SiliconIndia constantly endeavors to identify "The Best" in a variety of areas important to the profession and its practitioners. Through nominations and consultations with industry leaders, our editors choose the best in each of the areas mentioned below.
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Top 5 Vocational Training Institutes in India 2018
'Primarily, education is aimed to give everyone an opportunity for development of their potential, thus making them eligible for employment. But...'Read More
Top 5 Roadside Assistance Companies in India 2018
'It is certain that no country can afford to ignore the automobile sector, which is globally worth over $2.4 trillion and one of the substantial...'Read More
Top 5 Mobile App Development Companies in India 2018
'Booking a cab, purchasing apparel or ordering food online-mobile apps have moved on top of list of convenience. And hence the responsibility of the...'Read More
Top 5 Digital & Email Marketing Service Providers in India 2018
'21st century is digitally and technologically driven society. The impact is such that there are countries where citizen’s don’t have running...'Read More
Top 5 Big Data And Hadoop Training Institutes in India 2018
'There is a huge amount of data floating around. Around 600 million tweets are sent in a day. This is more than 6,840 tweets per second. Also, VISA...'Read More
Top 5 PMP Training Institutes - 2018
'Project Management skill is essential to bring business and IT projects to successful completion. Since project management is the backbone of any...'Read More
Top 5 Stock Market Training Institutes in India 2018
'Stock market trading is considered as one of the smartest investment plans as it can offer huge earnings in shorter period. According to the...'Read More
Top 5 Career Development Training Institutes in India 2018
'Desperate times call for desperate measures; today, the changing economy has been impacting the business world in every possible aspect. Companies...'Read More
Top 5 Employee Transport Services in India 2018
'It has been said that if a company treats its employees like they make a difference, then one day definitely they will. When an employee of a...'Read More
Top 5 UX/UI Designing Companies in India 2018
'User Experience Design is responsible for being hands on with the process of research, testing, development, content, and prototyping to test for...'Read More