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Advice Request
Syed Zoheb Sumair
Syed Zoheb Sumair

Syed Zoheb Sumair

Web Developer and Web Designer


Blogs (3)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a Well-Educated Family.My mother was a Teacher and my father works as a System Analyst.I am the only child of my parents.I have come through all this way because of my mother.My mother has always been supportive in my personal and professional life.Love you so much mommy :)
Working Life Management:
Time management is my secret.One can easily procrastinate his work.To avoid this i usually create weekly/daily schedule and work accordingly.With scheduling i can easily know when my work will be finished and i can complete it on time.I spend time with family and friends soon i finish my daily work
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Being a successful and a helpful blogger.Even i had stopped blogging for many days but people does ask me problems in web designing and on .NET.I always love helping them And many new newcomers in industry ask me where to start their career and i feel grateful for being helpful to them in some way:)
The Decisions That Matter
Choosing a career of interest is the turning point for me.Even after being offered Mechanical engineering in a popular local college,i took IT in other college.This made me grow with the technology and enjoy working on it as it has always been my interest and first love.
Advice For New Professionals:
Choose a career which interests you.And ask the industry experts about which way you should head your career in your interesting field and what are the new emerging technologies in that field.This will help you excel in your career, achieve new heights and enjoy your life at the same time.
Role Model:
Muhammad (P.B.U.H)!! His life is a perfect example for people to get inspired.I love his teachings and always try to live on it.His principles gives you perfect insight of balancing work and life.Although i want to achieve great heights in career,I dont want to get away from living a good life.
Job Profile:
Right now working as a freelancer on Web Designing,.NET Programmer, SEO and Internet Marketing.I work on complete web development and not let my client to look for different persons for different requirements as the project won't shape up the way he wants.I manage every project alone and work along
Degrees That Matter:
I want to become a MCPD and aspire to become Microsoft MVP some day.I am trying hard to achieve these two titles.And always learn new things and try to get perfect in the technology i am working now.
Plans For The Future:
I always aspire to become a successful entrepreneur some day.And working on to widen my Professional network.I always speak with other entrepreneurs to know where to start.and take their guidance to achieve this.Inshallah someday i'll become a successful entrepreneur.
The Journey So Far:
Well its been a fantastic journey so far and hope always will be.There's always a side for learning new things and experimenting them.Me as a professional and in personal life experienced maturity in thinking and a different approach for life.Its fun to connect with like-minded people and share.
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