10 Nations that Emerge As the Biggest Military Spenders

Bangalore: Today, more than what is allotted for development or food protection, the major portion of any government's budget is  eaten up by investments on military. Let’s take a look at the countries that spends most on their military, as listed by Samuel Weigley of 24/7 Wall St.

10. Brazil:

Brazil is the world's fifth largest nation, both by geographical area and by population. Though, it is the largest nation, its expenditures on military spending are comparatively low.  With 327,710 active-duty troops and officers, the armed forces of Brazil are the biggest in Latin America. Since, there are no serious external or internal threats, the armed forces are searching for a new role. So, it has become more involved in civic-action programs, education, health care, and constructing roads, bridges, and railroads across the nation. As such, expenditure on armed forces and military personnel has considerable decrease. As of 2012, the government spent $38.1 billion for military purposes.

9. India:

India has the 3rd largest armed forces in the world in terms of active personnel, and is the 9th largest spender on defense. Over the last two decades, India has been spending more on military and armed forces in the country. At the same time, the country’s defense imports have been considerably increasing and in 2011 India became the largest arms importer in the world. Almost half of India’s military spending goes to the army, a quarter to the air force and the remaining for the navy, R&D, ordinance factories and more.

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