10 Best Tech Institutes Of India

#7 IIT Kharagpur

Overall rank 2012: 7

Overall rank 2011: 4

Overall rank 2010: 3

Placement score: 18.4 out of 40

Placement rank: 9

Infrastructure score: 6.9 out of 10

Infrastructure rank: 4

Academic environment score: 15.6 out of 20

Academic environment rank: 2

Industry Interface: 0.4 out of 5

Industry Interface rank: 79

IIT Kharagpur showed consistent disappointment over couple of years now. Training and recruitment though were downers, but the innovative efforts seemed to be a lifter. In order to help tech students handle academics related stress, a panel was set up which has proposed a holistic model for other institutes to emulate. The entrepreneurship cell conducted a one month entrepreneurship awareness drive in colleges in 20 cities across the nation. On a different front, bringing pride to the institute was the move by IIT KGP Alumni which signed an MoU (memorandum of understanding) with Magsaysay award winner Harish Hande’s , SELCO to boost solar power. In relation to campus recruitment, the institute has been able to make the right moves to attract the best offers for its students.

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