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Accuracy in float subtraction


Would you let me know the method to get rid of slight inaccuracy of javascript during subtraction of float values.

Like my calculator code. Whenever I subtract 1 from 1.2 answer would never be .2, I know it is like this in programming languages, but 0.9999999---. So, what change I can do in my clac code to get accurate value.

<form name="calculator" id="calculator">

<input type="text" id= "result" name="result" size="16"><span class="logo">CALC</span>

<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="one" value="1" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '1'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="two" value="2" OnCLick="calculator.result.value = '2'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="three" value="3" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '3'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="plus" value=" " OnClick="calculator.result.value = ' '" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="four" value="4" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '4'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="five" value="5" OnCLick="calculator.result.value = '5'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="six" value="6" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '6'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="minus" value="-" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '-'" />

<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="seven" value="7" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '7'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="eight" value="8" OnCLick="calculator.result.value = '8'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="nine" value="9" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '9'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="times" value="x" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '*'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="clear" value="c" OnClick="calculator.result.value = ''" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="zero" value="0" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '0'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="zero" value="00" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '00'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="div" value="/" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '/'" />
<br />
<input type="button" id= "dobut" name="do" value="=" OnClick="calculator.result.value = eval(calculator.result.value)" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="backspace" value="Bck" onClick=backs() />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="dot" value="." OnClick="calculator.result.value = '.'" />
<input type="button" id= "calcbut" name="percent" value="%" OnClick="calculator.result.value = '/100'" />


Asked by Rajesh Chandra Benjwal | Mar 26, 2011 |  Reply now
Replies (1)
View teacher siliconindia 's Profile
use this
c=new Number(a-b+'').toFixed(parseInt(2));
or take help from
Apr 12, 2011