Surya College of Business Management Lucknow, Fees, Courses, Admission Date Updates
SCBM is proud of its competitive and dedicated faculty members and state of art academic infrastructure that is supplemented by a curriculum that is upgraded regularly to keep in tune with industry needs. Concerted effort on the part of the management, the faculty and the staff enables SCBM to prepare young graduates towards the intricacies of the corporate world.
SCBM don’t restrict ourselves to the curriculum, we are always looking for new ways to do things in line with a constantly changing world and ever rising information levels. In making our programs fit this dynamic environment a symbiotic relationship is encouraged between the industry and the academia through a mutual exchange of practical and theoretical aspects of management knowledge. SCBM are guided always by what students and what the job market needs. 
Facilities :-
Placement Cell
Internet / Wi-Fi
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