Aged less than 30: Entrepreneurs worth Billion Dollars

Adam D'Angelo

Founder and CEO of: Quora

Age: 27

Quora isn’t really a billion dollar company in the balance sheet statements but with the offers on mergers and acquisition, which it turned down, it can be more than a billion. This startup has a billion dollar mind set with its operations and also the way the website works. D’Angelo was Facebooks first CTO and Mark Zuckerberg’s high school acquaintance. This question and answer website was started in 2010 and since then it has raised about $61 million at a $400 million valuation. It must also be noted that the founder himself had put $20 million into the site.

Aaron Levie

Founder and CEO of: Box

Age: 27

This Company started off as a college project, a business plan for the university in 2005. This website was officially launched in 2006 as a Dropbox competitor. During the week it had raised $125 million and it is said that this young founder has raised $284 million and the current condition of this file sharing or storing company looks strong and healthy with a net worth of $1.2 billion.