siliconindia has always been instrumental in identifying the ‘Best’ from across industries that are important to professionals and the businesses. Working hand-in-hand with industry experts, and screening thousands of nominations, our Editorial Board picks the best in each of the areas mentioned below:
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10 Most Promising Diagnostic Service Providers - 2017

The human health can be considered analogous to a vast ocean and though, the modern healthcare system has advanced at a breakneck speed, the depths are yet to be explored. The first step to any treatment is undoubtedly, diagnosis. However, like most conventional of ideologies, diagnosis is often mistaken to be a waste of time. The diagnostic industry, now at dizzying heights is slowly curbing this notion and make it imperative to deploy proper diagnostic services to entail a better treatment.

The Indian diagnostic industry is positioned to...Read More

10 Most Promising Corporate Wellness Service Providers - 2017

In these times of multi-tasking, increased work pressure, longer hours and less rejuvenation time, health is a wealth that every person should consider accumulating. Like every machine has its breaking point, a human body too has its own limitations and lack of healthy practices will only catalyze its breakdown. Since today’s professionals find little or no time on their hand to engage in a healthy workout, companies are today taking up the responsibility to help its employees realize the benefits of good health.

A helping hand in such...Read More

10 Most Promising MedicalBilling Service Provider - 2017

Upon visiting any medical establishment and one can easily grasp the haphazard functioning and conundrum that is prevalent on the campus. Where human lives are at stake, one does not have the luxury to waste even the nth portion of a second. Under such circumstances, expecting one to focus on administrative and billing functioning rather than crafting ways to make lives better is nothing short of tragic. A separate organ for such processing, the medical billing industry is highly adept to take over the chaos and streamline the operations for organizations, empowering them to...Read More

10 most Promising mHealth Solution Providers - 2017

mHealth is a recent entrant in the healthcare industry which is still in its explosive growth phase, as the sector grows parallel to and in direct proportion to the growth of the mobile device industry. The wide array of unique healthcare solutions that  mHealth can provide makes it hard to define the term in a sentence or two. Doctors, patients and healthcare consultants are looking forward towards the tremendous possibilities that this sphere has opened up and will open up in the near future.

A vast collection of  mHealth...Read More

10 Most Promising Telemedicine Service Provider - 2017

A study conducted by ASSOCHAM states that the Indian telemedicine industry has been growing at an exponential rate of 20 percent year over year and holds the potential to cross $32 million mark by 2020 from the current mark of over $15 million. In a nation where limited resources and congested population lives in remote and rural areas, telemedicine holds the power to bring about the shift in the healthcare paradigm through its power of virtual accessibility. This surpasses the geographic limitations and socio-economic contradictions that plague the majority of the society

Telemedicine has the...Read More

10 Most Promising Home Healthcare Service Providers - 2017

Home healthcare is now gaining popularity with patients opting to reduce the duration of their hospital stays, making it a new trend in the healthcare sector. The wide acceptance of home healthcare services stems from the convenience of the service, and the knowledge that it can be as effective as visiting a hospital or a skilled nursing facility (SNF), in specific cases. This trend is also a direct result of the desire to remain independent and to continue the existing lifestyle, specifically in the case of the aged where the solution is also a low-cost alternative to long-term care in healthcare...Read More

10 Most Promising Medical Imaging Service Providers – 2017

The extent to which medical imaging has revolutionized and impacted the healthcare sector is substantial. X-ray radiography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, endoscopy, elastography, tactile imaging, thermography, and other methodologies which were discovered over the period of a century and are being continually upgraded have simplified diagnosis and treatment of numerous health issues. These improvements, being coupled with the overall advancements in healthcare have resulted in increased life expectancy of an average human being, as diseases are detected earlier and treatments have become more...Read More

10 Most Promising Online Pharmacies- 2017

Of all the segments poised for transformation by the internet, the healthcare industry is said to be at the top of the heap. As healthcare is considered to be one of the country’s biggest economic challenges, the industry is in an urgent need of finding out news ways to improve the sector along with improvising the patient care. With the advancements in technology and new mediums of communication, it has opened up new channels for providing patient care & quality life. For years, the local pharmacies seemed to be the ardent supplier of products. But a drastic change came in when big names like...Read More

20 Most Promising Healthcare Technology Solution Providers - 2017

In the recent years, healthcare sector in India has gone beyond the brick and mortar constraint of traditional medical practice. Due to immense growth in this sector, today Indian healthcare is worth $100 billion and expected to grow $280 billion by 2020. Under the umbrella of cloud, healthcare sector has created a robust ecosystem with the inclusion of e-Diagnostics, e-Pharmacy, tele-radiology, hospital information systems (HIS)/hospital management information systems (HMIS), online medical records (EMR) and many others. Adoption of computerized provider order entry (CPOE) has reduced drug errors to a...Read More