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Vinod Johri
Vinod Johri

Vinod Johri

Online Acquisitions Head

Bharti Airtel


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A marketing professional needs to identify and act upon the needs of the customers. The current role requires real challenges to be dealt with on a daily basis, with big management decisions. Being a key person in the organisation, I see a lot of growth coming to me in the current organisation.
Branding is like wearing clothes for an organisation. The first impression of any organisation comes with its branding, which differentiates it from the competitors and leaves a mark in the consumer's mind. India is one of the few countries where Telecom is not just a pipe, but has a mindspace.
Future trend
The marketing sector is fast evolving. In today's world, marketers look at much more informed decisions than what was there in the last decade, with the vast amount of data pool which various tools. Today, with various tools and measurements, marketers are expected to take more informed decisions
Importance of Marketing
I am currently the Business Head, taking care of all Online Acquisitions of new customers for Bharti Airtel. This includes acquisition of all products - B2C (Mobile, Broadband, 4G, DTH, Data) and B2B (Microsoft Office 365, Ramco ERP Solution, Infrastructure as a service). The dept. runs with a P&L
Marketing means understanding the customer. Making products which the customers actually want. Also, identifying gaps in the market. No other sector is so close to customers than marketing. In ideal case, a strong marketing means the product should sell by itself. Availability needs to be ensured.
Future prospect
I see myself as a marketing person, who holds a complete portfolio by himself handling all the business risks and decisions. I see myself as a successful manager running a team of professionals from various departments, who all will be aligned towards a common goal.
What can be achieved
There is no limit of a marketing professions. Typical of the industry, there are sectors where only sales resources become CEO, or only IT resources become CEO. But those are rare industries. In general, a marketing person has no boundaries. They are limited by their own thoughts.
Recommended Courses and Certification
There is a google ad words certification which I would strongly recommend. e-commerce marketing is becoming an important aspect of marketing. Participating in conferences etc broadens the way a person thinks and a marketer should be actively involved in these activities.
Importance of On line marketing
Depending on the sector, the target customers are decided. In telecom, 10% of the budgets are typically for online in India, while in the west, it is around 30%. With thim, the online contribution will increase in all sectors and ideally range from 10-30% of the oveall spends in marketing.
Motivating Factor
The kind of opportunities I got in the organisation, and the kind of support for young professionals from the Top Management is incredible. There are no ideas which are suppressed, instead, they are given all the wings to fly off. I wanted the e-commerce dept, which was given to me with ease.
Marketing means understanding the customer's needs. The most important thing for any organisation is to understand its customers. Marketing helps the organisation make the right kind of product and communicate it in the right way, which appeals to the customers.
Suggestions to aspirants
I would suggest the aspirants to do whatever it takes to understand the market. The starting point for any marketing should hence be sales. Sales across geographies, across products across segments. This helps the aspirants understand the market in a better way, which will help him/her in marketing
Importance of 4ps
The 4Ps of marketing are the most important. The 1st P- Product means the right product for the customer. The Place, pricing and Promotion are also most important. For all these, a customer needs to be defined and understood well.
Role in an organization
I am Head, online Acquisitions in Bharti Airtel. I drive online acquisitions for B2C (Mobility, Broadband, 4G, and Data) and B2B (MS office 365, RAMCO ERP etc) products. I drive online campaigns and optimise them for best outputs.
Brief yourself
I am Vinod Johri, born and brought up in Dehradun. I did my B Tech from NIT Jaiput, and did my MBA from IMT Ghaziabad. I worked with IBM for 2 years and with Airtel for around 4 years. I love driving, playing Lawn Tennis, photography and Yoga.
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