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Advice Request
Shruthi K
Shruthi K

Shruthi K

Senior Software Engineer

Bristlecone India Pvt Limited


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Family Background
Our family consists of Dad, Mom, me and my 2 elder sisters. Dad is a retiered Govt employee who is very honest, well planned man who is looking after his cultivated land. Mom is a sweet and innocent house wife who believes husband is her world. Both sisters are married and well settled.
Effective words:
Its passion/Dream which drives the industry evrywhere. Develop the intrest in you to become what you want to be. Analyse the risk factors and act quickly on them as it is very competitive world. Give your best in everything you do and keep all the hopes of suceeding, definitely you will suceed.
Balancing both the life requires Proper planning. Plan realistic, prioritize your tasks to accomplish the set targets. Donot fall into tension when the planned things doesnot go well - Be cool, think of alternatives, try to accept the facts which are bitter sometimes, try compromising minor ones.
From professional life I learnt to plan, understand different kind of people, what market demands, to handle stress, to concentrate, ignore unwanted remarks etc. These thoughts will really help me in further encounters of life as life is completely unrevealed. These thoughts make me organized.
Book/Websites to go through:
Be updated with the currents trends, focus on details of your ideas and thoughts, have proper General knowledge, Common sense which are the basics to suceed in anything. Any website/book which highlights these things are appreciable. I personally read Motivational books, Competative exam books.
Current job Description:
As I am in the same industry from last 5 years, my job doesnot differ much from comany to comapny. As a contineous improvement I do help my collegues with their work, add more contacts to professional list, learn new concepts.
Challenges faced:
As a women we do get some of the realistic problems like not getting recognized for the work, not considering our thoughts, situations of hearing jokes for which we do not know to laugh or slap etc. Solution is Either change your self or change others whichever is suitable depending on the situation
Achieving Success:
Women have to be sensitive and strong, do not take any suggestions and remarks personally, try to take evrything from a positive side, have broader and faster thinking. Make use of Women specific skills of doing things differently, creativity, tracking minor things etc to achieve faster results.
Family Background:
My forefathers are from a agriculture background. Not many have learnt except my core family members. We 3 daughters are well educated, mannered and working in reputed comapnies which makes my dad to feel realization of his dream. Mom is a symbol of sacrifice, words are not enough to describe her.
Extra Certification:
Try having multiple skill sets as IT industry is flexible and recession affected. Have the right idea of industry suitable, intrests you. Go for standard Certifications which really adds value to your carrier growth. Information in you counts at the end of the day so keep updating your database.
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