siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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10 Most Promising Real Estate Websites - 2019

India, a country that holds the world’s largest democracy, has been going through an unprecedented revolution with the introduction of internet. Real estate sector has also transformed significantly. A manifold change brought-in by the e-Commerce industry created a huge turmoil in the real estate sec-tor, grabbing the attention of a majority of investors, entrepreneurs and business leaders & tycoons and motivating them to bring their businesses online. Besides, all real estate brokerage firms, which are still doing business in a traditional way, have jumped into the industry to make the most of...Read More

10 Most Promising Architectural Engineering Services Providers - 2019

Companies in the Architecture design service industry plan and design residential and nonresidential buildings and structures, as well as apply engineering principles to design and develop systems and structures. Obviously, the demand for architectural and engineering services is controlled by residential and commercial construction activity, as well as corporate and government spending. Profitability depends on a company's ability to attract a constant flow of work through contracts, as well as the ability to accurately predict costs for projects. Small firms can...Read More

10 Best Women Architects & Designers - 2019

It’s not a secret that technology has accelerated at an incredible pace and architecture & design is no exception. Over the past two decades, the construction industry has witnessed dramatic changes, paving the way for a future in which traditional spatial concepts no longer exist. Now, the building materials used are focused on the importance of green infrastructure, energy efficiency and space utilization. Whether it be educational, corporate, healthcare, industrial, public or private infrastructure, holding a futuristic view, every architectural structure is carved...Read More

10 Most Promising Pre-Engineered Building Companies - 2019

The Indian Construction Industry has witnessed a growth trajectory quite comparable to the development of the overall economic infrastructure of the country. While the market has expanded significantly after the economic liberalization in the 1990s, the introduction of Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEB) has improved the construction space in India. Additionally, with the increased approval of FDIs and the Make in India campaign initiated by the government of India, there has been a rise in the demand for infrastructure from all sectors in the country.

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10 Most Promising Landscaping Services Providers - 2019

Landscaping including topography, vegetation and associated plants & soil, water bodies, and their spatial configuration is a vital aspect of a community’s quality of life as well as the most visual needs of people. The well managed landscapes are not only beautiful to look at, but also offer tremendous environmental, physical, and psychological benefits. Infact, garden/lawn is something that brings freshness & positive vibes in homes.

Lush green grass tickles our toes, flowers treat our eyes to...Read More

Siliconindia Real Estate Awards, Bengaluru – 2019

The most renowned American poet Walt Whitman once quoted “A man is not a whole and complete man, unless he owns a house and the ground it stands on”. Today, the true manifestations of this statement stand Indians who have been on a roller coaster ride of purchasing homes for nearly a decade. Clearly, housing sector has been at the acme of the Indian real estate sector, when compared with its other cornerstones like commercial, hospitality and retail. Experiencing a dynamism and growth par excellence post the implementation of RERA, GST and demonetization, the real...Read More

10 Most Promising Property Valuation Service Providers -­ 2019

Many people doubt the need for getting a property valued. But, recent real estate statistics in India prove beyond doubt that property valuations have taken a turn for the better. When a business or any individual is considering investment in a particular asset, be it tangible, intangible, a property or otherwise, its valuation is necessary to ensure that the right price is paid. Until the buyers & sellers are certain about the fair market value of the asset/property, they will not be able to take a final call on buying/selling.

This is...Read More

10 Most Promising BIM Services Providers - 2019

In the technological arena, India gets a déjà vu, as it is yet again running behind the international pace of technological involvement and digital adoption in the construction industry. It’s been more than a couple of years since Building Information Modeling (BIM) has become one of the buzzwords in the international engineering & construction industry, saving millions of dollars for construction organizations every year. But in the subcontinent, there are hardly about 30,000-40,000 companies that involve BIM in projects, amidst which the major wedge is...Read More

10 Most Promising Property Management Service Providers - 2019

Property management is a relevantly increasing trend in India, resulting from the subsequent migration of residents within and outside the country. Causing much hassle to migrants who are constantly baffled over their property back home that needs catering and maintenance, property management woes have come to an end with this side of the market taking its full-stand. As a booming segment of the real estate industry that is poised to reach $1 trillion by 2030, this segment is a holistic assistance that handles all of the legal aspects of dealing with tenants and maintaining...Read More

siliconindia Real Estate Awards - 2019 - Pune

After the triple blow of demonetization, RERA and GST implementation, the real estate industry is slowly recovering and getting back to the new normal. While several state developers are still struggling to finish their projects, Pune real estate segment wrapped the year 2018 with increased sales and entered 2019 with new launches and visionary plans. A recent research reveals the launch of over 2,600 new projects in the cultural capital of Maharashtra in 2018, amongst which 53 percent were supplied under affordable housing segment, 28 percent in mid-housing segment while 19...Read More