10 Most Powerful People in 2012

7 Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud
The king of Saudi Arabia is the seventh most powerful person in the world. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz al Saud ascended to the throne on 1 August 2005. He reigns over the desert kingdom controlling 20 percent of the world’s oil reserves and protects and secures Islam’s holiest cities. Arab Spring, the revolutionary wave started in December 2010. It couldn’t usurp the king; however the unmanageable youth unemployment does pose a threat to his sovereignty.

8 Mario Draghi
Mario Draghi is the president of the European Central Bank and eighth powerful person in the world. This Italian banker and economist was the governor of the Bank of Italy until October 2011 before he headed the European Central Bank as its President. He has navigated his ways through the Italian politics minefields with such precision that it earned him the nickname ‘Super Mario’. If there is anyone who can deal with the massive task of trying to maintain financial unity across 17 European countries, it’s Super Mario. Only he can make attempts to achieve it, even with constantly rolling of the Euro from one crisis to another.

Also Read:12 Eminent People Who Made Headlines In 2012