siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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10 Most Promising GPS Solutions Providers - 2017

When the US Military and NASA were collaborating together to craft the Global Positioning System back in the early 1960’s, who would have thought that the very GPS will now be a household name in almost every country. With every smartphone now doubling as a GPS device, it is nearly impossible to escape its canvas spread across the world. GPS is paving its way into almost every industry today. From e-commerce companies to food delivery organisations, several industrial players are conglomerating their services with GPS to ensure faster and precise tracking. Amidst this...Read More

10 Most Promising Semiconductor Service Providers - 2017

A click away, snap of a second and at the fingertips are few phrases that epitomize the ever-evolving era complementing the fast pace that is condensing the world. As the world is getting smaller, the demands for the compact commodities are experiencing an all-time high. Semiconductors are a beacon of this change that have gone tremendous transformation since their inception with Michael Faraday working on initial stages in 1833 to the production of the first silicon transistor in 1954, which heralded the age of silicon electronics and...Read More

10 Most Promising CISCO Sservice Providers-– 2017

With the global IP traffic expected to triple by 2020 and the mobile traffic to explode by 10 by 2019, the networking realm is all set to face an episode of monumental growth in the next few years. With CISCO as the top deliverer of technology and innovation it this domain, it more or less determines the agility with which the world adopts and accommodates the explosion; specifically the Asia-Pacific.

For any organization to thrive, the networking systems installed should operate flawlessly in a fast, resilient and multidimensional way and the demands on the existing infrastructure, whether wired...Read More

10 Most Promising CRM Solution Providers

From among the pivotal factors for the success of a business enterprise is the depth, efficiency and fruitfulness of its relationship with its customers. The way in which a vendor would allure and gladden his customers through his articulate vocal advertisements and pleasant demeanor have become insufficient, if not obsolete. With the advent of the digital era, the term CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has become synonymous to the software tools (equipped with the most recent technological advancements such as AI) that businesses utilize to canvass, capture and perform the follow-up of sales...Read More

10 Most Promising Cloud Solution Providers -2017

Cloud adoption is growing globally and has become an indispensable part of organizations' overall IT portfolio. The global cloud IT market revenue is expected toreach $390B by 2020, and Indian IT segment not lagging behind. India's IT market growth is driven by diversified factors such as demand for up gradation of legacy systems, growing acceptance of cloud-based solutions and emerging technologies like IoT etc.

Presently, cloud computing services and delivery models are being embraced by small and big enterprises globally owing to numerous benefits like improved collaboration,...Read More

10 Most Promising Ad Serving & Re-Targeting Software Providers - 2017

This is a technology era. The mammoth number of technologies coming to light each day has led to an even larger number of companies taking birth, each wanting to harness these technologies and grab their share of the pie. In order to stay ahead, businesses are thoroughly embracing digital marketing solutions to efficiently showcase their products/services. Due to the increasing mobile and internet penetration, online advertising is seen as a potential marketing option and occupies a larger budget than other marketing choices in any company’s marketing expense.

As per a recent survey, the...Read More

10 Most Promising VLSI Training Providers-2017

semiconductor industry has become the backbone of almost every industry vertical, whether we take telecom, healthcare, consumer electronics or any other vertical. The growth of ICcomputing power has profoundly changed the way we create, process, communicate and store information. The engine of this phenomenal growth is the ability to shrink transistor dimensions every few years. The scaling of devices is making integration of largenumber of devices in a single chip possible. At some point of time there has to be a switch from traditional semiconductor devices tonewer and hybrid devices like carbon nano...Read More

10 Most Promising Cyber Forensic Solution Providers - 2017

In today's fast paced world, Information and CommunicationTechnology has seen a solid evolution in India, and businesses rely profoundly on technology in order tostay ahead in the race. As per a recent survey, there arenearly 23.2 million computer users in the country and around 120 million internet users. However, this scenario has boosted technology aided crimes too, where cyber criminals usuallycommit offences such as hacking, security breach, cyber frauds and many others through IT enabled devices. Surprisingly, statistics says that 71 percent of prohibited information threats are generated within...Read More

10 Most Promising Digital Marketing Solution Providers - 2017

It is rightly said that marketing is no longer about the products you make, it’s about the stories you tell. Digital Marking has come a long way by enabling brands to ensure better & steady customer purchasing experience through tailor made solutions and comprehensive set of services. Ever-increasing usage of internet and mobile surfing has fueled the latest trends further in digital marketing where consumers look for easy buying options, and brands aid them with the same. Ad spends in India was projected as $7.41 billion, witnessed a hike of 11.3 percent in 2015 and estimated to hit $11.82...Read More

20 Most Promising Google Technology Solution Providers - 2017

Today’ business is all about achieving that top position in the Google Search results, a feature that today’s consumer has come to (heavily) rely on. To avoid the ‘Out of Sight – Out of Mind’ situation, the company aims to enhance their online presence by deploying various means of digital collaborations like Pay Per Click Services, social media platforms and many more. It has now become imperative to embark a digital presence among the entrepreneurial scene as well as it enables the entrepreneurs to keep their hands free for core organisational growth. Most companies are now...Read More

20 Most Promising IoT Solution Providers - 2017

Internet of Things, more commonly known as IoT, is in vogue of the technology world. The prediction for the year 2020 indicates an annual increase in revenue by $470 billion for the IoT vendors and the entire market attaining a CAGR of 32.6 percent. General Electrics predicts the investment of $60 trillion in the coming 15 years and London based IHS Markit forecasts that the IoT market will grow from an installed base of 15.4 billion devices in 2015 to 30.7 billion devices in 2020 and 75.4 billion in 2025. The industry is clearly playing into big numbers and it is only natural for the entire market to gain...Read More

20 Most Promising Amazon Web Services Companies - 2017

The beginning of the 21st century saw most of the businesses worldwide go through turmoil as they had to host most of their applications & processes on a localized infrastructure, which not only cost them hefty monies, but was also un-scalable and not so secure. This kept the companies on the hunt for technologies which were not just cost-effective, but also offer secure access, flexibility to scale operations and the ability to store mammoth amounts of data.

With Amazon introducing its suite of cloud computing solutions...Read More

20 Most Promising Data Center Solution Providers - 2017

The businesses which have inculcated fresh innovations, while augmenting their offerings & presence by minimizing cost & complexity in the competitive market, are the front runners. Due to the enormous business growth and inevitable trend of processing huge data, organizations are in a dire need of datacenter solutions in order to reserve critical data & manage them. While technology has always walked hand-in-hand with every business requirements, emergence of numerous datacenter solution providers has paved the way for businesses.

In order to churn out the essence of the massive...Read More

20 Most Promising QA & Software Testing Service Providers - 2017

It is said that - "An error doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it". When developers create gigantic codes, errors & bugs slip in as side-effects and result in flaws in the software.  In this norm scenario, errors are inevitable; however, testers play the most important role here by adding value into the process. Due to multifold growth in products & applications, it is estimated that the Indian software & testing market will reach for around $15 billion by 2020, making the country the largest beneficiary of the growth.

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20 Most Promising Wireless Technology Solution Providers - 2017
Digital technology has witnessed a solid evolution in recent times where IoT (Internet of Things), Cloud & Big Data have collectively altered the business models. As a result, business organizations have adopted the norm of working wirelessly by unclogging the value of mobility. Today, as the mobile opportunity is vibrant as ever, the wireless LAN industry is expected to grow up to 91 percent by 2018 and reach revenue of $6.5 billion. This scenario has opened the door for various wireless technology solution providers, who are prompt in aiding agile & secure wireless...Read More