siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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10 Most Promising iCard Service Providers - 2018

Gone are the days when peoples’ identity depended on the laminated paper voter IDs, ration card diaries and other yesteryear ways of identification. iCards in 2018 are nothing short of technological marvels where they offer a variety of services for people of all ages and professions of all types and these services are most often tailor-made for the necessities of corporates, educational institutions, banks and other industry verticals. Versatility being the name of the game, digital iCards now can not only identify individuals, but authenticate their authorization to enter...Read More

20 Most Promising Barcode Systems Providers – 2018

Who knew that a humble invention by Norman Joseph in 1952 would become a globally applied method of recognizing consumer goods only in a few decades! Utilized in schools, corporates, hospitals, manufacturing industry and in almost all the retail sectors across the globe, barcode solutions have appeased a significant pain point of product recognition across the board. What was then a cutting edge technology has gradually paved way for stringent security technologies like Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), QR Codes, 2D barcodes and many others and carved a niche for itself in...Read More

20 Most Promising Virtual Reality Solution Providers – 2018

Started from the invention of television sets, the presence of digital screens in human life is extending day-by-day. Washing machines, computers and now smartphones, our lives are constantly surrounded by screens. The increasing use of gadgets has made screens an essential ingredient in our life. As a result, it has changed how we communicate, work, travel, purchase and more.

In the course of introducing more compelling experience with screens for users, technology giants are leveraging in manifold novel technologies to stay ahead in the...Read More

10 Most Promising IVR Technology Service Providers - 2018

As Amazon’s Alexa, Google’s Assistant, Microsoft’s Cortana and Apple’s Siri are gaining considerable recognition, they are making it clear that voice-controlled applications today hold the reins of the growing consumer demand. Nowadays, large and small businesses have adopted the IVR (Interactive Voice Response) technology to save money and the effectiveness is rated by the percentage of callers who ask to speak to a live operator. IVR systems are now used in banks, office call routing, call center forwarding, simple order entry transactions and selective...Read More

 20 Most Promising Digital Marketing Service Providers – 2018

Digital marketing, which is more result-oriented and cost-effective, is over taking traditional marketing methods. Today, even small local businesses are spending money for one or other digital method of marketing. According to reports from Forrester Research and also eMarketer, in 2018 the average company is expecting to allocate 41 percent of their marketing budget to digital methods. As companies and brands wish to have a digital presence, irrespective of the size and industry-segment of their business, the marketers no longer can depend upon a single marketing funnel; the...Read More

20 Most Promising Energy Storage Companies - 2018

As per a recent survey, there is only enough non-renewable energy to last mankind for not more than 100 years. Relying too much on the non-renewable fossil fuels such as oil and gas needs to be ceased and its high-time we shift the gear to make more use of the renewable energy resources. What India and the world at large seek is the energy source that can not only facilitate the world energy crisis but also create enough to repositate it for future usage, without tipping off the ecological balance.  Unfortunately, though available in plenty ,the solar power and wind power are...Read More

20 Most Promising 3D Printing Service Providers-2018

Recently a video featuring the talent of an architect by qualification and a pâtissier by profession took the internet by storm when she incorporated the never seen before geometrical art in her pastries, giving it a contemporary modern look and just as delicious. Turns out, the seemingly difficult mould was the result of simple design instructions given to a 3D printer that in a jiffy created modern art aiding tools. That is not all. Healthcare industry is now veering towards 3D printing to create complex prosthetics and medical instruments that would otherwise take a...Read More

 20 Most Promising UX/UI Design Service Providers - 2018

In this fast moving world, technology is dominating in every field of business while mobile technology and social media interactions are creating much more personalized  expectations.  The  audience  visiting a website can include people who are in a hurry to purchase a product or occasional customers looking for new product arrivals or just information seekers. Irrespective of the viewers’ interest, all visitors are prospective buyers for a business owner.

According to Forrester Research (2013), improving customer...Read More

10 Most Promising Agile Solution Providers – 2018

As per a recent study, the work organisation and several redundant activities take up more than 30 percent of the organisation’s work time, thereby directly affecting the productivity. Agile software is one of kind organizational software helping understand the importance of an a methodological work structure, promoting the synergy between customers and company’s internal self organizing but cross functional teams for a better use experience. The Agile software solutions providers are the deliverer of the current market place, delivering organisations from the clutches...Read More

20 Most Promising Mobile CRM Apps - 2018

The world has long gone digital and now it is making way for mobile digital. With the world being more connected than ever, mobile applications are paving into the day-to-day lives of the common consumer and heavily impacting the way corporate houses conduct business. With the help of CRM apps, business houses are now able to track their sales strategy, align their precious asset, the sales workforce and combine these two poignant elements together to align with the business vision set for growth and prosperity. This changes the way to conduct business operations. Users and...Read More

10 Most Promising Big Data Analytics Service Providers - 2018

The world today is made up of data and is thriving on data. The industrial scenario that we see today rests upon the foundation of data collected, its understanding and security that bear the capacity of either crippling or accentuating the organisations’ and even nations’ current progress. With such delicate balance in consideration, it is imperative that we understand the value of data and comprehend to a degree where we are able to channelize it for our growth and stupor. Big Data Analytics experts are the modern day number crunchers that are helping some of the...Read More

10 Most Promising 3D Animation Companies - 2018

While the previous generation had the simple joys of comic books and art magazines, the current generation is privileged enough to watch those characters with life-like features of their own, walking and talking just like regular human beings. This feat is achieved by the marvel of the animation company that is growing at a phenomenal rate, garnering a fan base across the world. For instance, industrial giants like Walt Disney and Pixar, are on a constant mission of breaking the barriers of the industry by creating fully fledged animated feature films. They have come a long way...Read More

10 Most Promising Home Automation Companies - 2018

Time and tide waits for none so it is imperative that you make the most of what the world has to offer. However, with our busy lifestyles and not to forget, archaic responsibilities, it is a tad bit difficult to find the recreational leisure time to simply unwind. Though this might not seem to be a big deal, but household chores tend to take a major chunk of our timeline and streamlining them is something that is now no more a luxury. Home automation companies are now a blessing in disguise that are taking the baton of smoothening your household objectives, ensuring minimum...Read More

10 Most Promising Clean Room Technology Companies - 2018

The concept of cleanroom received a new Avatar in today’s world - thanks to the advancements in the field of technology. According to the modern technology, the concept of cleanroom refers to a rigorously controlled environment that has a low level of environmental pollutants such as dust, airborne microbes, aerosol particles and chemical vapours. Its development stems from the convergence of needs in several fields of manufacturing, health care, and military requirements. Cleanroom technology is central to high tech manufacturing. In fact, without the cleanroom...Read More