siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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College of the Year - 2019

The education system in India has expanded drastically and undergone various changes since the last three decades. The tertiary student population is increased by six-fold, from 5.7 million in 1996 to an estimated 36.6 million in 2018. The number of universities grew from 190 in 1991 to 903 in 2018, while the number of colleges exploded where 18,000 new colleges were established between 2008-16. The number of technical institutions offering programs at various levels jumped by a whopping 1,278 percent between 1980 and 2012; while there were only 794 such institutions in 1980,...Read More

10 Most Promising STEM Education Institutes - 2019

Change is the only constant and with advancements in technology, industry and various aspects, the Education industry has not been untouched. An ever evolving sector, the education industry is consistently introduced to new theories and practices in accordance to the recent tech advancement and researches happening around. Today, one such latest introduction within the education industry is STEM education. STEM education has become the buzzword of the Indian education fraternity. The abbreviated form of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics education, STEM education...Read More

siliconindia Education Leaders Book - 2019

Education is akin to worship in India as it needs the same kind of dedication, effort and devotion! Currently, India is home to a wide spectrum of higher education institutions, while it holds great prominence across the global education industry. Catalyzing the growth of Indian as well as global education industry to a great extent is technology. Technological advancements that are unfolding today are significantly impacting the diverse teaching methods along with the outcomes of those methods. Besides, the focus now is on bringing an overall development, which is life based,...Read More

10 Most Promising Cyber Security Training Institutes - 2019

Today, internet has made a firm grip in all our lives, marking its dominance and affecting our routine lifestyle like never before. Although the increasing use of internet is slowly leading us to an era of digitization, it has also emerged as a remarkable threat to humankind. With the large amount of vital data and information congregated over the internet, few clicks here and there can give anyone the access to this essential information. Surfaced as a major concern for many government organizations, business enterprises, and the general public, a cyber attack can not only affect...Read More

10 Most Promising Media and Mass Communication Colleges - 2019

Reaching out to the audience regarding the happenings all over the world, mass media has been able to imprint its uniqueness among other career options. Educating and entertaining the audience on a regular basis, this field addresses every imperative issue of our society, no matter how infinitesimal it is. Often recognized due to its impartial and judgmental nature, media and mass communication have always been a challenging field. Alienated into three sectors such as print media, electronic media, and interactive media, mass media has grown effectively, demonstrating a major...Read More

10 Most Promising Educational Tour Operators - 2019

As learning moves out of the four walls of the classroom, expanding along digital, becoming experiential, travel & tour companies are also reaping the most out of this opportunity. Albeit, education tourism is still at a nascent stage in India, but with the influx of new curriculum and courses in education sector, growing interest for findings & discoveries from the students, both new and established players are coming up with attractive strategies to grab a bigger pie of the segment. Participating in educational tours, students & learners grab a great opportunity of...Read More

10 Most Promising AI Training Institutes - 2019

Several researches reveal that the global artificial intelligence (AI) market is forecasted to reach nearly $18 billion by 2022. Needless to say, day-by-day, AI is becoming smarter following enhancement in machine learning and deep learning algorithms, humongous amounts of Big Data on which these algorithms can be trained, and the phenomenal boost in computing power.

India along with US, Germany, China and Israel are the nations with the highest penetration of AI skills among their workforce (LinkedIn report). As per report, the software...Read More

10 Most Promising Leadership Training Providers - 2019

Warren G. Bennis who is widely recognized as a pioneer of the contemporary field of leadership studies once echoed, "Becoming a leader is synonymous with becoming yourself. It is precisely that simple and it is also that difficult". Time and again, leaders have stood at the helm of many organizations, undertaking dynamic and multifaceted roles and thus, enhancing performance and productivity beyond the preset benchmarks. Wearing multiple hats, they ensure to act wise at critical times and direct their team accordingly, prepare future leaders, and also fulfill the...Read More

10 Most Promising Education Apps - 2019

Permeating almost all spheres of our lives, technology is establishing its roots deeper into the education sector. As a result of which we are witnessing a gradual precedence in the educational landscape, in the form of e-Learning and m-Learning. There are lots of new approaches and technologies that have come into existence to reduce students’ as well as teachers’ burden. Today’s students can learn their subjects or any lecture online on devices like iPad, mobile or laptops. Several educational institutes have even incorporated this already into their teaching...Read More

10 Most Promising Preschools & Daycare Centers in Mumbai – 2019

In recent years, preschool and daycare sector is experiencing an exponential growth in India. Owning to the increasing interest of parents towards quality education for younger ones, the sector is forecast to grow at a CARG of 23 percent during 2017-2022. Preschool & daycare is today not only considered as  the vital part of our education system where the little ones gain basis cognitive, social, emotional and physical capabilities but also prepare them for future success in school as well as in life.

Factors such as increasing number...Read More

10 Most Promising School Furniture Providers - 2019

School is known as wealth of knowledge where kids learn & explore various forms of education. Besides primary amenities and highly qualified & experienced teachers, school furniture also plays a crucial role to ease the learning process of the students while developing effective learning environment. The right furniture not only gives comfort to kids but also enables teachers to deliver his/her class in an orderly manner.

In today’s modern-age, school furniture is considered as the key interface between the user and the...Read More

10 Most Promising Sales Training Institutes - 2019

In today’s hyper-competitive business environment, sales is considered as one of the most vital tools for enterprises to stay ahead. According to the Sales Force Training website, the caliber of the salesperson, in a B2B environment, is the foremost factor affecting prospects’ decisions to buy.

On the flip side, many surveys showcase that sale team who attain high rated training programs have 10 percent greater win rate over their customers. A trained sales team can easily influence a potential customer and trigger new...Read More

10 Most Promising Stock Market Training Institutes - 2019

The stock market is now becoming the leading business strategy attracting millions of traders from across the globe. Today’s millennials look at trading as one of the easiest methods for wealth creation and opt to trade as their part time business to earn extra penny. These new bies presume market as a sea of free money that keeps moving up & down every time and where they can make money by just executing some traders. But not all are going to make profit as they cannot beat the market due to lack of knowledge.

On the flip side,...Read More

10 Most Promising Preschools & Daycare Centers in Hyderabad - 2019

The childcare system in India is going through significant changes. Many working parents have to rethink of their jobs and career in the need of providing care and attention to their children. Although there are many options available like nannies and babysitters, but daycare turns out to be the best option. It was in the context that daycare centers began to sprout up in many cities where the parents are the breadwinner.

A well  maintained preschool or daycare can mould your children’s future in an effective way. Neurological...Read More

10 Most Promising Pre-School & Daycare Centers In Bangalore - 2019

In metropolitan cities like Bangalore, majority of parents opt to work, regardless the age of their children. Most of families work out of necessity because the economic climate demands the necessity to have two bread winners in order to meet the day-to-day expenses. Parents may face the danger of losing a job or missing a promotion because of pregnancy, or taking care of loved ones and illness. On the other hand, single parents cannot make to take care of their young ones while holding down their jobs at the same time. Since so many companies focus solely on the bottom line, it...Read More

Top 10 Most Promising NDT Training Institutes - 2019

With a wide range of jobs that pay more than ample wages, it should come as a surprise that there are regularly shortages in the industry. Non-Destructive Testing Training courses are designed to enter you into the career path of equipment analysis and industrial evaluation. Depending on methodologies like electromagnetic radiation, sound and other signal conversions for examining materials and components without altering their properties, Non Destructive Testing (NDT) is used to analyze the usability of the materials. With NDT processes having no permanent effect on the materials...Read More

10 Most Promising Overseas Education Consultants - 2019

OS World University Rankings ranks India second when it comes to students leaving the country to study abroad. Moreover, over the last few years, the perception of higher education abroad has drastically inclined towards attaining highquality education & training for refurbishing academic and professional careers. This trend is only going to witness further growth with increase in majority millennials making careers outside India. In light of this, it would mean right to state that ‘well informed guidance is a precious commodity for the lesser mortals of the present...Read More

10 Most Promising PMP Training Institutes – 2019

Due to globalization and rapid advancing technologies, large/small scale projects are being undertaken by almost every organization across the world and majority of these projects are outsourced to India for cost effectiveness. While IT has been the front runner when it comes to jobs, Project Management (PM) requirement are boosting in all industry sectors including engineering, construction, healthcare, government, energy & transportation and others. Thus, PM...Read More

10 Most Promising Career Counselling Companies - 2019

India currently amasses the world’s largest student population with around 350 million students to its record. With student-life posing as a major influence on the future, what holds most significant is the choice of career that will decide the sustenance of these students in today’s 'dog eat dog' world. Yet apart from this competition, the increasing complexities in the volatile job market and the lack of awareness of career options among students only indicate the further need for specialized experts and career guides/counsellors to provide insights on...Read More

Top 100 Engineering Colleges in India - 2019

The world we live in today brimful of advanced technologies, latest products, and state of the art innovations, is undoubtedly due to the long standing ideas and efforts of emerging scientists, entrepreneurs, technologists, and many other industry experts. Engineers especially have always had their own place among this roster of mavens, for instance, Satya Nadella, Sundar Pichai, N R Narayan Murthy, and Vinod Khosla are constantly making India stand tall amidst the competition. Creating and honing these engineers are the various engineering colleges in India that currently offer...Read More

10 Most Promising Educational Websites for Kids - 2019

With the society changing towards technology-pattern, its impact is well reflected on the attitudes and likes of modern children. They love to learn subject through videos, computer games and other interactive & fun methods wherein they don’t feel boredom of studying anymore. The online teaching methodology produce far reaching learning benefits for children in contract to ‘drill & kill’ method of traditional teaching techniques wherein it offers multiple ways of active participation, collaboration and comprehension and motivates them to learn further.

According to...Read More

10 Most Promising Architecture Colleges - 2019

The well versed architects in India such as Hafeez Contractor, Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi, Brinda Somaya, Raj Rewal, and many others have always stood as the cornerstones of inspiration for the budding professionals across the realm of architecture. In fact, architecture has always been the passion, vocation, artful science and most importantly, the greatest field of study for artistically talented and creative individuals. Handholding these individuals are the multidisciplined colleges and institutions in India that are engraving their excellence across the deepest recesses of...Read More

10 Most Promising Hotel Management Colleges- 2019

For years the hotel and hospitality industry in India had been cautiously treading on the tried-&-tested fashion having faced several adverse situations over the past. Nevertheless with the country leapfrogging into the digital era, the industry swears confidence in being able to maintain a steady growth this year. The globalization of businesses and excessive inflow of inbound visitors are rapidly evolving giving rise to demands for skilled professionals and enhancing the need for better and well-versed hotel management institutes who produce industry-ready professionals....Read More

10 Most Promising Industrial Automation Training Institutes - 2019

Automation is becoming a vital part of all Indian industrial sectors on account of the increasing  efforts to make manufacturing processes more effective, acquire zero defects &  meet international quality standards. Factory Automation has already been a big success and will further augment the Indian industrial market.

The Indian Industrial Automation Industry is expected to reach $3.49 billion by 2020, growing at a CARG of 10-12 percent. Factors like innovation in information technology rise in demand of goods and an...Read More

10 Most Promising Language Institutes in India – 2019

Gone are the days when learning a foreign language was just a hobby. The importance of foreign language in India has never been more important than today. With national economies getting more international prominence, the demand and need for foreign languages have shot up. The desire to become prominent in a language other than the native language is expanding globally where ambitious students & professionals are opting for various foreign courses. Hence with the increment in desire & demand, the need for top-notch and affordable language training institutes has also...Read More

What if Not IIMs! B-School Survey – 2019

The management education upholds the pride of place for millions of students who aspire to pilot and develop businesses. IIMs justifiably have a good reputation among the MBA aspirants across India, as they render quality education, best of the faculty along with opulent growth opportunities. But these top B-Schools don’t have enough seats for all the meritorious students, thereby giving rise to private MBA colleges that also offer the niche management studies, but with a different twist so that the students not only read but duly understand education. Today these Non-IIM...Read More

10 Most Promising Nursing Colleges – 2019

Nursing occupies two-thirds of the health workforce in India and anticipates reaching 4.1 million by 2022 growing at around six percent CAGR during 2017-2022. Moreover, opportunities in the country’s nursing education market provide current and future potentials within the industry with insights about education levels required for nursing education along with various degree options available to pursue nursing as a career.Undoubtedly, the future of healthy India lies in mainstreaming the health agenda and strengthening primary, secondary and tertiary care services to serve...Read More

20 Most Promising K-12 Tech Solution Providers - 2019

The potential challenges across the K-12 education sector presently are engaging varied learners in the classroom, lack of personalization in education, administrative issues with teachers & principals and also less involvement of parents. Technology solution providers that adapt to the groundbreaking technologies of the contemporary world can easily address these challenges while creating a new dimension across the education realm of K-12. In fact, integration of technologies in the education framework of K-12 coupled with formulation of Government policies is the need of the...Read More

20 Most Promising International Schools – 2019

Education in the Indian household is usually synonymous with curriculum, academia, and books but who would have thought that 'cultural' exposure is what a young mind really needs in order to obtain a holistic development! International schools excel at imparting just this as students are exposed to a variety of ethnicities, languages, cultures, and upbringings which most often translates in students developing free-thinking, social forwardness, confidence, and most importantly, intelligence. Right from the school uniform, as diverse as the cultural differences are, this is...Read More

20 Most Promising eLearning Solutions Provider - 2019

There has always been an ongoing cold debate between traditional classroom-based education and online learning setup. While many embrace the traditional concept of personalized learning through teacher-student discussions, a multitude of hands are always raised for eLearning being the more beneficial one. Advent of new technologies, cost effective content on a centralized platform, flexibility and time management expediency are the factors that have triggered the exponential growth of eLearning industry and revolutionalized educational practices.

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