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Advice Request
Syed Ali Dilawer
Syed Ali Dilawer

Syed Ali Dilawer

Project Management Professional

EC Harris International

Influenced by
Sri C.K.Prahalad is the world's topmost management guru and the first Indian-born thinker to claim the title.
Because of CK's passion for India is well known, consummately articulated in the India@75 Vision spelt out inclusively by CK, CII and other partners. But the Indian in CK never ceased to show up, even in his other work. Whether it was in the contextualisation of fortune at the bottom of the pyramid or core competency, the late guru's love for his home country is only too well known. His daughter agrees, and echoes another view point that is well established: “People who worked with him know well that he made people outside think differently about India.”
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals should get involved in politics and show patriotism to the nation in selecting our rulers. If politicians are strict and free from corruption many government plans will be acting which could help in a progress of a nation. Elect the people who care about the next generation not about the next election. Involve yourself in political matters. This is our country, we should take care of it. Citizens with enough disposable income must do charity as a part of life - not only to save tax, but with a genuine concern. Collective efforts to educate poor children and develop rural areas can make a huge difference.
Degree that I recommend
I recommend certifications for project management professional like PMP,CCC,MIRCS etc , because the certification is one of the proofs with an aspirant which allows the manager to make sure the candidate’s ability, through a very competent way. Certification does not mean merely printed paper or card, signed by some authority, telling about your expertise. Rather certification is a process in which you prove your technical skills through the serious of tests.
Couple of years from now
Owner of successful Management Consultancy
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Higher education in India suffers from several systemic deficiencies. As a result,
it continues to provide graduates that are unemployable despite emerging shortages of
skilled manpower in an increasing number of sectors. The standards of academic research
are low and declining. Some of the problems of the Indian higher education, such as – the
unwieldy affiliating system, inflexible academic structure, uneven capacity across various
subjects, eroding autonomy of academic institutions, and the low level of public funding
are well known. Many other concerns relating to the dysfunctional regulatory
environment, the accreditation system that has low coverage and no consequences,
absence of incentives for performing well, and the unjust public funding policies are not
well recognized. Driven by populism and in the absence of good data, there is little
informed public debate on higher education in India. Above highlighted deviancies to be rectified.
My family background
I am a descendent of prophet Mohammed “peace be on upon him” and son of Syed Zainaulabedin retired additional director fisheries of Andrah Pradesh. Belong to highly respected family of Hyderabad.
My achievements
Publication of my books and academic achievement.
Nominated for Rastiya Gaurva Award
Ensuring success
I am continuously acquiring knowledge. This process of personal development equips me with many skills, such as self-discipline, leadership and management.
My strongest skill
Having Ability to initiate/manage cross-functional teams and multi-disciplinary projects.Thinking Outside of the Box, Know How to Say “NO” and Be Realistic, Teamwork, Critical thinking, decision making and problem solving skills.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A successful leader should have self-knowledge, commitment, willingness to look to others for support, being open to change, and a desire to go the extra mile—can determine whether anyone chooses to follow.
Important lesson learned
Strong organizational skills, effective productivity habits, and a strong sense of discipline are needed to keep you on track.
Brief description about me
I am a project management professional with 23 years of experience in Project Management. I am presently working with an International ‘Built Asset Consultancy’ as Project Control & Claims Consultant. Recognized expert and author among Project Management professionals and Contract Advisory Community Globally.
Authored books such as Hand book for project control professionals, Construction Claim Management and Fundamentals of Accounting & Finance for Engineers & Managers, Project Management in Construction and Legal terms dictionary. Also regularly writes articles for leading project management magazines.
My role model
Sri C.K.Prahalad is the world's topmost management guru and the first Indian-born thinker to claim the title.
Because of CK's passion for India is well known, consummately articulated in the India@75 Vision spelt out inclusively by CK, CII and other partners. But the Indian in CK never ceased to show up, even in his other work. Whether it was in the contextualisation of fortune at the bottom of the pyramid or core competency, the late guru's love for his home country is only too well known. His daughter agrees, and echoes another view point that is well established: “People who worked with him know well that he made people outside think differently about India.”
Important decision
Leaving politics for successful academic career
More about myself
You cannot get ahead with your own goals if you are always saying yes to someone else’s opinion. You can only get ahead with your desired life if you are focused on the things that will lead you to our dreams.
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