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Advice Request
Vijay Balkrishna Konduskar
Vijay Balkrishna Konduskar

Vijay Balkrishna Konduskar




Vijay Balkrishna Konduskar is a member of:

Essential skills
patience , calculation , dedication and strong willing power , vision , and
discipline ,allways try to upgrade your knowledge
My advice to upcoming professionals
just understand simple rule , if you have guts and skills you can achieve everything , but let me explain one thing.... A Secret formule of success..
your interest and basic skills helps other , try to serve people with your skill , once you serve you will get result as well as customer , and one customer will definately open 1000 door for you , believe in service , as we are educated and servant of OUR Field
What achievements are you really proud off , in your corporate journey?
for me achievement means it will be with you after you are nothing also .
Education system in India
we need tech savvy teacher , not only someone who know concept , we need someone who know concept and like to play with varoius topics in concept , in our country we dont have people who have interest in teaching many of them are doing job for salary sake , and public holidays , untill and unless you will not understand what is mean by service you cant serve .
Comparing Online sales with hardcore sales
Classic model is good way for smooth communication and continous sales
while online model do well but will not sure if our customer is really happy with our product .

may be customer relationship and face to face interaction with the help of video corder will do best job in online sales .

one person has multiple email id , so we sent same mail to his multiple existance .
but in classic model its direct deal
Developing a country
its not very difficult to achieve success , we need to change the trends need to give much more explorer to our interested skills , we need Leader like Me , who can change the game .
earnning will not show you proper graph of success , but interaction will surely build a good foundation for future success
My family background
basically i am from very traditional and middle class family ,my father is in Mumbai Police and Mother is House WIFE.
Essential qualification required
good theory skill
any of computer programming language
office suit
and internet savvy , creativity
Current Job description
YUP... i AM aLL rOUNDER ,Right now i am working as business consultant cum advisor and my duty is monitor overall management and business activity and finding best solution for future growth
Motivating team members
when it comes to motivate , i personally seat beside , divide work and set timeline for every work , for next 6 hours and after each and every successfull hour i like to HUG them and say thats why We are best , you did now and You will do it again and after ,
Importance of brand image
QAuality and customer support makes product a Brand , not only name gives to identity ,
Becoming good marketing professionals
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