Amazing Entrepreneurial Lessons From Leonardo Da Vinci

Dealing With Mask Slips!

“The greatest deception men suffer is from their own opinions.”

Da Vinci really found it difficult to adjust and cope up with the sudden change in the power. While few kings liked his work others thought it was a mere waste of time. In such situations he would be broke and would live in others mercy. Though Da Vinci worked out magic in his canvas, not everyone liked his work especially those fickle minded Italian politicians. Sadly, he left behind the masterpiece ‘Last Supper’ and fled to Milan.

Well, it’s not a Sunday every day. Sometimes entrepreneurs must have to deal with harsh realities and this demands great will power. An entrepreneur must be smart enough to understand the importance of having two or more sources of income than just relying one which can shun you anytime. And if you are a creative freelancer, there is nothing more to think about but only to continue and gain more clients and projects.

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