BGIMS - Babasaheb Gawde Institute of Management Studies Mumbai, Fees, Courses, Admission Date Updates

Establishment: 1994

Affiliation: AICTE Approved and Affiliated To Mumbai University

BGIMS is inspired by management practice, not academic theory. More than ninety percent of our faculty members are practicing managers and stay close to management reality through their field-based experience, research and consulting work. As a result, the learning materials they present in class represent the latest thinking in management practice and provide insight into emerging trends. Finally, the opportunity to apply what is learned is an integral part of the program. The Projects provide an acid test of the skills and the knowledge acquired in a real-world context.We recognize that continuous innovation is essential to long-term vitality in business. Our program challenges our participants to be innovative in their thinking, encourages them to re-examine management practices, consider new and creative solutions to problems and take initiative in implementing change. Participants learn to cope with ambiguity and uncertainty as factors in making decisions and through team exercises, they learn to plan, promote and lead change in an organization.

BGIMS Admission: Click here