodles of deadlines.The foundation of this corporate driven world is profit, and for gaining profit, several companies are running from pillars to post without any hesitation. Now, if your hours of long tiring work go in vain facing a theft, burglary and cyber-crimes, you cannot be able to fetch your desired profit or reach to your dedicated...Read More

10 Best Startups to work for Chennai ­- 2023

Chennai Is Becoming the Fulcrum of Communication & Technology with its Emerging Enterprises
After meeting the goodness of globalization many aspiring entrepreneurs are coming up with new ideas which are making our country proud in the foreign lands and extracting hefty profit by enriching our GDP. The employment opportunities are burgeoning being the biggest employer in the organized sector. On the other hand, many MNCs and renowned brands are investing in the industrial sectors of India attracted by India's ballooning population who can be used...Read More

Top 10 NFT Development Startups - 2023

Non-Fungible Asset: New Generation Tool for Upgrading & Upskilling the Creativity to the Next Level

In this decade of digitization, every sector is switching to online digital format and unveiling new horizons. Like other sectors, banking and finance has already spread their arms in this online sector. Apart from currency there is a new addition of digital money that came up to the market called cryptocurrency. It is a digital form of money which is not only central registered but also can be exchanged into different tangible forms. This new tech-based concept was mainly...Read More

10 Best DevOps Consulting Startups - 2023

Software development is one of the greatest things that ever happened in the world over the last two decades or so. Software development tools played a crucial role in the computer devices ad have changed the world in many different ways, making people’s lives better and fulfilling. With the advent of smart phones and internet, particularly social media, children are exposed to a range of thing, some attracts good while some attracts immorality and bad behavior. But the good news is, with the explosion of the software industry, parents are now able to...Read More

10 Best Creative Advertising Startups - 2023

Ad Startups Expanding the Limits of Brand Building
Traditionally, ads were all about endorsing celebrities to attract consumer attention and trust in promoting their brand but with time, the concept of advertisements went through a sea change. Today, the ad ecosystem is highly evolved and brands are struggling to find creative content, new perspectives, refreshed thinking, holistic approaches and deep understanding of the factors that influence consumer needs to stay afloat in the cutting-edge competition in the world of brand building.

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10 Best Cloud Startups - 2023

Cloud Consulting Services in This Digital World Winning Hearts of the IT Hubs across India
After the era of digital revolution, everything in our surrounding is getting internet driven. We can’t walk a single step without the help of internet. In recent times, the corporate world has overshadowed the whole scenario which is solely dependent on digitally advanced technologies. cloud computing or cloud services which are an application and infrastructure resource that works over the online platforms.

Cloud Services:...Read More

10 Best Fuel Delivery Startups - 2023

Fuel Delivery Services: Exploring New Horizons of Business with ease by Touch of Technology
In such a cut-throat competitive situation, reaching to your desired destination or workplace on time is of paramount interest. But if you discover your vehicle is out of fuel, and on top of that there is no petrol pump near your location, then it will lead to panic-stricken situation, as without fuel your vehicle is rendered useless. But, in this era of internet and artificial intelligence, you do not need to worry a bit as fuel delivery is possible now at your...Read More

Spotlight May - 2023

How Ailing Indian Economy Is Coming Round After The Major Thrash Of Pandemic
In the wake of such deadly influence of pandemic, each corner of the world has felt the unleashing effect of it, which not only demolished the colossal foundation of civilization but it brought the whole nation into a standstill. Every time we asked ourselves is it the end of an era? Do we really have the power to bring back the reviving effects in the lives of the millions of innocent souls? After a vigorous session of brainstorming scientists have cracked the panacea of this...Read More

10 Best B2C Marketplace Startups - 2023

Connect to your Customer Correctly Clasping the Coherence of B2C Channels
In such a cut-throat competitive industry, you have to keep yourself updated with changing time to keep up the sale and recognition of your enterprise. With passing time, technology is booming opening new doors and platforms in front of the business organization. Amidst many business models in the country, B2C is a prominent model where the companies offer products and services direct to the target customers without having the middlemen in the business.

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10 Best AR & VR Startups - 2023

AR & VR Technologies: Unmasking The Creativity In The Business World

What is AR & VR technology?

Revamping the way people see the world by creating new and exciting interactive experiences, augmented and virtual reality technologies emerged with tremendous promising features in various sectors such as medical, real estate, education, gaming, marketing, manufacturing and so on. To make it clear, augmented reality is integration of virtual data with data information’s like videos, audios and graphic data packs transferred into real world to...Read More

10 Best Auto Tech Startups- 2023

Resurgence of New Decade with Automatic Motor vehicles
In this rapidly evolving world, people seem to be moving around their hectic corporate life, where they can’t afford to waste a single moment as lazy hours. In such a tough and confined situation, where people are leading ahead with their fast life here Automotive technology plays a pivotal role. As the technology is upbringing, a wide variety of technological advancements are being witnessed by today’s civilized citizens. Automotive technology makes it possible to drive a car for any...Read More

10 Best Saas Based Edtech Startups - 2023

SaaS based Edtech Platforms Helps Education to Thrive Beyond the Four walls of Classroom

Ever since the pandemic invaded, several industries across the globe turned towards the digital bandwagon, and the education institutions are no exception. The digitalization in Education today dragged the core concept of education outside the physical classrooms.

SaaS based Edtech Platforms: Education models evolve with time, sometimes due to changes in the market and sometimes due to advent of technology, resulting in emergence of new trends. And one such trend that is widely...Read More

10  Best Fraud Detection Startups - 2023

Fraud Prevention: Prevention is Better than Cure
Looking back to a decade or so, one can realize the tremendous change that swept the industries today owing to the advent of industry 4.0 and AI technology. And, no denying the fact that they have bought down significant revolution and have pushed every industry toward the digital shift.This rapid digitalization impacts every industry verticals in one way or the other. While this digitization has presenting plethora of advantages for organizations, digital frauds have also skyrocketing significantly in the...Read More

10 Best AI Based Healthcare Startups ­- 2023

AI Polishing up the Hidden Gems in Healthcare
Artificial Intelligence is the most wonderful and glorious invention of this era. John McCarthy first coined the term Artificial Intelligence in 1956 at the Dartmouth Conference, of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Artificial Intelligence and Digital transformation are buzzwords in this contemporary society where people eat and sleep with digitally smart devices. From construction to corporate, from healthcare to education every horizon of these economic sectors is majorly driven by digital...Read More

10 Best Publishing Startups - 2023

Publishing Houses Unveiling the Horizons of Advanced Printing Technology

Whenever an author brings his heart out through words, he always dreams of getting his work published by trusted publishing house so that his written piece of memento reaches every corner of the world retaining all its essence. Authors are very skeptical about the publishing house or printing house where his long-awaited manuscript will get a new avatar by the touch of new technology. Print media has working as the medium of communication which disseminate information through the mass population since its...Read More

10 Best Leaders in Startups - 2023

Leaders Harnessing the Potential of Startups
Indian Startup Ecosystem: The term Startup has become a buzzword of 21st-century The honorable Prime Minister’s call for Startup India movement in 2015 on August 15th is the prime factors behind India witnessing many industries and industry leaders venturing into statups. As of 2022, a total of 80,152 startups had been officially recognized by DPIIT, wherein 19,000 startups only attribute to the year 2022. Though the startup funding saw a downfall in value due to the global epidemic, however, regained its momentum in...Read More

10 Best Sports Startups - 2023

A New Dawn for the Sports Industry
In between the bustling life of corporate contemporary world, a moment of fresh air is miserably needed which rejuvenates all limbs and cells of our body. Keeping this idea in mind humans engage in few recreational and fitness activities which energizes the body and soothes the soul. The recent decade has been a part of those miserable moments when the engulfing pandemic demolished the whole society throwing the mankind behind the four walls of their houses. In such a situation, sports industry has dramatically grown to...Read More

10 Best Eco-Friendly Products Startups - 2023

Save the Earth, by Enhancing the Production of Eco-friendly Goods
With each passing day, the level of contamination on the earth is exceeding all its limits. The major fluctuations of climate are the living example of this increased level of pollution. This treacherous and crucial matters need to be eradicated to save the mother earth from the howling effects of pollution. In the path of building smooth smiling and safe environment, first step to be taken is eradicating the level of pollution by using non-toxic and eco-friendly products.

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10 Best Financial Consulting Startups - 2023

Invest Better with Better Financial Consultants
New Generation Financial Consultants: Looking back to two or three decades, we can realize the tremendous change that swept the industries, and the way it evolved the role of industry and industry leaders is highly commendable. Owing to this, the role of financial consultants too evolved and developed in many ways. From a mere bookkeepers and basic tax advisors to expert solution providers across a wider gamut of services required by the industry, their corporate voyage is exemplary. Today,...Read More

10 Best AI In Finance Startups - 2023

Welcome to the New Era of Wealth Management Holding the Hands of Technology
Technology is a wonderful wonder of science that is used in practical fields in a productive way to produce more in an efficient manner. All the corners of industry have embraced technology for upbringing and updating the quality of their outcomes. Technology is playing a pivotal role in science and engineering. With each passing day the management of wealth and finance are surrendering in the hands of technology. Now like every fold of industry, technology has been infused well...Read More

Spotlight April – 2023

A Shift from Manual to Digital
The mankind can realize the tremendous change that swept the industries just by looking back to two or three decades. Some of the giant organizations, who are ruling over the corporate world today, are hardly two or three decades old. In these last twenty years and so industries have witnessed many trends but the major trend that steers industries towards unmatched heights now is the digital transformation. Today, business models including digital solutions are operating with a great efficiency that leads to better...Read More

10 Best Video Production Startups - 2023

After a tedious week of slow suffering in office there comes the weekend, that is astoundingly desirable in this corporate urban life. In the weekend we need some contents of entertainment that can please our mind working as the stress buster on the other side it swell up the sales of marketers. There are some houses and organizations those are making our mind free of stress and anxiety by making such tokens of entertainment. Video production companies are such enterprises which creates high-quality, in-depth motion content.

Video...Read More

10 Best Language Learning Startups – 2023

A New language - No more a Hectic Task
The Gen-Y considers world as home instead of dreaming for a home in the world. They love to explore, travel, see new worlds and interact with new people, learn new habits and choose where to spent rest of their lives. Humans often likes to try a number of new things, learning new language is one such thing. Learning a new language is exciting and is a challenging activity to your brain. A bucket of new words and moreover learning the accent makes it difficult.

People learn languages for plenty of reasons....Read More

10 Best Mobility as a Service Startups - 2023

Mobility Service Industry is Breaking All the Bars & Fetching Lucrative Profits
As the contemporary world is corporate driven, Contemporary and Corporate seems very synonymous to each other as they both compliments each other. In this competitive world, being motivated and staying in rhythm is the only way to keep up with the pace. In this busy world where we are running behind the deadlines, there is no scope for wasting of time. Here comes the efficiency and effectiveness of the word ‘mobility’. In last few decades automotive industry...Read More

10 Best Gluten Free Food Startups - 2023

Gluten Free Food: A Natural Treat for Health
The Evolved Food Consuming Behavior: Today, with more and more people realizing the fact the ‘caring is better than curing’ the awareness for eating healthy is mounting like never before. However, eating healthy is not about going on a diet but all about starting intentional eating which is a wholesome investment that is worth for a long-term healthy life.

The overall diets have been changed significantly with the constantly evolving food...Read More

10 Best Telemedicine Startups - 2023

With Telemedicine Quality Care is now a Click Away
In recent times with new age cutting edge technologies, healthcare has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast-paced industries and witnessing an ever-changing landscape filled with advancement. Meanwhile, to respond this ever-shifting environment and to improve the overall quality of patient care, today’s healthcare practitioners facilitate with hightech operations that uses cutting-edge technology tools. One such emerging concept in the healthcare sector today is Telemedicine, which is growing...Read More

10 Best Green Energy Startups – 2023

In between the tussle of work life and domestic life we are losing our loving nature gradually day- by-day. Unknowingly we are exploiting the natural resources to draw the maximum benefits out of it. Energy is something that is of paramount importance and which is laying at the pinnacle of this industry driven economy. From the time immemorial, we are using convenient sources of energy like fossil fuels, coal, geothermal energy, naturalgas as the sources of energy for continuing daily needs of thermal power stations or other engineering and manufacturing industry or increasing demand of fuels for vehicles....Read More

10 Best Food & Beverage D2C Startups - 2023

In such a cut-throat competition of urban corporate life, delicious food and beverages are basic necessities to boost and rejuvenate the hectic human life. We live on food and live for food as well. Whenever we get some lazy hours, we think of assembling in a restaurant with the dear ones for a full-fledged gossip session or shed few drops of tears on the miseries of life over a cup of coffee and flavorsome food. Food and beverages contain nutrients which are essential for the growth, repair, and maintenance of the regulations of vital processes of human body. These foods and...Read More

10 Best Rooftop Solar Installation Startups - 2023

New-age Solution of Generating Power without Harming the Natural Flow of Environment

Finally, in this post pandemic era mankind has realized the true value of environment and its protection as well as conventional sources of energy. Renewable sources of energy, the one's which are easily available in the nature, can be converted to usable energy sources with very little expense. As the urban civilization is exploring, the forests are being erased for high-rise buildings to accommodate the exploding population. The cities are merging with the villages and transforming it into...Read More

10 Management Consulting startups - 2023

Successful Career Path with Management Consultants 
The management consultancy is playing a significant role in the development of the Indian business sector. As the management consulting industry expands, it continues to divide into two market segments: a commoditized, low-cost sector and a highvalue, specialized consulting sector. Nowadays, demand for management consultancy services is growing, which targets company executives and provides them with industry specific specialists and subject matter experts. Therefore, the 2023 trend will be for...Read More

10 Best Last Mile Delivery Startups - 2023

Adding a Bit of Technology & Sustainability
Changing consumer trends and adoption of technology are the major factors disrupting the last mile delivery sector. The consumer goods, retail and e-Commerce are depend on last mile delivery companies. In coming years, the supply chain organisations will be investing huge amounts on applications that support advanced analytics and AI capabilities, to ensure smooth, safe and on-time transportation of goods. The success of a brand is directly dependent on compact last-mile delivery software. Delivery...Read More

10 Best Digital Career Coaching Startups - 2023

Millions and more job seekers enroll everyday for their dream jobs but few of them succeed in their pathway owing to this cut-throat competition in the corporate world. In such situation, it becomes more than compulsory for new-age candidates to take valuable advices from career coaches who have their vast field of expertise in this segment.

Working Process of Career-Coach: The professional life always demands for proactive ideas and thoughts which is crisp, compact and concise. These coaches work one-to-one basis to know...Read More

10 Best Software Engineering & Development Startups - 2023

The Epitome of Development 
Predicting the future trends of software is hard and impossible. Because the industry is continuously evolving in all directions, in order to satisfy market’s emerging expectations. However one thing is sure from the growth trajectory of software industry in the past few years, the industry will continue its growth with emerging trends and frequent changes. If we are looking to our near future, we could see a digital world where software solutions would largely determine the way of life. Coming few years will see...Read More

10 Best HR Consulting Startups­ - 2023

The Perfect Match makers for the Organizations
As the name suggests human resource specialists are the one in the industry who works towards the perfect selection of the workforce which will be beneficial for upliftment of the organizations. So, for this the HR experts needs to set few parameters with which they set for the selection procedure. Other than selecting candidates HR consultants do the necessary paperwork, maintains employee records, and also ensures that the HR process acts in accordance with the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

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 10 Best Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing Startups -  2023

Producing a Hassle-free Safe & Secure Work Process for Better Outcomes
As a coin has its two sides, each and every element in this world comes with their pros and cons. Likewise, digitization and the immense spread of internet has given birth of cybercrimes, hacking, threats which are increasing in number day by day. It is nearly impossible to eliminate these ill-practices of technical advancement on the mankind, but it can be reduced or controlled to some extent. The system which works towards a threat free cyber world is called Vulnerability...Read More

10 Best Petcare Startups - 2023

A Pet  Friend to Escape the Solitude
During the healthcare crisis caused by covid-19 pandemic, we witnessed several industries slump and many businesses suffering loss, but there is one industry that has thrived, it is the petcare industry. Several psychological factors have been a cause behind this enthralling growth of the petcare industry. Pets filled people's emptiness during the lockdown period. These days people are suffering from a mental state of isolation and pets can effectively help individuals recover from such mental state.

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10 Best Architecture Design Startups – 2023

The Boiling Trend of Integrating Architecture with Sustainability
The ever changing technology and culture trends are influencing the architect designs and the industry is evolving for better. In the emerging new trends, spatial concepts are overlooked and tiny homes are considered new norm and modular prefab houses has become a more preferred choice. Immense importance is given to green infrastructure and energy efficiency. In coming years, a symbiosis between various fields is expected to increase to develop more complex architectural systems that...Read More

Spotlight Edition - March Special – 2023

AI Fostering Long-term Digital Transformation Goals for Businesses
Though the pandemic has posed a disruptive period over every industry, inadvertently it has unbarred a plethora of opportunities for growth of AI, Digital Transformation, AR & VR, Hybrid work and many. And bouncing back to the challenges, industries have speeded-up the adoption of digital technologies, sustainability and change management as their new asset for potential growth. AI being central to almost every industry, playing a pragmatic role in transforming the business operations...Read More

10 Travel & Tourism Apps - 2023

Internet along with Mobile Phones made Traveling a Cake Walk
Traveling is no longer a part of human life but become a lifestyle. Being an escape from daily routine travelling can boost mood and increase overall happiness. By providing a great opportunity to feel more alive and stable, but only when it is well planned.Unplanned trips may leave an equally negative impact on the travelers.

The Revolution: Undeniably, with the growing access to mobile phones and the advent of digitalization has together...Read More

10 Best Digital Job Platform Startups - 2023

A Digital Shift in Head Hunting
Looking back to one or two decades, one can realize the tremendous change that swept the industries today owing to the advancement of technology. Like any other industry, requirement or head hunting too is a part of this significant revolution and experiencing a digital shift with new form of recruitment strategies, which act as a tailwind behind the HR industry. As per a study conducted by experts shows that the growth of digital media made digital recruiting crucial for HR in order to acquire one of the top talents for...Read More

10 Best Vegan Food Startups – 2023

Veganism: For Health, Planet & Animals
The Evolved Food Consuming Behavior: Today, with more people realizing healthy eating is not about going on a diet but about doing a wholesome investment for long-term life, the intentional eating is rising exponentially. Also, over the time the overall diets have been changed significantly and new trends are emerging for foods that we consume. This constantly evolving food selections, availability and science gives birth to many diet trends that include flexitarian, organic, functional or value,...Read More

10 Best Cold Pressed Oil Brand Startups – 2023

Live Healthy, with Cold Pressed Oil
Applying heat while extracting oil or juice will degrade the nutritional quality and flavour of the products. Cold press processing reduces exposure to heat and oxygen during the production process, permitting high levels of taste and nutrient retention. When oils are extracted in this way, it retains its genuine flavour, aroma, and nutrients. The highly health conscious young generation has the motto of ‘Health is Wealth’ and spends a lot on food and fitness. Reduced cholesterol levels, improved brain...Read More

10 Best Health & Fitness Platform Startups -­ 2023

Health & Fitness is not Fad or Trend, but a Lifestyle
True Health: As per the World health organization (WHO), "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". And, WHOagain clarified in 1986 that, "health is a resource for everyday life, not the goal of living. Health is a positive concept that emphasizes both social and personal resources as well as physical abilities” This clearly defines that health is not a personal resource, rather...Read More

10 Best Sustainable Clothing Startups - 2023

Clothing Stands Tall with an Attitude of Zero compromise with Future
Humans completely rely on natural resources for everything, be it business activities or survival and ignoring sustainability can lead to a disruptive end, which is why adopting sustainability is not an option but compulsion. A sustainable brand is nothing but the one that thinks beyond profit and considers values, such as environmental impact, waste management, ethical supply chains and more. COVID has posed a backdrop for a number of major climate actions around the globe, as a result...Read More

10 Best Natural Language Processing Startups -­ 2023

Increasing the Chatbot Accuracy with NLP
As the importance of data is growing, so does the necessity to differentiate these data. This is where Natural Language Processing (NLP) a growing subset of AI finds importance due to the increasing amount of unstructured language data. The rapid growth of social media contributing to the piling up digital data, is creating troubles in generating user data. NLP enables systems to understand and comprehend information through linguistics in the same way as humans do. The lack of understanding of semantics and...Read More

10 Best EV Brand Startups – 2023

Getting Ready for a Sci-fi Change
As quoted by Carlos Ghos, ‘The time is right for electric cars - in fact the time is critical’.

Yes, it is high time to think about an alternative for smoke generating petrol & diesel vehicles, especially when the natural resources are draining out. The top Automotive kings of the world like Tesla, Ford, and others are working on bettering electric cars by increasing battery life and researching on methods to reduce its charging time. The automotives companies are working on the development of their...Read More

10 Best MedTech Startups - 2023

MedTech:Connecting Healthcare with Technology
In the post pandemic scenario, the demand for healthcare consulting is growing exponentially. Owing to this paradigm shift, the healthcare seen tremendous growth in recent time, and so is MedTech. Also, it won’t be wrong to depict that COVID has bought forward the criticality of MedTech in the country’s healthcare infrastructure and its ability to respond to advance clinical, commercial, and digital transformation. Moreover, the ever evolving health care market is posing back to back opportunities...Read More

10 Best Corporate Wellness - 2023

Ensuring environmental wellness in the workplace
The wellness industry in India is scaling up in terms of advancements and achievements. The industry expands into a broad sector which now has evolved as a developer of businesses. Companies have now begun to realise that the wellbeing of the employees has a direct impact on their happiness, and happiness has a direct impact on their productivity. A wellness program's goal is to create a work environment where the emphasis is on overall wellness. Corporate wellness programs have gained much popularity...Read More

10 Best Deeptech Startups – 2023

Deeptech Startups Efficiently dealing with Today’s Deepest Challenges
The term Startup has become a buzzword of 21st century. Truly speaking, the honorable Prime Minister’s call for Startup India movement in 2015 on August 15th has augmented the count for mushrooming statups in India. As a result, Deeptech startups too increasing in numbers and India as a whole have evolved as a top-3 startup ecosystem. The term Deeptech or deep technology startups refer to a class of startup businesses that offers tangible engineering innovation or scientific...Read More

10 Best Recruitment Startups from Hyderabad - 2023

Digitalization making Recruitment Process a Cake Walk
Looking back to one or two decades, one can realize the tremendous shift that swept the industries today owing to the advancement of technology and Staff augmentation services and Recruitment or head hunting is not an exception. After invaded by Digitalization, Artificial intelligence and machine learning the industry is streamlining the recruitment processes, while improving candidate matching, and reducing time-to-hire. Now, there is a rise in niche and specialized recruitment startups catering to...Read More

Top 10 Insurance Broking Startups - 2023

Security must be the First Priority

The acceleration of digitalization has had an impact not only on front-office areas such as product development and customer interaction but also on finance and insurance. Technology, Analytics, And Big data have changed the landscape of almost every industry and insurance companies are no different. Backed by apt technologies and innovations, today insurance sector is achieving significant competitive edge and driving operational agility to respond to the shifting customer needs and demands. With the ever evolving insurance market and changing...Read More

10 Best Art & Craft Startups -­ 2023

Creative Pursuits
Since time immemorial, arts and crafts have been embedded as a culture and tradition within Indian communities. The Art & craft industry in India is highly fragmented and as diverse as it's rich history, culture and religion. It holds the craftsmanship of each state in the country reflects unity in diversity. The traditional artisans have been successfully keeping up with the rich culture and traditions which is still being carried out today. Some of the numerous tribal crafts manufactured in India include: Antiques, Art,...Read More

Spotlight Edition – 2023

Industries Surge Transparency through Industry 4.0
Industry 4.0 and IoT are being compared to the industrial revolution, which has dramatically changed the future endeavor of every industry we can count on. They are significantly revolutionizing the way companies manufacture, improve and distribute their products by integrating new technologies, including Internet of Things (IoT), cloud computing and analytics, AI and machine learning. This leads to increased automation and efficient industry operations which helps in increasing production and...Read More

10 Best Web3 Startups ­- 2023

How the Third Generation Web Disrupting Internet
 After Web 1.0 and Web 2.0, the third generation of web technologies is here and though still in its formative stage, promises to decentralize applications, mainstream blockchain usage, machine learning and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in unprecedented ways. It may also introduce to us semantic web where data in web pages will be structured and tagged in such a way that computers will be able to read it directly. Web 3.0 may also change forever the way we use websites and interact with the web.

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10 Best Fashion Startups - 2023

Wear your Dreams
Fashion is not just about wearing apparel, it is more a self expression and change and this is significant to make life interesting. The spirit of fashion has become more bold and daring and symbolises a generation enjoying the freedom of speech and expression to its most. Moreover the instaage of technology, younger generations want to stand out from the crowd, are losing favour for mass produced' or 'fast fashion' clothing. So even top brands are thinking differently, from mass production and sorting out new methods to cope...Read More

10 Best Market Trading Platform Startups - 2023

Trading Platforms - Future of Trading
The growth in digitalization globally has driven the online trading platform market. Online trading platforms are digitally enabled transactions of trade in goods and services. They monitor live market prices and accordingly assist the user in performing buying and selling activities as well as holding of stock options. Technological advancement is a key trend driving the popularity in online trading platforms market. The global online trading platform market is projected to grow from $8.59 billion in 2021 to $12.16...Read More

10 Best EV Charging Startups - 2023

The Future City
There is a car passing you without leaving any smoke, look there is no driver in it but there are passengers engaged in their own things and the driverless electric car is running at a very high speed without breaking any traffic rules. This is what top Automotive companies are visualising about their products in the future. As the first step has been laid by World’s automotive kings like Tesla, Ford, and others by successfully topping the sales in electric cars, researches are going on to develop more efficient batteries so that the...Read More

10 Best Data Science Startups - 2023

Data Science going Extra Miles to Cater Business Needs
In today’s world of internet and social media, people are actively available in virtual world rather than the real one. Billions and more users connect in these social platforms in a daily basis and share information in the form of images, videos, and many more which results in rapid data growth. However, this rising Big Data is not an overhead anymore and now companies are using this to achieve an unbeatable growth to sail faster from their competitors.

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10 Best Interior Design Startups­ - 2023

Decorating Homes : From Materials to Moods
Interior designing is one of the most sought after professions in India today. The market trend shows a remarkable growth in the demand of interior designers. With improved living standards, people are looking for healthier and aesthetically pleasing environment to live in. People are attracted to have theme-based interiors and styles to make their homes stand out. The interior design trend will increase in coming  years, as people are looking for making beautiful and plush homes that could give a feeling of...Read More

10 Best Beauty Brand Startups ­- 2023

Taking Care of Beauty is a Regular Affair
As no one want to look old and unattractive, taking care of one's beauty become a regular affair. However, we need to be more alert and informed about the products and ingredients that we include in our skin care resume. Because this is something where one-size does not fits all and every skin need to be pampered in completely different manners along with precision or customized products. Though Cosmetics and make-ups have been around women for many centuries, today it plays an equally important role for both...Read More

10 Best Social Media Marketing Startups - 2023

Growing Importance of Strategy & Crisis Management

Social media marketing is a fast paced constantly changing landscape. With the continued growth of popularity of social media, this marketing trend will enhance further. The importance of social media in consumer’s lives makes social media easiest platform for marketers and businesses flock to connect with the customers. Not having a clear social media strategy makes it challenging for the companies to standout and ensure the reach of their products. Surveys show that crisis management will be essential for every company...Read More

10 Best Home Healthcare Startups - 2023

The Concept of Healthcare at Home Buzzing Around the Society Fetching Hefty Profit

The world was moving round its own orbit joyfully in an uninterrupted way until the dawn of 2020 carried the deadly virus named Corona virus which captured the whole world and closed every element on this earth behind the walls. The natural rhythm of earth got severely affected, so did the human lives. All the lives were perishing at a glance and the whole universe came to a long pause. In this situation healthcare services were of supreme need which are the last resort for the revival of earth and...Read More

10 Best Skill Based Gaming Startups - 2023

Is Mobile Gaming the Gambling Industry of Future?

With the growth of mobile gaming industry, more youngsters are attracted towards winning money through games. So the older generation often compare such skill-based gaming with the old brick-and-mortar casinos. There is no doubt that mobile will be the future of gambling industry, but are these mobile games just a sheer chance of luck? skill-based games are games that rely on the player’s skill in order to win. In pure skill games, there is no element of randomness and the outcome is entirely reliant on the player’s...Read More

10 Best Mental Health Startups - 2023

Mental Illness or psychotherapeutic conditions are classified as abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviour for a determined amount of time, which causes distress or emotional/physical impairment. This includes a wide range of psychological and psychiatric disorders. These conditions are caused by either a biological origin such as genetic, chemical, and anatomical or a psychological origin such as trauma or conflict. With increasing concerns about mental health, the market is growing all over the world. Previously mental health and treatment were not given required importance...Read More

10 Best Advertising Startups - 2023

Master the topic, the message, & the delivery
The word ‘advertising’ is replaced by the word ‘marketing disciplines’ by marketers these days. Every day the Ad industry searching for new trends and has become one of the most competitive as well as flourishing industry. The industry has gone far from the method of older ways of running pre-decided Ad, breaking the fun while watching your favourite TV show. Eventhough that method still persists; it is not the way to catch the glimpse of millennials and GenZ.

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10 Best Baby Products Startups – 2023

Young millennial mothers are very much concerned of the health and safety of young babies. They are the most tech-savvy mothers which makes it easier for them to research on what is best for their babies. Thus the baby care products market is growing all over the world, especially in India. Baby care products are easily available in the market via both online and offline modes of distribution. Baby care products are manufactured keeping in mind the sensitive skin of the babies so that their application doesn't have any side effects on the skin.

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