siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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20 Most Promising 3D Architectural Visualization Service Providers – 2018

Jean Baudrillard, a French philosopher claimed that simulation would soon replace the real entities in his book –‘Simulacra and Simulation’. This statement is indeed becoming true with the advancements in 3D visualization transforming each industry in India including the architecture of buildings. Since the dawn of civilization of man, this visual imagery technique has been deployed by almost all brackets of people and hence, considered as the most effective way to convey ideas and shape them into a beautiful reality. No wonder, the waves of 3D visualization...Read More

20 Most Promising Office Equipment Providers – 2018

As important as it is for any corporate facility to be equipped with all the necessary technology, hardware, furniture and stationary to get the work done, it is much more imperative to be equipped with utilities that appease the work stress, enlighten the mood and usher freshness to the employees. With ground-breaking technologies that work in tandem with the requirements of a nine to five employees, office equipment providers are diversifying like never before. From building workstations from ground up to providing an exhaustive supply of furniture, electronic accessories,...Read More

 20 Most Promising Audio Visual Systems Manufacturers & Distributors - 2018

The perception of music has greatly evolved in 2018 and with the help of visuals, this music is brought to life, and multitude of companies are going head to head to add their own twist to this tale. Encapsulating the routine of an average joe, starting from a jingle for an alarm, soothing music while showering, devotional music during travel, motivational videos while on work, and heavy metal concerts to end the day, music and visual technology has become a vibrant part of every urban dweller. With 24/7 services catering to the needs of people and companies alike, audio and...Read More

20 Most Promising CCTV Companies – 2018

From petty crimes to diabolical terrorist attacks, CCTV and surveillance technology has played a crucial role in curbing criminal activities and apprehending criminals across the globe. Used in government facilities, educational institutes, healthcare establishments and domestic households, CCTV technology has something to offer for  all kinds of scenarios. With the advent of technologies like IoT and 5G network establishments, CCTV and surveillance technology have a packed artillery with high definition surveillance videos and audios reaching law enforcement in shut eye...Read More

10 Most Promising BPO Service Providers - 2018

The global BPO industry is at an interesting juncture. Cost arbitrage is passé and businesses are no longer looking for a cheap back-office/call center services provider. With the industry’s buzzwords transforming from customer service to customer experience, they are in pursuit of a business partner who can offer them solutions to grow their business and also scale with them. This new culture has taken the BPO industry to an inflection point, where it metamorphoses as BPM industry, witnessing unprecedented growth over the years.  According to the latest report...Read More

10 Most Promising Tea & Coffee Brands – 2018

Edmund Waller rightly said – Tea does our fancy aid, repress those vapours which the head invade, and keeps that palace of the soul serene. A freshly brewed cup of tea/coffee not only serves moments of joy and togetherness but also proves to be a cuppa of healthy benefits. With people adopting flexitarian lifestyle and incorporating sustainable healthy habits in their dietary calendar, the tea and coffee industry has witnessed the emergence of multiple organic brands procuring plant products right from natural farms and endowing wholesome perks in an creative yet sustainable...Read More

20 Most Promising Printing & Scanning Solutions & Service Providers - 2018

Who knew that the desperate need of the hour - ‘dry writing (xerography)’ invention of Chester Carlson in 1938 would stage the inception of the photocopy era post numerous rejections and struggles. Cutting down considerable time and manual labor, a xerograph combined electrostatic printing with photography and this technological advancement resulted in the invention of the first commercial automatic copier, the Xerox 914 in 1960. The invention paved way for breakthroughs throughout history with the likes of Laser printing in 1969, 3D printing in 1981 until Digital printing in the 1991. Come...Read More

20 Most Promising Analytical & Scientific Instrument Companies – 2018

Manufacturers of diverse industrial equipment have always been the linchpin behind the success of many industrial endeavours. With multiple product lines and sophisticated infrastructure at their manufacturing plants, these industrial equipment manufacturers are reaping tremendous profits besides escalating the business of their customers. But relying on their traditional machineries and systems cannot let them conquer the burgeoning competition and also stand-out with unique expertise. Indeed it is crucial for these manufacturers to adapt swiftly with new technologies like...Read More

20 Most Promising Agriculture Component Manufacturers & Distributors – 2018

Manufacturers of diverse industrial equipment have always been the linchpin behind the success of many industrial endeavours. With multiple product lines and sophisticated infrastructure at their manufacturing plants, these industrial equipment manufacturers are reaping tremendous profits besides escalating the business of their customers. But relying on their traditional machineries and systems cannot let them conquer the burgeoning competition and also stand-out with unique expertise. Indeed it is crucial for these manufacturers to adapt swiftly with new technologies like...Read More

20 Most Promising Construction Equipment Providers – 2018

Manufacturers of diverse industrial equipment have always been the linchpin behind the success of many industrial endeavours. With multiple product lines and sophisticated infrastructure at their manufacturing plants, these industrial equipment manufacturers are reaping tremendous profits besides escalating the business of their customers. But relying on their traditional machineries and systems cannot let them conquer the burgeoning competition and also stand-out with unique expertise. Indeed it is crucial for these manufacturers to adapt swiftly with new technologies like...Read More

20 Most Promising Computer Components & Parts Providers - 2018

Computers today have more purpose to fulfill than it was created for; it is more to emails and education. The evolution of computer from a room-size to a sleek palm size PCs and tablets is just the beginning. With the increasing penetration of computer in various sectors like healthcare, entertainment, gaming and others, and corporates and individuals alike, the market for computer components and spare parts is also gaining momentum.

From memory chips, hard disks, flash cards, external storage devices, monitors, cables, input devices to various other accessories, there are several small and big...Read More

20 Most Promising Playground Equipment Manufacturers & Distributors – 2018

Manufacturers of diverse industrial equipment have always been the linchpin behind the success of many industrial endeavours. With multiple product lines and sophisticated infrastructure at their manufacturing plants, these industrial equipment manufacturers are reaping tremendous profits besides escalating the business of their customers. But relying on their traditional machineries and systems cannot let them conquer the burgeoning competition and also stand-out with unique expertise. Indeed it is crucial for these manufacturers to adapt swiftly with new technologies like...Read More

20 Most Promising Middle East Logistics Companies – 2018

The recent fallout in global oil prices cumbered the logistics sector worldwide. While economies are implementing robust strategies for reformations, Middle East logistics sector is wasting no time in diversifying its ways from oil dependency to an overall efficient model, hence embarking on economic-friendly, diversification initiatives. A report by Market Research highlights Middle East logistics’ hiking path towards adoption of technologies wherein warehouses are becoming automated with the aid of robotics and automotive systems while companies are experimenting with...Read More

20 Most Promising Fast Food Chains -2018

With the influx of international interests eying the fast food market, wage hikes, technology upgrades and a global customs exposure, the once home-driven indulgent Indian is today waking up to a nascent ‘eating-out’ culture making fast food services one of the most promising business sectors in the country. The rising numbers of urbanization additionally seals the notion of Indians warming-up to restaurant-eating behaviors that simultaneously reflect widespread demands for setting up quick service restaurants in every nook and corner of the country, witnessing a 25...Read More

10 Most Promising Water Purifier Companies – 2018

A recent study by ‘WaterAid’ reveals that an alarming 80 percent of surface water is polluted and the outrageous fact is that the untreated sewerage flowing into water bodies like rivers have almost doubled in the recent years. A key source of water pollution, untreated sewage is the bane of the solution and as India traverses this downward spiral, a light at the end of the tunnel are that cutting edge technologies and people driven with an innate mission to provide clean drinking water are on the rise.

Reverse Osmosis (RO), Ultra...Read More

20 Most Promising Architectural Engineering Service Providers - 2018

As society is evolving with large population and more complex development infrastructure, only quality architecture with a great sense of sustainability can manage society’s increasing size and complexity. Now, many modern office buildings are light filled spaces, which are made to create a positive environment for employees. Likewise, every architectural design should be designed with an awareness that circumstances will change – that a building’s context will evolve; it may be used in different ways and will need to incorporate new technologies.

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20 Most Promising Engineering Design Service Providers – 2018

Every manmade object around us has been developed with the support of an engineering design. Even if it is a small object like pen, spoon and pin or a mammoth product like aeroplane and ship, almost all products contain an engineering design in it, according to which the product becomes useful to serve its purpose.

In today’s era of digitalization and automation, the demand for engineering design services is mounting up due to the increasing emphasize on ‘usability’ coupled with creativity, budget constraints, market...Read More

20 Most Promising Waterproofing Companies – 2018

The quintessential ‘tip-tip’ of the leaking water and unsightly marks of water seepage has often been revered as the ongoing problem of every household. Water seepage not only distorts the aesthetic appeal of the property but propagates the breeding of undesirable pathogens that give rise to a pungent atmosphere and diseases that can impact the residents quite adversely. Waterproofing has been a solution for many centuries but is now taking a technical twist to ensure not a resolve but also an automated processing that would be the backbone of the repaired...Read More

20 Most Promising Event Management Companies – 2018

Events are no more limited to home formulated birthday parties or get together but have evolved into a status symbol that is measured as a benchmark for the hosts presence in the society and the industry. Divided into several categories like social events, premium events, corporate events and many more, events today are going international with global destinations, international collaborations, export quality props, artists and, several icons investing tons of time and money to make the gala a roaring success and come under the eye of the influential. It will be safe to assume...Read More

10 Most Promising Automotive Components & Accessories Manufacturers - 2018

On the radar of industrial development, automotive components industry has experienced robust growth and has radically transformed due to buoyant end-user market, progressive consumer sentiment and improvement in vehicle performance and engine efficiency. As MarketsandMarkets report suggests, greater power requirements, increased fuel economy and changing customer preferences have compelled the automotive industry to build sophisticated, better built and safer products for consumers; and hence the market is anticipated to record $22.52 billion in 2018 and further grow at a CAGR of...Read More

10 Most Promising Mobile Accessories Manufacturers - 2018

Withstanding the test of time, India has always remained abreast of the advancements in technology. Being the third largest Smartphone Industry in the world, the growing penetration and the upward graph of the same has simultaneously prompted the demand of mobile accessories market with an equal opportunity as others. Smartphone, being much more than just communication device, have emerged as a daily aspect of life. As more and more Smartphone are launched and people go crazy over the technological advancements, same is seen with mobile accessories where people do not mind going...Read More

10 Most Promising Structured Cabling Companies – 2018

Internet penetration has gone beyond boundaries due to the present-day high speed communication via advanced fibre optics and co-axial cables. Clearly, a plethora of businesses have succeeded in developing better internet and communication networks by leveraging this rising penetration. Structured cabling precisely has revolutionized the Power over Ethernet space by reaching the needs for higher bandwidth and power besides decreasing the temperature levels. Unlike the other cabling methods in the industry, structured cabling emphasizes on reducing the requirements for additional...Read More

10 Most Promising Textile Machinery Manufacturers – 2018

The fashion and apparel industry is growing to be one of the major sectors in the world. With an annual turnover of billions of dollars, apparel industry is the major kingpin of the global economy and the intensity of its growth is just getting started. However, the apparel industry, like any other sector, depends upon certain back industries and here, the textile manufacturing machine industry takes the cake of being the backbone of this global phenomena. India is the second largest textile industry after China and holds a diverse figurine with its expertise in fibre...Read More

10 Most Promising Automatic Voltage Regulator Solution Providers - 2018

The industrial sector is always faced with the predicament of equipment failure, often hindering their ongoing processes and resulting in loss of capital and time. This breakdown can often be attributed to the irregular connection between the influx of energy and output and sometimes to the incessant and unpredictable power shutdowns that renders the equipments vulnerable to fault. Automatic voltage regulations play a paramount role in negating these recurring issues and help achieve the optimized functioning of the equipments as well as the organisations at large. Thanks to the...Read More

20 Most Promising Car Accessories Manufacturers – 2018

It’s no surprise that cars nowadays are becoming large smart devices with all the advanced technologies being implemented in them. Every year automobiles are equipped with certain gadgets that make driving more convenient for any owner. It is said that 30,000 parts are needed to make a car run, and auto enthusiasts always find that extra room for that new accessory. Due to the huge shifts occurring in the transportation world, the general gadgets that existed found its way towards the automobile industry and with this the auto accessories market of India reached $48 billion...Read More

20 Most Promising Lift & Elevator Solution Providers - 2018

Ever thought about how far the top button in a lift/elevator can take you? Recently NASA stated that, they are currently working on an elevator that could carry materials from the surface of earth to geostationary earth orbit, i.e. 35,786km. Back in time, it was Elisha Graves Otis, who literally changed the face of the earth by inventing a machine which helps the world to move horizontally and vertically with safety. Elevators can be of enormous importance in simplifying life, helping to minimize daily re-occurring movements of climbing stairs. People who have mobility issues,...Read More

20 Most Promising Billing Printing Machine Product & Solution Providers – 2018

Billing can be a nightmare especially for the small businesses, as it is an essential part of their financial processes. Knowing how to efficiently handle billing process can not only impact the growth of a company, but also increase the customer trust on the brand. Moreover, it is as important as the product or service that they sell or offer. Aspects like billing automations, invoicing and client payments through portal are some of the necessary basic features a good billing system offers. However, with changing tech trends, the billing machine providers offer devices integrated...Read More

20 Most Promising Logistics Service Providers - 2018

Interplay of infrastructure, technology and service providers defines the logistics industry’s role in a nation’s economy. Indian logistics industry provides employment to more than 22 million people and has registered a CAGR of eight percent during the last five years. Also, Economic Times Survey predicts that Indian logistics sector will reach $215 billion by 2020 and statistics show that India has improved in all the six components of logistics performance index (LPI).

Despite the recent rapid growth in the industry, the...Read More

20 Most Promising Test & Measurement Service Providers - 2018

It is not just about one test equipment versus the other test equipment. It’s all about the product and the service quality. And, in context to this, the test & measurement industry has come off a long way with constituting itself as the key player in the delivery of prereq­uisites, especially in terms of quality service offerings. With every industry such as aerospace and defense, telecommunications, automotive, energy, medical, consumer electronics, semi­conductors and many more, use test and measurement equipment for designing, manufactur­ing, deploying it at the same time also...Read More

20 Most Promising Seafood Companies - 2018

Blessed with a coastline of over 8,118 kms, India’s seafood industry has become one of the leading suppliers of quality seafood to all the major markets of the world. During the first ten months of 2017-18, India exported seafood worth $5.64 billion, compared to $4.98 billion a year ago with a growth rate of 13.27 per cent. With a robust growth for the last few years, the dynamics of the seafood business in India is changing fast with the demand for Indian seafood products. Being the largest exporters of shrimp in the world, the modernization of Indian seafood industry is...Read More

20 Most Promising Digital Signature Service Providers - 2018

Documentation is a ubiquitous and tedious process in every field of activity, especially in businesses. However, the emerging digital signature technology is redefining the documentation process by helping the clients to complete it within few hours. Digital signature is one of the most efficient ways to lead your business’s digital transformation journey to complete and proficient paperless processes. Today, with a notable CAGR of 26.40%, the global digital signature market has been considered as the one of the fast growing markets in the world and is expected to reach...Read More

20 Most Promising Biometric and Access Control System Providers - 2018

Security assurance is the biggest concern that haunts access control system manufacturers and governments worldwide. Since the security breaches and buddy punching issues are progressively coming up, the security community has to find the most powerful technologies and means to shield their data. Today, an increasingly popular commercial security option - biometric security systems are leading the access control security industry and proficiently striving to bring in more transparency and convenience through accurate validation of personnel.

Biometric...Read More

20 Most Promising Online Corporate News Websites – 2018

‘NEWS’ – it’s all about North, East, West, and South. Till some time ago, when television seemed to be a core platform for broadcasting and newspapers being the daily source to begin a day with a fresh cup of tea giving the important information on happenings from around the world but today with times the news presenting scenario has evolved. And that can be routed to the advent of the internet, fast-pacing technological advancements that has led everything to turn digital. In present day’s busy lives one must march with the rapid developments taking place and at the same time...Read More

20 Most Promising AirPurifier Companies - 2018

With growing urbanization, development comes with will a lot of collateral damage and one of them being the reducing quality of that we are breathing, especially in the metro cities. The ever-increasing quantity of dust particles in the air, respiratory diseases are on a rampant, affecting people of all ages. During such dire circumstances, air purifiers play an essential role in helping our cause and quest for breathing in the clean air that is only our requirement but birth right. By installing air purifiers in homes and commercial places, one ensures tangible results in the...Read More

20 Most Promising LED Lighting Companies - 2018

And there was light! This biblical phrase has cemented its position in the English literature as one of the most invigorating lines, focusing not only on the literal brightening but the illumination of the world and mankind at large. However, things have progressed from the metaphorical lighting system and LED has now pushed the general 10 watt bulb to become an efficient energy and lighting solutions provider that cannot be surpassed by the ancient methods. LED, in comparison to the conventional relics take up 30 percent less energy and more 50 percent more cost efficient, making...Read More

20 Most Promising Electronic Design Services Providers - 2018

With the technological dimension taking over the Indian industrial scenario it is no wonder that the electronic equipments and components are now a hot property, with a scope for constant innovation. After all, crucial elements like security and functionality of nation rests upon their underlying circuits. The Indian defence industry’s deployment of electronic design services hiked upto 50 percent relying on the intricacies of the intelligence system that require more automation than manual hands. Moreover, the manufacturing industry too is leveraging the compact nature of...Read More

20 Most Promising Electronic Component Distributors - 2018

The world is now on a complete automated mode, where the daily designs of simple to complex components are undergoing phenomenal changes. Though we are impressed by the outer picture of the final product, a lot of intricacies go into modulation of some of the simplest devices. These small yet highly essential products are supplied by the electronic component providers who understand the nitty gritties of the products from a pin to gigantic industrial machines and assort the most complementing details that can ensure a 100 percent success rate. The Indian electronic...Read More

10 Most Promising Retail Consultants - 2018

As no two people are the same, the perception of buying on retail also varies drastically for consumers in not only in India but on a global as well. Retail market is flooded with high end brands constantly innovating to suite the consumers’ needs and sometimes, luxury. It is therefore, not easy to comprehend the ideation and requirements of the target audience and this is where retail consultants enter the arena and successfully hits the bulls eye with their fine understanding of the customers’ psychology and contemporary market. Through their advise and help,...Read More

10 Most Promising Distributors in Retail - 2018

Miuccia Prada once stated, “Everyday, I am thinking about a change”. Resonating with the words of this famous icon is the contemporary consumer who is always looking for something fresh to own and wear and unlike its preceding generation, is ready to spend a small fortune in acquiring it, to make herself look good, feel good. The retail industry is now fervently aligning its supply and customer catering with respect to the instant gratification that seems to be riding the target audience. Nowadays, it is not enough to just stock your store with products and be done....Read More