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what is just in time in java?

please tell me
Asked by Anshul Jain | Dec 12, 2010 |  Reply now
Replies (2)
View omer abdekgadr alzwain 's Profile
The Just-In-Time (JIT) java compiler comes with along the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). The bytecode created by the JVM are converted to the machine code or the native code during the execution of the application.

The conversion is made possible by only the JIT compiler. This speeds up the execution process and moreover this makes the code portable to any machine.

The JIT compiler maintains a table called the V-table. The V-table has the addresses of the methods of the classes in the bytecode. If there is any derived class the address of the derived class is stored instead of the original class.

Feb 5, 2011
View arun kumar das 's Profile

The just-in-time(JIT) is a compiler, comes with JVM and is used optionally. It compiles the bytecode into platform-specific executable code that is immediately executed.

java teacher
Dec 12, 2010