Countries That are Yet to Combat Hunger Crisis

2. Eritrea:

Global Hunger Index score in 2013: 35.0 points
Overall rank in number of people going hungry: 2

Eritrea is a country in the Horn of Africa. The drought and famine that is devastating this nation is affecting more than 12 million people. The report reveals widespread losses of maize and sorghum crops, the staple foods for most rural people. Malnutrition rates have reached alarming levels in some areas. In Eritrea, poor rainfall for almost a decade has meant that cereal planting was delayed and was not as extensive as usual. Recent estimates indicate an almost complete loss in the country's cereal harvest.

3. Comoros:

Global Hunger Index score in 2013: 33.6 points
Overall rank in number of people going hungry: 3

Comoros, a sovereign archipelago island nation in the Indian Ocean has a low GDP mainly due to two factors i.e. the high population growth rate (2.7 percent) and the low rate of economic growth (around 1 percent). The major environmental problems of the Comoros are closely linked to poverty and less production of agricultural goods. The falling productivity of agricultural land is due to the high population growth rate and slow acceptance of improved agricultural technologies, which itself is related to the low education level of most of the adult population.

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