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Advice Request
Gaurav Singh
Gaurav Singh

Gaurav Singh

Test Lead (Project Lead)



Gaurav Singh is a member of:

- Expert
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
My parents are teachers. We are two siblings and both are happily married. I have a son who is nearly four years old.
The Journey So Far
This has been a great journey. I have been a tester since age of one where I used to play with my toys, break and test "What inside them?"
Work is my biggest strength and What i think, I make efforts to accomplish that.
I believe that if you work honestly then no one can defeat you in any industry
Role Model
My perents are biggest role model for me. I have learnt everything in my life from them. Few of them includes:
1. Attitude.
2. Honesty.
3. Dedication.
4. Positive thinking.
Required Reading
1. Pressman.
2. Pragmatic Software Testing: Becoming an Effective and Efficient Test Professional(Rex Black)
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Currently I am in to Program Management. Roles and responsibilities include:
1. Resourcing.
2. Point of contact for escalations.
3. Client Management.
4. Project Management.
5. Delivery Management.
Changes in the industry
Initially people were not much bothered about testing and assuring quality of project/product/program. This thought has significantly changed in due course of time & now nearly each Software organisations contains a testing team. Awareness have increased for constraints cost, quality & time.
Essential Advice
Do not persue the carrier just for the sake of job. If you have it in your blood and a taste for quality, then go ahead & try to dig hard for defects to improve quality of whatever you find in life.
Points of inflection
Moving from technical stuff towards managing the things.
Tech trends to watch out for
Testing, Management, Pre-sales, Sales - Each trend has its own significance and meaning. its same as you nurture your life as you grow old.
Currently working at
I am in to program management, manging four inter-related projects. Each project has leads who manage the team directly and my roles and responsibilities of managing overall deliveries, client management, resourcing etc.
Most Important Lessons
Team work.
Effective Communication.
Time Management.
Prioritising the work.
A Fine Balance:
keep both things seperate and handle them as individual projects. life would be easier for you.
Areas for the Future
Test Automation.
Specific domain knowledge.
Strategic planning and forecasting.
Plans for the Future
An interim part of the organization. Though I have a bit inclination for MBA and sales.
Degrees that Matter
ISTQB - a must for every tester.
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