10 Foods in India That will Make You Slurp!

Undhiyu in Gujarat:
Undhiyu is a delicacy of Gujarat. It is a mixed vegetable dish that is a regional specialty. The name of this food is derived from the Gujarati words "matlu", which means earthen pot and "undhu", which means upside down, as they have been traditionally cooked upside down underground in earthen pots fired from above. The dish is a seasonal one, and includes the vegetables that are available on the South Gujarat coastline during the winter season, including green beans, unripe banana, muthia, and purple yam. These are then cooked in a spicy curry that at times includes coconut.

Surti undhiyu is an alternative that is served with puri. Again it is a mixed vegetable casserole, made with red lentils and seasoned with grated coconut, spices, and palm sugar in a mild sauce. It is then dressed with chopped peanuts and toasted grated coconut, and served with rice.

Pandi Curry in Coorg:
Pandi Curry is a spicy pork curry native to the Coorgis from the state of Karnataka. It is also known as the Kodava Pandi Curry. In this dish, the pork is first marinated in plenty of chilly and tamarind, and then served in curry, with rice and roti.

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