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Advice Request
Sarbani Rani Sill
Sarbani Rani Sill

Sarbani Rani Sill

Director RK IT Solutions

RK IT Solutions


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Growth Prospect in marketing
what everyone knows is that a marketing person climb a ladder of success when comparitive to other profession streams, Though it is quick its the kind of effort and hardworking the marketing person needs to put in to show results every day. In other words the marketing person is the driver of the chariot on which the company is based and the faster he runs or drives the faster the results are. The growth in the profession is quick.
What can be achieved
I think there is no limit of the marketing person in the corporate world as the marketing person would never gets saturated with what he gets he always thrives for more and more.
Brief yourself
I Started my career with field sales, Telemarketing after which I got a chance to get into HR which interested me to do a MBA in HR. With over a decade of experience in HR Services, it was always my marketing experience which worked out.For me it was always about selling whether it is HR or operations.

Born in a vry middle class family. Dad was in railways so studied in Railway School. Graduated in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Now with this background why in a sales job is the place where i was living there were no scope of work or guidance. The Hindu classified is the one which helped me coming out of the place and start first working what ever i get. Though studied in English Medium we didnt had any oportunity to speak in English in our day to day lives.

Communication skills in English is very important for everyone in this challenging environment and i learnt it while working in sales. Now I serve clients globally.

My parents and mentors push is what i am today.
Importance of 4ps
The 4P's of marketing are all interlinked with each other and no organization can ignore one in them if they are looking forward to grow and expand. The 4P's are four beautifull words in short to nurture any organization marketing strategy. It always keep reminding you every day what an organization's duties and responsibilities are.
Motivating Factor
The best motivating factor for me in the corporate world is the clients feedback on the services positive or negatice. The positive ones sets your standards and the negative ones puts you to learn more.
Branding is ofcourse very important in the corporate world but it depends on how do an organization would like to brand themselves.

Branding can also be done through the practices. Practicing what you say is branding for me which speaks out best in the market.
" How to become a Rain Maker: The Rules for getting and keeping customers and clients" by Jeffrey J. Fox is a good book with many marketing stories and success. Times of India is my favorite newspaper but economic times gives more knowledge on the corporate world. Websites like,, linkedin, etc can be the good ones for marketing professionals.
Importance of Marketing
As a marketing person my role has a direct impact on the growth of the company in terms of knowledge and Revenue. Knowledge because the marketing person get to know the need of the hour in the industry and standards to be met which helps is to nurture our skills and expertise. The marketing person is the one who sets the standards for the company and quality for the services offerred to the clients.
Positioning the product
The positioning of the services in the market is by continuos research of the market needs on the same bridging it with our services. Talent pool is always the thurst of every company and we here manage to source the best talent through our skills and expertise. So by continuos learning and research we position our products/services in the market place
The organization growth is direcly proportionate to our growth. The contribution of our efforts to the growth of the organization in terms of clients and revenue generation is when we can access our growth.
In Marketing the hardwork and efforts are acknowledged with the result. The results has to show up every day and is directly effected on the performance and operations of the company.
Marketing to me is positioning our products and services for the needs in the market place in a best way through differrent strategies and effort continuosly. The whole organization's operation and success depends on the marketing person.
Marketing is poistioning your product in the market place and selling is placing the product for a client need for a cost.
Importance of STP
Choosing a Segment of market is the basic thing for a product because there cannot be a demand of every product everywhere. After Choosing the segment only one can target the customers in that segment and prepare and startegy to reach out to the targeted customers in positioning.
I have failed number of times in life but the failures dont make me handicapped, it means to me to learn to overcome my mistakes and start with a new energy and hope. I motivate my team by giving them examples of many people around our lives how they failed and how they got success. I learn and get motivated even fromt he tea wala who knocks everyday. There was a guy who use to bring tea everyday to our office, he use to enquire what do we do etc and he use to say can you take me as office boy. i never took it serious.I changed my office and after few years the same boy came to meet me to say that he is now working as a collection agent for a Bank's credit card division. That motivates me, Dreaming is important but working towards it is also equally important.
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