10 Best Tech Institutes Of India

#6 IIT Delhi

Overall rank 2012: 6

Overall rank 2011: 3

Overall rank 2010: 1

Placement score: 19.8 out of 40

Placement rank: 8

Infrastructure score: 7.3 out of 10

Infrastructure rank: 2

Academic environment score: 11.5 out of 20

Academic environment rank: 6

Industry Interface: 3.3 out of 5

Industry Interface rank: 6

IIT Delhi seems to be on a downhill run. In 2010 it was number one on this list, but in  subsequent years it had fallen in rankings consistently, viz. rank 3 in 2011 and rank 6 in 2012, missing out on the top 5 T-Schools. It performed below its reputation on all major parameters in 2012. On placements, it skidded down to #8 by scoring merely 19.77, indicating that IIT Delhi is no more an institution of top choice for the industry. However its competence on the infrastructure parameter saw an impressive 7.3, above other institutes. But its lackluster show on other parameters like academic environment (#6), and HR response (#3) affected its rank this year. IIT Delhi is a name to reckon with, and draws a lot of interest among industries and students, thanks to the technology it adopted to efficiently run the institute to get world-class processes with the deployment of ERP (Enterprise resource planning).

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