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Database Shutdown Modes

After using Transactional Shutdown, can we use Shutdown Abort or Shutdown Immediate?
Asked by Bhargav Sarma | Mar 11, 2011 |  Reply now
Replies (1)
View arun kumar das 's Profile
As you might guess, the shutdown command comes in many forms. Oracle has three shutdown modes:

* Normal (default) - waits for in-flight work to complete

* Immediate - terminates all sessions and does a rollback on all

uncommitted transactions

* Abort - aborts all sessions, leaving current DML in need of rollback, de-allocates the SGA and terminates the background processes.

The "normal" and "immediate" modes can take a long time in you have in-flight transactions, and many Oracle DBA's ensure a swift clean shutdown this way, aborting the sessions, re-starting to allow warmstart rollback of the aborted transactions, and a shutdown immediate to close cleanly:
Jul 26, 2012