Amazing Entrepreneurial Lessons From Leonardo Da Vinci

Experiment and Execute!

“Science is the captain, and practice the soldiers.”

‘The Last Supper’, a painting that is considered to be an epic creation for its highlighted detailing that involved a lot of scientific principles was considered to be a revolution in history. Da Vinci, as always known to strive towards perfection wanted to experiment with more paints on this artwork but failed miserably as the dampness in the wall began to disintegrate. The painting we see today is a pale and faded one, as an outcome of a tedious experiment.

There is no rocket science in this simple message. Most creative people do not compromise on the quality of their work and so did Da Vinci but at certain point it is necessary to realize the importance of moving on rather than sticking on to one crust. It also talks about experimenting to success and leaves us a message to experiment relentlessly on preliminary stages and execute qualitatively in the final stages. 

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