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Advice Request
Abid Gowhar
Abid Gowhar

Abid Gowhar

freelance journalist



Abid Gowhar is a member of:

- Expert
Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to a family that has education, human values and morality as first preference. My father has remained my idol and he has proved himself a role model as a caring father. My mother had died at a young age of 32, when i was only eight years old. We are two bothers and i am the elder one.
Plans For The Future:
As a good and an effective administrator.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Creativity in thoughts, ideas and acts.
Growth Strategy:
Hard-work with sincerity.
The Journey So Far:
The journey started with lesser goals and aims but they came through with the passage of learning time and experience. I gained confidence in myself as long as my work was appreciated at many corners.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
It has changed from manual to tech-savy procedures. A lot of transformation came in every corner of life during last decade.
Done Differently:
i will Start everything with more confidence and zeal. keep patience in let the things to happen.
Advice For New Professionals:
Be sincere and don't shy in learning from elders and seniors.
Working Life Management:
Proper time management.
Degrees That Matter:
Experience with dedication in work work more good than Degrees/Certification.
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