Countries Where Maximum Numbers Of Big-Hearted Masses Resides

4. New Zealand:

New Zealand, the land of Kiwis is generally stable where its people are generally harmonious and an act of violence is fully condemned as such homicides and terrorist acts are very limited. This beautiful nation of mild maritime climate and land mostly covered in forest ranks well on the generosity poll. It is now the fourth most generous nation in the world. Seven out of 10 New Zealanders were likely to help a stranger while 66 percent would reach into their pockets to donate to a charity. Four out of ten Kiwis would volunteer their time to help those in need, the study showed.

5. United States:

The United States is not just the most developed nation in the world but also one of the world's most generous nation, according to a global index of giving, as a higher proportion of Americans helped a stranger at times of need. The US made a significant improvement in charitable behavior by contributing 57 percent to the charity. This super power nation which has a per capita income of $52,839, witnesses 71 percent of its citizens helping a stranger.

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