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Advice Request
Alai Raj
Alai Raj

Alai Raj


Varsha Fresh Meat Products Ltd

Initiative to develop a country
always working truly without any expectation
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
He know every thing guidance and motivate of others
Brief description about me
Iam ALAIRAJ ,Post Graduate workin in Limited Company,
Important lesson learned
The Goose with the Golden Eggs.Once upon a time, a man and his wife had the good fortune to have a goose which laid a golden egg every day. Lucky though they were, they soon began to think they were not getting rich fast enough.

They imagined that if the bird must be able to lay golden eggs, its insides must be made of gold. And they thought that if they could get all that precious metal at once, they would get mighty rich very soon. So the man and his wife decided to kill the bird.
However, upon cutting the goose open, they were shocked to find that its innards were like that of any other goose!

Degree that I recommend
My family background
My Father Name is Ramasamy he is a Farmer,my mother name is Jothimani she is a housewife,my wife name is Anitha ,she is working as Lecturer,one sun one & half years old.
Influenced by
Mr, Sailesh. He is teaching for situation working
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Common (same)teaching for all over india
Important decision
remember how much shocked my parents were and how much scared I was when I decided to leave home to attend my college in a different city. But, that was the most important decision I had ever made.
Once I left home. I learnt the meaning of Independance and Freedom.At first I had felt somewhat uncomfortable of being away from home and away from the parental guidance. Because for the first time I was all by myself. Then I realised I was Independant. There I learnt to take life's important decisions, alone. My parents were not there to guide me through the right track. Whether it was about taking some course or was about making new friends, I had to make the all the decisions wisely all by myself.

Freedom or Independance always comes packaged with Discipline. If you miss Discipline, you miss the whole essence of Freedom. At my college, I was free to do whatever I wanted. There was no one to scold me for not doing my studies or for spending a lot of time with my friends. So I had to deci
My role model
He has encouraged the youth of India to dream big and achieve those dreams. He came from a poor family yet became the President of India.
This is because he dream big and was brought up with the right moral values. He inspires us to do the same. He is self motivated person. He didn't have anybody to support him. He study to gain knowledge and lead the youth by his inspiring thoughts.
My strongest skill
Traditional Skills/Attributes
2.Communications skills
3.Attention to detai
4.Media relation
6.Work ethic
Ensuring success
a leader in any organization you must accept greater responsibilities to carry out the vision of the organization. As you develop these responsibilities your problem solving abilities increase because while your responsibilities increase so do the number of problems that will come across your desk. This happens because everyone else will look to you for your expertise and knowledge.

Below are 7 of the major responsibilities a leader must develop and continue to improve upon them as they grow throughout their organization:

Set and achieve business goals - You must be clear about the goals you are going to accomplish, be specific and they must be written and measurable. The greater the clarity you have about the goals you are trying to accomplish, the more you become a leader rather than a follower. Remember every leader was at once a follower and even when you are recognized as a leader you are still a follower because for you to improve upon what you do you still must educate yoursef
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