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Advice Request
Srinath Vaddepally
Srinath Vaddepally

Srinath Vaddepally

Dual Degree Graduate Student

Wipro Technologies

Time Management
From the beginning I have a unique inclination to prioritize my longterm needs. Today's longterm need will be next year short term need. But during this process I put baby steps along my journey to full fill my long term needs. Thus my short term needs which were once long term needs gets scheduled on time without conflicting with my long term needs. Hope it make sense.
Challenges facing by students
A clear vision. Often students are flooded with information from many sources. Ability to clearly see the difference between different sources and their context is what makes a student successful in accomplishing his task.
Most flourishing college experience
As a dual degree student,I am still building my dreams through knowledge acquired from different experiences. Even though I do not have one tangible experience to quote, I consider gathering right amount of knowledge from genuine resources to start a business through interaction with students, professors and industry experts is one of the most rewarding experience for me at CMU.
Additional information
Students should be able to think beyond the scope of the class. Think Big. Most of the class room experience limits the student environment for the grades or exams. The one who thinks beyond school , class and grades is sure to gonna reach success early on.
Family Background
I am a second son to a happy middle class indian family of five with one elder brother ( Software engineer) and younger sister (Software engineer). Father is a businessman ( Photographer) and mom is a house wife. We all three ( myself, brother and sister) were quite education savvy from the beginning and finished up our under graduation with flying colors at respective schools.
About Myself
I did my under graduation back in India. I gave GATE, CAT,GMAT and GRE exams to explore my interests and passion without creating confusion in people. During these times I finished two years of Industrial work experience in India and three years of work experience in US. In 2012, I decided to do dual degree graduate program, focusing on both business and technical aspects of my education. My motive behind dual degree graduate program is to start my own business. Hence I have chosen "Engineering and Technology Innovation Management" and "Electrical and COmputer Engineering" program at CMU.
Career Expectations
Internet connectivity every where, penetration of embedded devices in to health care and transportation, Big Data applications, remote monitoring, context aware computing, Penetration of mobile devices in every aspect of our life etc
Most proud accomplishment
So far none as I dont measure my success in material plane. I only tend to share my progress with people which I call as prescribed duty for my self.
Most influenced factor
Mostly indian scriptures and culture has profound impact on me. Too some extent I inspire my self from Steve Jobs.
Favorite subject
Strategy is my strength as I tend to take decisions far reaching that will have impact on common benefit of society.
First Job Expectation
1) Manger
2) Work environment
3) Pay check
Spare time activities
Scripture readings ( Scientific) .
View s for better India
Entrepreneurship with un perverted motive is the right platform to build economy of a country.
My uniqueness
Platform agnostic and beyond the modes of nature
Favorite Books and Articles
Bhagavad-Gita as it is. It is a scientific enquiry in to economic development of a country
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