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Advice Request
Satish Dappin
Satish Dappin

Satish Dappin

Sr QA Engineer

Juniper Networks India Pvt Ltd

Blogs (1)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
My Dad works in state govt. mom is a home maker.
Essential Advice
Understand the technology. the more you gain knowledge on technology the more you will be confident enough to handle it. understand the features rather than working like machine. You will learn your skillset once you get thorough knowledge on feature and respective technology
Changes in the industry
Started with product company. Its all about understanding the flow of test cycle. release cycles. the more you start to test at some point you will reach a saturation in that domain. over there innovations plays main role. you will innovate the new methodology to improve the testing.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I drive a project here. I am completely responsible for success/failure of this product at my present organisation. Over here have lot of responsibilities and getting lot of new features to learn. there is a lot of change in this QA profile from my previous jobs.
Required Reading
Try for certification with respect to your Organisation. Read relevent books with respect to domain in which you are floating. follow technical papers and techblogs.
Most Important Lessons
Dont mix your professional life with personal. Do have a track of all your work accomplished in every Quarter.
Plans for the Future
looking forward to lead a team.
Tech trends to watch out for
we should always go with the up coming technology. Each product line will have a QA team. the world is nothing without internet these days. So work with networking companies/mobility companies which makes internet world much easier in different perspective.
Points of inflection
instead of following traditional methodologies. try to understand and come out with your new approach to handle it. grow with basic testings like smoke, sanity, Regression, systest ( Manual cum automation). Lead the projects.
Degrees that Matter
My Post graduation helped me a lot.
Most Important Decisions
Understand the market and your role in present company. Dont always go with the brand. go with your growth opportunities. go with those opportunities which will make you visible in an organisation
A Fine Balance:
have a flexible life style. give priority to ur personal life. prioritise your families. If you keep yourself happy with personal life you will manage your professional life accordingly
Currently working at
I take care of all testing. driving a complete project from india.
The Journey So Far
Started in R&D and worked as QA engineer in Juniper networks and moved to Tellabs for new mobile product. later moved to Spirent Communications for a challenging product and project.
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