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Sumit Saxena
Sumit Saxena

Sumit Saxena

Assistant Professor

SRMS College of Engineering & Technology


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Growth Prospect in marketing
It Depends on individual skills and knowledge. But on an average if person give right inputs and have ability to learn, unlearn and relearn the things marketing field can take him on good positions. if person is good in analytical and advisory skills he can reach to position of Senior or Head consultant. if person is good in Negotiation skills and handling Big Clients then can easily become sales Head or Zonal Head. He can open up his own Business and act like an entrepreneur if he very well understand the dynamics of the industry after working for few years with companies of repute. No Doubt marketing is a niche over all streams and work with those streams in parallel like B tech + Marketing for software Industry, B pharma + Marketing for pharma industry and so on.
Future prospect
Being an Academician i see myself as learning more on day to day basis and sharing it altogether among my students , my fellow colleagues and my clients working in industry who need any marketing related support or advise. i have already published my selected research in International Marketing Journals, but still need to work more and would definitely want to contribute some scholar material in field of marketing management.
Marketing is simply the Organised process of identifying the needs of the potential customers and build strategy to satisfy it in the best possible way considering the mission and vision of company in mind and plan for long term success of organisation instead of just achieving the bottom line. In short it is planning for customer driven company's growth.
Obviously its very important for organisation because it guides the organisation to survive through declining markets , suggesting time for harvesting,exiting or entry under prevailing given economic environment.
Recommended Courses and Certification
There are many good certifications available for marketing guys but it should be properly matched with their individual interest and requirement of company in which are working.some of them may be:
1.Community Marketing
2. Digital Marketing
3. Experiential Marketing
4. Customer Relationship Management Marketing
5. Geo-Marketing
6. Internet Marketing (Social Media, E-marketing, Affiliate Marketing)
7. Key Account Management (Account Based Marketing)
8. Mobile Marketing
9. Pharmaceutical Marketing
10. Retail Management
11. Service Marketing
12. Sustainability Marketing
13. Value-Based Marketing
14. NeuroMarketing
Role in an organization
I teach Marketing, Economics, Industrial Engineering and International Business in College. i am involved in Research specifically on Green Marketing,Impulse buying, Packaging and Consumer Behavior.Also Involved in Mentoring ,Training and Motivational Speeches in corporate.
Positioning the product
Positioning of product is a very crucial stage . before positioning segmentation and targeting needs to be done carefully as the complete process of marketing is Segmenting,Targeting and positioning the product. It requires complete SWOT analysis if company is first entrant with no competition it can position it self as Innovators, if its late entrants then it can be positioned as Technology Adopters or the Company who is going to begin new era of products. company can positioned itself as Service Expert if they found them self competent in servicing.may be Eco-friendly, Budgeted and many such posioning traits can be used.
Branding is very important for organisation because in today's cutthroat competition and growing business it becomes very difficult for customer to differentiate among bunch of products available to him. most of the products are similar in color, texture, logo,phonetics etc. branding makes company's product visible not only in eyes but also in minds of customers.
In the most simple words Marketing is Pulling concept where customers are pulled towards the product and Selling is a Pushing concept where manufactured products are tried to be sold in into the market means customer is persuaded just o purchase.
Importance of 4ps
Product. Price , Place & Promotion signify 4 P's. Each of the Ps are specific to its area where it plays its role.
Product is important as it explains core feature, additional promises made my product, utility from product and augmentation in product say for example a car whose utility is to help in logistics, but air condition is its feature, and Fox light in it promise to help in foggy weather which altogether explains the identity of product.
Price signify the affordability for customers. it also magnify the company profit based on cost and selling price. pricing can be of various types like skimming price policy,penetration pricing, Break even pricing etc.
Place explains the mode of shipping the goods including various channels in between producers and customers.
Promotion include both paid and non paid form of advertising for pushing the products in market. it can be in form of Publicity, paid advertisement,Discounts, Rebates etc.
Suggestions to aspirants
For youngsters who want to join marketing ass their career it is advisable to go through basic theoretical concepts of marketing and try to link it effectively in their day to day field working in initial few years of their career. For that take a Management degree in Marketing from institute of repute only because lots of B schools are there in India which are far below the standard required and would fail to inculcate the required corporate skills in individual. Also try to work with start up where you get more assignments and that too from different domains of marketing like sales, forecasting, theme building, communication, and Personal selling.
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