Emerging Critical Platforms Developers Should Target

#8 Apple TV:

A platform that is on the rise, Apple TV is a little narrower when compared to Google TV. The service will accept encrypted content, but it will disallow writing your own code. But Apple is all ready to accept contents that have the capability of mirroring screens of the iPad with all other synced gadgets using AirPlay. Someday, we might here a exciting news of Apple opening up an Apple TV app store.

#9 Nexus Q:

One of Google’s highly anticipated innovations of the year, the Nexus Q, a streaming device that can also be used as for social networking purposes in entertainment devices that includes computers and even TVs. How far the device will be popular, is still to be seen. but as for now we make sure that the Nexus Q has all the capability of integrating Android along with TV. This can also help viewers to run Android apps and games via their TV’s.