10 Tech Skills worth $100,000

8. PowerBuilder

Worth - $102,000

Owned by Sybase, PowerBuilder is a software development tool which is used to develop custom Windows enterprise apps, particularly Web apps on Microsoft's .Net platform.

First released in the 1991, it peaked in 1998 with around 100,000 users. It is known for building apps that tap into databases from Microsoft, Oracle and Sybase. Since most young developers are more interested in a platform that competes with .Net, Java, finding PowerBuilder pros, has become harder to do and has such a high worth.

7. Hadoop

Worth - $103,000

Hadoop is a super hot upcoming "big data" technology used to gather and store vast amounts of data and analyze it on low-cost commodity hardware.

Banks use this open source software for fraud detection and online shopping services for analyzing customers buying patterns.

Jobs asking for "big data" skills which include Hadoop, NoSQL databases, analytics and others pay around $106,000.