Collaborative Innovation: The Way Forward For The Semiconductor Industry

Collaborative Partnerships

Semiconductor firms have several options. For example, in order to counterbalance the increasing R&D and manufacturing equipment costs, semiconductor companies could use their existing equipment more effectively with tools like ‘predictive maintenance and yield improvement using advanced analytics.’ Partner collaborations will help them cull out synergies from the data created for product lifecycle management, manufacturing and enterprise resource planning and also address energy efficiency with design changes through partnerships.

With respect to design, semiconductor companies need to innovate to expand their user base. Patient monitoring in healthcare can benefit from applications designed for smartphones or tablets. Partnerships can also prove to be beneficial while redesigning products for emerging markets as user needs vary between geographies. Chipmakers are creating derivative platforms to develop and prototype new products and features. The average time required to market is 11 months for redesigning a product and 17 months for a new product design. Collaborative innovation and third party vendor partnerships (which are in their early stages) with risk- and revenue-sharing models help reduce the time to promote new offerings.
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