Chitkara Business School Punjab, Fees, Courses, Admission Date Updates

Chitkara University has established an unassailable reputation for strong campus recruitment on the sheer virtue of our intensive focus on making all our graduates ‘industry ready’. Whether you want to broaden your mind, advance your career, increase your knowledge, travel the globe or change the world, Chitkara University can provide you with the opportunity and real life skills to do it.


Selecting a program marks the start of an exciting period of your life. When you are selecting a program at an Institution, you add life-changing experiences and expanded opportunities as well. Students from around the country are attracted to Chitkara University because of our commitment to teaching excellence, because we conduct research that makes a difference, because of our industry partnerships and because of our specially tailored courses.

The University remains dedicated to its motto of “Explore Your Potential” by making each and every student realize his or her potential with the help of hands-on and responsive ways of teaching. This not only empowers our students with the required skill-set for their respective courses, but also prepares them for the challenges they would face in the professional life later.