siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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20 Most Promising Pharma & Chemical Testing Labs – 2018

Popular belief dictates that war, climate change and poverty are the major causes for mass deaths but history begs to differ on this. The ominous Black Death which wiped out nearly 200 million people within a span of four years between 1346 and 1350 is known to be one of the most notorious plagues that the human race had the misfortune of experiencing. Eradicated today, plague is not one of our biggest concerns as mutation in the viruses is giving birth to new ones which have the researchers scratching their heads. As the death toll crossing billions till date, a lesser known...Read More

20 Most Promising Corporate Wellness Service Providers - 2018

Renowned philanthropist and the co-founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Bransononce said “Clients do not come first, employees come first; if you take care of your employees they will take care of the clients”. This ideology being shared and embraced by all successful enterprises today, corporates are going above and beyond to take care of the wellbeing of its employees and this has proven to directly affect the holistic growth of the companies. With the surmounting stress, pollution and other factors depreciating the health of employees, corporate wellness comes...Read More

20 Most Promising Pharmaceutical Product & Service Providers – 2018

Encompassing highly skilled workforces, top-notch managerial & technical competence and a lot more facets, the Indian pharmaceutical industry is advancing ahead to higher levels every year and therefore holds a crucial position in the global pharmaceuticals sector. The recent studies by IBEF in fact prove that India is the largest provider of generic drugs globally wherein the industry supplies more than 50 percent of global demand for various vaccines, 40 percent of generic demand in the U.S. and 25 percent of all medicines in UK. Even across the most dreadful AIDS...Read More

10 Most Promising Cancer Treatment Clinics - 2018

Ranked third for the highest cancer deaths in the world, India’s graph is still pointing north, with an estimated 25 percent growth in cancer deaths by 2020. Every other day, we wake up to news of some celebrity catching cancer, flying abroad for treatment, and it is believed that treatments for most serious diseases are better abroad. However, leading oncologists and cancer specialists in India say that India is one of the best destinations for cancer treatment, especially due to the cost factor, as in India, the treatment costs 500-700 percent cheaper. Also, due to...Read More

10 Most Promising Medical Transcription Service Providers – 2018

There a lot of terminologies related to medical agenda and one of the gravest ones is ‘negligence’. Medical negligence is sadly, one the primary reasons for death or critical conditions when information was not conveyed efficiently and clearly. Medical transcription is an integral part of the medical processing and requires innate precision while delivering results and services. A mere difference in the dosage can lead to fatal conclusions. However, with audio technology and efficient transcription services, it is now easier than ever to execute accurate transcription...Read More

10 Most Promising Pain Management Clinics – 2018

Pain, the root of all medical ailments known to man, has been haunting the human race for centuries. Ever since the early Greeks and Romans discovered the perception of pain, the chase is on to find remedy to pain of all kinds and the breakthrough has come in the 19th century. Affecting more people than heart disease, diabetes and cancer combined, pain is the most common reason for which people seek medical attention and as a consequence, the pain management market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.4 percent between 2018 and 2023. A survey conducted by Indian Journal...Read More

10 Most Promising Medical Tourism Companies - 2018

Recently, Indian healthcare sector saw huge advancements in fields such as technology, infrastructure, and manpower, catapulting India as one of the preferred medical destinations in the world and invariably paving path to an entirely new sector, the medical tourism industry.  Number show that  the medical tourism in India will touch the $8 billion mark by the end of 2020, thanks to the influx of the population that experiences a saving of close to 50 to 70 percent on their medical bills here .  Cost effectiveness is a major factor in India, because a patient can...Read More

10 Most Promising Orthopedic Tretment Providers - 2018

The sedentary lifestyles and surge in incidence of obesity results in the orthopedic problems in Indians and a large number of the people continue to live with it and fail to seek medical help at the right time. People suffering from orthopedic diseases have two options, either to follow the medication or through a surgery. A daily routine that includes a religious devotion to daily exercise, use of physiotherapy and heat therapy will keep the condition under control whereas for others an orthopedist will do the trick.

As ‘Prevention is Better than Cure’, people who are active with...Read More

20 Most Promising Elderly Care Service Providers - 2018

Studies show that the senior citizens occupy close to 104 million of the total population and as per the Help Age India Fund study, this number will reach 173 million. As the age progresses, things are always hanging by a fine thread, treading the delicate borders of health issues and economic stability. With increasingly busy lives, families too are unable to undertake the intrinsic healthcare with adverse economic conditions looming at the horizon. During such times, the health of the elderly takes the beating which often gets difficult to recuperate from. India being a land of traditional joint families...Read More

20 Most Promising Healthcare IT Solution Providers – 2018

Proactively run by both private and public sectors, India possesses a vast healthcare system. In spite of its wide spectrum of healthcare services, there remain many differences in quality between rural and urban areas as well as between public and private healthcare in our country. The increasing population poses more challenges in healthcare data management, whereas the conditions such as mounting healthcare cost in private sector and lack of infrastructure in public sector create hurdles in the accessibility of quality healthcare among masses.

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10 Most Promising Diagnostic Centers in Tamil Nadu – 2018

The medical industry is constantly on the crux of innovation and negating the concept of innovation for its growth is not only foolhardy but highly juvenile. As the concept takes root from somewhere, medical industry too has its roots predominantly sunk in the diagnostics industry which helps the high end hospitals take the first step of the treatment and that is, diagnosis. From a simple cold to critical ailments, diagnostic centres take the first step towards a wholesome treatment and while in the quest of providing a solution, also assists the medical establishments...Read More

20 Most Promising ENT Clinics – 2018

We can consider the human body akin to well oiled machine that requires the combined functioning of every small part and failure to do, so can lead dysfunctionality of the entire system. A fine tuning, in the case of human body, a proper care is imperative to ensure a smooth, glitch free operation. ENT – Ear, Nose and Throat treatment, is one of the most common medical ailments occurring among the contemporary population, thanks to the rising amount of pollution in every aspect.

Encompassing three problem areas into one, this medical...Read More

20 Most Promising Cardiology Treatment Clinics - 2018

Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD), the cardinal reason for multiple deaths and disabilities in In­dia, stress strongly on the need to institute effective strategies that can bridle the potential risk factors behind these deaths. Death rates due to CVDs have in fact grown by 34 percent per one lakh population in India between 1990 and 2016, as per the international study by Elsevier in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. In addition, a recent study published in The Lancet Global Health illustrates the alarming rise in rates of dying (between 2000 and 2015) among...Read More

20 Most Promising Diabetes Treatment Clinics - 2018

Almost 18 percent of the global population is contributed by India and reports suggest some shocking facts that India currently represents over 50 percent of the world’s diabetes burden. The higher income due to the nation’s economic development raised the living standards, but led to a sedentary lifestyle, whch leads the country on the path of the fastest growing disease burden over 16 years. Diabetes is often regarded as a ‘lifestyle disease’ as its main cause is inactivity and excessive intake of high-calorie foods. Due to the lack of awareness of the...Read More

20 Promising Alternate Therapy Clinics in India - 2018

Once upon time, not too long ago, Indian medicine was predominantly comprised of Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Sowa Rigpa, availing the nature’s bounty that was meant to cure the human body, mind and soul holistically as well as scientifically. With the onset of the allopathic therapy, its seemingly reputation of quick solution pushed alternate therapy to the back bench where it was meant for as a last resort. Not only the Indian knowledge of medicine, but Chinese, Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures too resorted to alternate therapies of acu-puncture, and many others to offer...Read More

20 Most Promising Retail Pharma Companies - 2018

The total Indian retail pharmacy market has been growing at an average of 18 percent per annum over the last few years, and it is expected to grow by even higher numbers in the future. With the recent success achieved by consumer items in the industry, pharmaceuticals are the next big thing in the online industry. However, on a regional perspective, the market is yet to gain an organized structure despite the growth at an average of 25 percent. However, the industry is anticipated to grow at a rate of 35-40 percent in the next decadeand this will be in sync with the population...Read More

20 Most Promising Baby Health & Safety Providers - 2018

Parenting doesn’t come with a rule book and when it comes to the safety and security for the little one, no task is too big. However, in this quest of a formidable journey, a helping hand is always appreciated and this helping hand can be in form of baby products that only provide the comfort and security to babies during their regular agenda, but also helps parents optimize their tasks, allowing them to enjoy these little moments of watching their child grow up.

With new products in the market like a mobile nappy dispenser or convertible...Read More

 20 Most Promising Naturopathic Products & Services - 2018

Before the advent of modern technology, natural techniques and herbal remedies were the only helping hands to treat illness or heal injuries. With the sudden popularity and dominance of modern medicine, natural medicine is not the one preferred worldwide. Unfortunately, it is now considered inferior as people rely on modern medicines because of their lack of time. Good things come to those who wait, similarly natural remedies takes time to cure as it focuses on the holistic process by going to the root of the problem.

The only let down herbal...Read More

20 Most Promising Doctor Appointment Solution Providers - 2018

Accessibility and affordability should be the basic tenets available for all the human beings and healthcare reach is one of the persistent challenges people face across the globe especially in India.  A doctor-patient relationship is a central part of healthcare and both parties need to redefine the interaction in order to become more educated and better communicators. Factors like, two-way communication, compatibility, shared decision making, are crucial in finding the best doctor for your health. Quick appointments with the doctor are the best thing to do these days...Read More

20 Most Promising Medical Imaging Solution Providers - 2018

“Patients and their families will forgive you for wrong diagnoses, but will rarely forgive you for wrong prognoses; the older you grow in medicine, the more chary you get about offering iron clad prognoses, good or bad” – David Seegal’s Journal of Chronic Diseases. Nothing could better summarize the criticality of proper diagnosis in the patient’s road to recovery. As per a recent study by MarketsandMarkets, the global diagnostic imaging market is expected to reach close to $36.43 billion by 2021, growing at a CAGR of 6.6 percent from 2016 to...Read More

10 Most Promising Diagnostic Centres in Maharashtra - 2018

Growth of the current medical industry is neither an overnight success nor it can be regarded as a one man show. Enabling this growth is the crucial diagnostic industry that is reinforcing the big player by acclimatizing the treatments through it diagnosis and simplifying treatments a great deal. With rise of new diseases, including the much talked about lifestyle diseases, the diagnostic industry is an indispensible attribute of the healthcare ecosystem, helping zero down on the crucial element of the medical treatment. Looking at an industrial growth of almost 13 percent CAGR,...Read More

20 Most Promising Psychotherapy Treatment Providers - 2018

Rollo May, a famous American psychiatrist said, “Depression is the inability to construct”. Nothing could better portray the condition of an individual with psychological issues. A recent report states that by 2020, India might lead in being the country with the highest population suffering from depression, anxiety, and similar other psychological disorders. In one of its reports, WHO revealed that close to 4.5 percent (app. 56 million) of India’s population suffer from depression, and another 38 million Indians suffer from similar other anxiety disorders....Read More

20 Most Promising DNA Testing Clinics - 2018

 Globally, genetic testing ranks among the top 10 global consumer trends for 2018. Much to our surprise, DNA test kits were the hottest selling item during the last holiday shopping season in the US. According to a Report by Grand View Research, the global genetic testing market is expected to be valued at $4.6 billion by 2025 and foreseeing this big tech giants Google, last year developed a new tool called ‘DeepVariant’ to develop a better understanding of our genome.

Humans are 99.5 percent the same, but the remaining 0.5 percent accounts for 30...Read More

20 Most Promising Fertility Clinics - 2018

Globally, one in six couples experience problems in conceiving a child. In the recent years, the prevalence of couples unable to conceive has gradually increased and over 20 percent of the married couples fall into this category. Doctors claim that of couples that seek medical treatment for infertility, 20 percent conceive before the treatment actually begins. The emotional aura which surrounds the couple plays a huge part in treating infertility because the psychoanalysts claim that some of the hidden psychological affects of the sexual drives. Also, lifestyle factors, including...Read More

20 Most Promising Yoga Institutes - 2018

Touted to be introduced 5,000 years ago, ‘Yoga’ has not been lost and forgotten. In fact, it has maintained a steady popularity over the years, with growing to become one of the most popular forms of exercises that exist today. Around the world it is practiced as a method of physical fitness by adding peace to one's condition, thus helping to stay calm and relaxed. Moreover, identifying yoga as a substitute to a gym, it also has the ability to manage many diseases of day-to-day lives. No doubt yoga does it all, but it is much more that. Foreseeing the demand for yoga as well as finding it a...Read More

20 Most Promising Audiology Clinics - 2018

Hearing is one the major five senses and not only does it offer a physical assistance of knowing the sounds surrounding us but also offers the emotional well being that one receives from sounds like the voice of a loved or a beautiful piece of music. The auditory skills of a person are intrinsically linked to his speech ability and lack of either of the two can wreck havoc in the balance between these two aspects and subsequently, the person’s self confidence as well. Thankfully, medical treatment catering to this cause is no more across continents as the Indian audiology...Read More

10 Most Promising Diagnostic Centres, Delhi - 2018

Though the medical industry is growing leaps and bounds, it is rather imperative to understand the diagnosis before jumping into the treatment. The less acknowledged but highly important of the intrinsic medical industry is the diagnostic industry which with its preventive, rather than curing attribute offers a plethora of early diagnosis before the sun sets down on an individual's health. This industry is especially of importance in current times where never heard before diseases are cropping up, thanks to the increasing environmental hazards.

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10 Most Promising Diagnostic Centres, Mumbai - 2018

Though the medical industry is growing leaps and bounds, it is rather imperative to understand the diagnosis before jumping into the treatment. The less acknowledged but highly important of the intrinsic medical industry is the diagnostic industry which with its preventive, rather than curing attribute offers a plethora of early diagnosis before the sun sets down on an individual’s health. This industry is especially of importance in current times where never heard before diseases are cropping up, thanks to the increasing environmental hazards.

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10 Most Promising Wellness and Fitness Centres, Mumbai – 2018

Though we are all familiar with the phrase, ‘All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy’, it is not sufficed to just run around for 10 feet, claiming it to be a physical activity or exercise. A well guided fitness regime can do wonders in achieving a holistic well being, a perfect harmony of mind, body and soul.

India, home of ancient yoga and holistic exercises is now the hub for the health market, booming exponentially, while blending the new ideas and maintaining the traditional realm.  This millennia old practice is taking...Read More

10 Most Promising Wellness and Fitness Centres, Bangalore– 2018

Though we are all familiar with the phrase, ‘All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy’, it is not sufficed to just run around for 10 feet, claiming it to be a physical activity or exercise. A well guided fitness regime can do wonders in achieving a holistic well being, a perfect harmony of mind, body and soul.

India, home of ancient yoga and holistic exercises is now the hub for the health market, booming exponentially, while blending the new ideas and maintaining the traditional realm.  This millennia old practice is taking...Read More

10 Most Promising Gym & Yoga Centres - 2018

Though we are all familiar with the phrase, ‘All Work and No Play Makes Jack a Dull Boy’, it is not sufficed to just run around for 10 feet, claiming it to be a physical activity or exercise. A well guided fitness regime can do wonders in achieving a holistic well being, a perfect harmony of mind, body and soul.

India, home of ancient yoga and holistic exercises is now the hub for the health market, booming exponentially, while blending the new ideas and maintaining the traditional realm.  This millennia old practice is taking...Read More

20 Most Promising Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics - 2018

“You are what you eat” this age old phrase has since time immemorial laid emphasis on eating healthy and staying mindful of what one puts in their mouth. Eating the right food and maintaining a holistic wellness of mind, body and soul is what quantifies as good health. Today, highly qualified nutritionists and diet experts are helping masses to understand the fine balance between a good health and a turbulent one. Since no person is similar, these experts chart our personalised health plans to help maintain a balanced outlook of life that always been associated with...Read More

10 Most Promising Healthcare BPO Service Providers- 2018

Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in the world, citing an augmentation in revenue and employment. From being a point of doctor-patient interactions & treatments to encompassing a gamut of functions like clinical trials, medical devices, telemedicine, medical tourism, medical equipment, health insurance, and outsourcing, the metamorphosis of the healthcare industry has been truly rewarding. However, the all-embracing nature of the medical industry is meddling with its basic functions of diagnosing and treating patients, which comes as a byproduct of staff efficiency and...Read More

10 Most Promising Hair Clinics - 2018

The biblical myth of Samson and Delilah where the legendary strongman’s strengths were completely shattered by chopping off his hair is a reflection of how people from ages associated human hair with unbound power. Back to reality, the millennial age still endorses the worth of owning that perfect mane sprouting abundance of confidence, self-approval, and elation. Sadly, the luscious lock that we all admire is being replaced by the receding hairline due to factors such as pollution, stress, improper eating habits, rising hormonal disorders, all leading to hair loss and...Read More

10 Most Promising Physiotherapy Clinics - 2018

Ideated as a technique for manual manipulation for pain relief by the Father of Medicine, Hippocrates, to the commonly availed medium for treating an array of ailments such as back pain, osteoarthritis, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s diseases, bursitis, and so on, the metamorphosis of physiotherapy has truly left a mark on the mankind. Endowing individuals with the greatest virtue of all, mobility, Physiotherapy is a prominent part of healthcare delivery system dependent on by patients and doctors alike. From patients recuperating from surgery and accidents to...Read More

10 Most Promising Cosmetic Dentistry Clinics - 2018

Smile is the perfect accessory that goes with everything and suits everyone. It has often been said that wars and tragedies can be averted with one smile.  From spreading the message of happiness to just adding a stroke of light to anyone’s personality, smile is a very powerful phenomenon that should be taken care of with utmost patience and diligence. Safeguarding our smiles, the cosmetic dentistry industry is going beyond the realm of conventional dental care and providing new and improved methods that is not only taking care of the complete oral care but is taking a...Read More

10 Most Promising Clinical Trial Solutions Providers - 2018

Crystal balls since time immemorial has been used as an agent that offers people the insight into the future and helping them understand the steps they can take to further refine or in case of a tragedy, take necessary measures to avert it. We don’t know how reliable are these agents of future are but what one can do is arm themselves with knowledge and preparation that will help them counter the disadvantages and negative effects that can befall anytime. One such ironclad phenomena are Clinical Trials. Tried and tested, clinical trials hold the power to pave a new way for...Read More