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Advice Request
Dkg Kumar Ghosh
Dkg Kumar Ghosh

Dkg Kumar Ghosh

Management Consultant

Unicorn Consultants

Degree that I recommend
SPSS Software Certificate and along with re-hash of the Statistical Process Control Methods.
My role model
There are quite a few: Subhas Bose, Steve Jobs, Swami Vivekananda, mahatma Gandhi, William Buffet, and Napolean.
Initiative to develop a country
We need to be more tolerant towards each other's views, religious beliefs and opinions; and try and control our judgmental instincts.
Sacrifice in leadership is required. Sacrifice should be made in information and knowledge sharing. We must accept the age old Indian values and incorporate them in our professional lives.
My strongest skill
Consulting, Training, Coaching, and Analyzing.
Couple of years from now
I see myself more of an international speaker and consultant.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The Indian education system should be less text book oriented. The involvement students in acquiring the knowledge of the subject which is being discussed should be inculcated at all levels. The learning which is being imparted is to be implemented through simulations and real-time examples. Home-work/essay writings/group discussions/presentations should be included from Grade 7 to beyond.
Brief description about me
The undersigned is the founder of Unicorn Consultants, from where, since 1998 he has trained and consulted around 70 organizations, and over 3000 personnel from Unit Heads to Workers in India and the Gulf Countries. His core strength lies in executing management projects and training & coaching in the areas of Behavioral Science; HR/Sales/Customer Service/TQM/Lean-manufacturing/TPM/Gemba-Kaizen/;and Benchmarking.
He holds degrees in Economics and Applied Mathematics from Clark University, U.S.A.
He was also the ex- Executive Director of Institute for Inspiration and Self development (IISD), a Venture promoted by Srei Foundation.
Important decision
I chose being a solo professional/business owner over a regular job.
Influenced by
Ensuring success
I am trying to keep myself focused on my goals. Trying to optimize the resources I have towards acquiring my target and also practice being thrifty. I do continuous research and learning, and trying to speak less and listen.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
We need to be more tolerant towards each other's views, religious beliefs and opinions; and try and control our judgmental instincts.
Sacrifice in leadership is required. Sacrifice should be made in information and knowledge sharing. Sacrifice should be made in one's time in order to coach other people.
Important lesson learned
If a stone/rock/boulder is thrown at you, smash it with your head. Do not fret too much, if you think you are doing the right thing and not harming anyone then everything bad will pass.
My achievements
Through my professional career I have been able to influence people's thoughts and ideas, and the way they look at life.
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