siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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20 Most Promising Accounting & Bookkeeping Service Providers – 2018

Knowing well about what happens tomorrow and the day after across the financial ecosystem, is one of the primordial aspects which every business currently requires to stand an edge above the spurting competition. Accounting and bookkeeping in fact has the innate advantage to analyse the data and numbers of today to predict the financial status of any business for the next day as well as its imminent future. Clearly, these services drive the businesses even across the uncharted financial waters and generate efficient plans for their prospective growth. From utilizing paper based...Read More

10 Most Promising Digital Wallet Companies – 2018

Right from recharge bills till shopping, payment can be executed at just one click across digital wallets/e-Wallets which are paving way to a cashless economy. Placing no need for credit or debit cards, these digital wallets have their own balance and let the customers make payments for all their requirements without any additional information. Further with the inclusion of these wallets into mobile applications has facilitated the payment processes even well. With hassle-free functions and top-notch encryption, the digital wallets have gone beyond the convention of just carrying...Read More

10 Most Promising Price Comparison Portals – 2018

The transition towards e-Commerce websites among the Indian shoppers is clearly accentuating along with the upswing in number of online retailers plunging into the industry with products and offers galore. As majority of Indian consumers impart a price sensitive mindset while shopping, price comparison portals silhouette as the lifeblood of online retail sphere by creating a hassle-free shopping experience to them. Right from a mammoth collection of product categories from multiple e-Retailers to their features, prices, deals and other facets, these portals guide you across the...Read More

10 Most Promising Trade Finance Companies – 2018

As the old saying goes, ‘A penny saved is a penny earned’. In this world of thrifty markets and ever growing expense, saving is no more a luxury but a necessity. Likewise, businesses now, with their global expansion, cannot rely on the conventional ‘taala-chaabi’ money mindset and need expert opinion on how to handle finance in the right manner. This finance can be either the profits earned after a successful project or a lifetime saving, can be the conventional asset or the much talked upon digital asset. The trade finance experts chalk the correct way...Read More

20 Most Promising Payments & Merchants Service Providers - 2018

It cannot be disputed that the introduction of the concept of ‘money’ dealt a huge impact on humanity, that can still be felt today It serves its purpose only when it moves from one hand to another or from one source to another. From barter system to a currency based society, the recent digital evolution saw several stages such as metal coins, paper currencies, plastic cards to the latest cashless economy which was a clever move from the government side to curb corruption in the nation. Initiatives such as demonetization, direct benefit transfers and BHIM (Bharat...Read More

20 Most Promising GST Software Service Providers - 2018

Not too long ago, the nation went into a financial undulation. With demonetization and GST combined, it was a serious consideration for individuals and businesses alike to align their financial valuation accordingly. GST came in like a wrecking force, bringing the entire nation under the blanket of one tax, doing away with the anomaly that surrounded the various tax imposed on the public, some genuine, some a menace, but mandatory nevertheless. With the influx of GST, it was no more an option to educate oneself about the new rules and regulations and even after a year of...Read More

20 Most Promising Virtual CFO Service Providers - 2018

Starting a business of one’s own is a dream of  many.  But  when  many  entrepreneurs finally find their way and venture onto the business field, the majority of them stuck with  the  nuances  of  compliances,  accounting and taxation which are critical to grasp the full potential of any company. A slightest pass over of financial and accounting matters like auditing, taxation, corporate compliances and now GST filing, can end up in revenue leakages, excessive tax payments and, inaccurate profitability of the business...Read More

10 Most Promising Accounting Outsourcing Companies-2018

Accounting for an organization is like waking up early in the morning, cardinal yet cumbersome. Cardinal because financial record-keeping nourishes a company’s financial health and cumbersome because it calls for a great amount of dedication, time, and money, which otherwise would have fueled the focus on its core mission. It is this necessity that mothered the invention of accounting outsourcing, an approach that delegates an organization’s financial function to accounting & bookkeeping providers. Finance & banking institutions, start-ups, transportation,...Read More

10 Most Promising Financial Investment Planning Companies - 2018

As winter approaches, we prepare for it beforehand by accumulating woolens, cozy blankets, tuning up the heating systems, and the like. Evidently, it is a human tendency to plan for the future just like how planting a tree in our youth helps us enjoy its shade when aged. Wealth being a person’s best friend in need,  financial investments prove to be an epitome of future planning as a small amount of money invested today may result in a colossal gain for the future. However, financial investment is not something to be taken with a pinch a salt, careful analysis and...Read More