Most Talked About and Terrifying Murder Cases in India

Aarushi Talwar

Ever since May 16, 2008, the controversial case of Aarushi Talwar’s murder has always been a part of news. The case of this class 9 student of DPS Noida is still a mystery to all. She was adopted by well-known dentist couple- Dr. Rajesh and Nupur Talwar. She was found dead in her house on May 16, 2008 with her throat slit. Initially, the family’s servant Hemraj was suspected as the culprit of Aarushi’s murder, but later even his decomposed body was found on the terrace of the same building. The only immediate suspect for the police was the Talwar couple on whom investigations heavily mashed. The two have been accused of murdering their adopted daughter and also Hemraj. This case is still a brainteaser for the police who are in search of the real culprits of this high profile murder case.
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