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Advice Request
Vanraj Vala
Vanraj Vala

Vanraj Vala

Technical Lead-Android



Vanraj Vala is a member of:

- Expert
Can you briefly map for us on how you have scaled up the ladder?
Well, I joined Samsung India Software operation in 2005 as Software engineering. After that it is being roller coaster ride. I was lucky to got chance to work on cutting edge technology starting from Home networking to Android. I personally loved Java development and continue to work on that till 2008. And once I spot Android OS,I found its made only for me.
What are the important career decisions that you have made along the way?
I believe in being "right place at right time"and other things follows automatically.
What have been the inflection points in your career?
I would say the opportunities and achievement I got in my last seven years made me to reach where I am now. Just in 6 month span of my career I was able to file grade A patent for OSGi framework would not be called amazing.
What different works are you doing in the present job as opposed to your previous one and why?
Currently, I am working on Android Samsung phones while earlier I was developing middle ware framework like OSGi where current Eclipse IDE runs. So I transformed myself from Web/Desktop environment to mobile word. And it is all because of the last 3 years how smart phones had ruled the world.
Where do you see yourself couple of years from now?
I want to see myself billionaire. If not definitely I see myself as architect role.
What are the important lessons you have learnt in your professional life?
I learned it is very much required to be get updated. The way technology changes I would say there is no retirement for me.
How has your profession today been different from the days when you started?
Now, I see myself more organized and less panicked. I started with writing Java code and still I writes but the difference is current code goes in market and makes money.
What are some of the technology trends you are watching in your space/domain? What do those trends mean for you from a career stand point?
I am currently watching cloud computing. I believe that we are going to see some major change in design of hand held devices and personal computing.
What is your advice for someone who would like to start of today in the same domain as you are in?
I would say the path is clear. Big guys like Google already driving the technology. There is so much help on open source world. So just do it.
What are some of the areas of specialization within the Mobile domain that you strongly recommend that you think will be the most sought after in future?
I see GPU based processing; cloud computing and multi core is going to rule.
How have certifications helped you in your professional life? Which certifications do you recommend for the readers?
It certainly helps in preparation I would say. Java developers I would say start with SCJP.
Books/ Websites that you recommend for someone who want to excel in the Mobile space.
This is simple one. Only one line
Is there anything else we did not ask, you think is beneficial for a budding professional in this space?
I guess current generation or Facebook generation is smart enough to learn and pick any challenge. And in current web space so many things are already developed so it is not required to re-invent the wheel. Just look around and you can come up with good solution in less time. And finally "keep coding ".
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