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Advice Request
Praveen Kumar Kambhampati
Praveen Kumar Kambhampati

Praveen Kumar Kambhampati

Senior Business Consultant

Netadwise Solutions


Praveen Kumar Kambhampati is a member of:

Branding impact varies across life cycle phases of an organization. Start-ups need to perform to establish market credibility that does branding for them,eventually. For large entities, balancing their brand along with market credibility is critical and challenging. Their is no midway or mediocrity.
Importance of 4ps
The visibility("Promotion"), accessibility ("Place") of a "Product" and its variants along with their "Price" decide the future of organization's sustenance and longevity. The best product is not as best without fulfilling the marketing fundamentals.
Establish a market share and partnerships in a recurring supply chain is a horizontal spread of the marketing ability. Capability to gain larger accounts as our clients is the vertical view. Its an interesting journey full of dynamics. Long way to go and many newer markets to pursue.
Achieving Targets
Service readiness, product availability, team involvement in market analysis and decisions. forward looking attitude and firm grounding in challenging times.
Growth Prospect in marketing
The faster you get the market perception of the product or Service and ability to read the changing trends and habits. For ex, Social marketing had dented the traditional methods. Adaptability and tech-savvy approach is a necessity. A virtual community is critical when compared to other streams.
Importance of On line marketing
Corporate has no world without online marketing in today's reality. A must and should for a corporate is the online presence. The entity has to place itself in the necessary and critical web of online network to see itself performing to the market requirements. Everything would be online soon.
Recently a contact with long term association had recommended our services to a prospect and informed me about the opportunity. I was glad that "marketing" effort has paid off, on time.
The pursuit is on and a few presentations have been done to the top management to complete the "selling" cycle.
Positioning the product
We are seeing that the last couple of years have been witness to major market shift to sustain the pressures of sub-optimal performance. The products and services we deal with are directly influence and decide the realization of transitional effectiveness and relevant to the current trend.
Suggestions to aspirants
A large world awaits you with newer markets created every day. Get ready to begin each day with an uncertainty and close it with clarity within uncertainty, everyday. Learn to see the success within the endless pursuit. Have patience and an appetite for Risk. You're the best for this changing world.
Brief yourself
An entrepreneur and business consultant with a tech savvy attitude and keen interest in aspects that enable corporate governance, performance and sustenance. Trainer, Mentor and a self made learner of various business aspects that gain increasing importance with increased sophistication.
Future trend
Partnerships supporting contracts, cross tier business relationships for service assurance, Online collaboration and communities, increasing dependency on clicks and visits on web pages. portals that remind of the soccer world cup games promising the hype and fulfillment of every unique need.
Any that tell you about the global market trends because sooner it would be happening next door. Have a taste for articles from the foresters, forbe's, Mckinsey's and Harward publications. Read the local market trends from the economic times or business standard. The sector requires reading habits.
Importance of STP
That depends. Currently the segmentation getting more interdisciplinary and a unique product has its own unique but cross-segment identity. Pepsi is looking at promoting an "impatient" attitude to its audience, predominantly youth. well positioned to encash an inborn but so far untouched trait.
Future prospect
Success in my entrepreneurial initiatives and deploying the trend across continents and business sectors. Supporting the Indian and global customers with innovative solutions and sustaining the changing market needs with forward looking and future ready analytics.
Recommended Courses and Certification
Good Communication and lots of talking is a must. Qualifications that go miles beyond a valued sheet of recognition, are more important. Good hardcore marketing experience to know the ground rules and the game plan well, followed by a hard earned marketing diploma from a reputed institute should do.
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