Absurd Immigration Policy: Indian Entrepreneurs Prefer Home Over U.S.

What’s the Current Economic Situation of the U.S.?

The unemployment rate in America is growing fast. According to recent reports, it is 9.1 percent. The U.S. desperately needs to create new companies and thus new jobs to sustain and gradually decrease this rate. At such a time, it is illogical, for the government to implement such harsh policies against immigration, because these are the people who can establish successful organizations in America. Steve Case, founder of AOL, expresses his grief saying, “We attract the world's most talented young people here, give them a world class education and then send them home to compete against us. It makes no sense.”

What is Being Done to Improve This?

1. Steve Case led and some U.S. corporate leaders went to Washington to appeal for relaxed residency and immigration rules.

2. Republican Congressman Jeff Flake already has proposed a bill that would, which says that if an immigrant has a diploma in science, computer technology, engineering, or math, he will automatically get the green card.

3. Massachusetts Democrat John Kerry submitted a bill which asks for waiving immigration restrictions on business leaders who've started a company in another country and plan to do the same in the U.S.

Read on to know what is the mindset of Asian immigrants about the whole situation>>>>>>