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how to print name

Write a programme to implement a programme of your own using classes.
Hint: You can use the MyOwnCar as reference

2. Write a programme to print your name and age by implementing classes. Again, please use the MyOwnCar as reference

3. Write a programme to implement two classes in a programme. You can re use the programme of 2nd project module and modified it such that there is a separate class to print your name and another class to print your age

can teacher pls help me undestanding this assinment?

Asked by gurdip sahota | Nov 22, 2010 |  Reply now
Replies (1)
View arun kumar das 's Profile
Hi Gurdip,

You need to print your name using System.out.println method used in the example MyOwnCar program.

Please use the example program as reference and print your name accordingly as requested in the assignment.

Hope this was helpful and enjoy learning Java!

Java Teacher
Nov 22, 2010