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Advice Request
Sumanth Tarigopula
Sumanth Tarigopula

Sumanth Tarigopula

Head of India center - Best Shore Application Services



Sumanth Tarigopula is a member of:

- Expert
Can you briefly map for us on how you have scaled up the ladder?
I always aspired to make a mark in the world, to make a difference in
the lives of people around me, and I hope that I have achieved it. I am
now an integral part of HP. My professional career was set in motion
after I graduated from Wayne State University. I worked in other Fortune
500 companies before joining the HP family about 5 years back. I worked
in the U.S. for about 18 years and moved to India recently. I believe
that I had something new to learn every day. My years in U.S were some
of the most influential years of my life.

I was lucky to be
mentored by remarkable bosses. Working under their guidance helped lend
shape to the man that I am today. Under their direction and mentorship, I
learnt to channel my determination to succeed. I was able to drive my
passion and aptitude for business into my new found persona as an
emerging leader.
What are the factors that lead to success in your career?
As I mentioned earlier, my professional journey so far has been
terrific. I had something new to learn at every organization I worked.
These companies had a vision that meant a lot. I have been extremely
passionate about my job and role, and I think that contributed to my
Where do you see yourself couple of years from now?
I see myself as a successful leader who has created high performance
teams, established relationships with people, goal setting, and achieved
results and targets.
What are the important lessons you have learnt in your professional life?
There are many lessons I have learned. I have a whole list. The most
important reason for success is a high level of trust, and trust comes
when you have ethical behavior, when you believe that each one will play
by the policy and rules. Trust makes organizations more capable and
professional, because you are just on the job and not worried about who
is doing what. My greatest strength is my belief in my team members.
Trust your teams. I trust them immensely and they are my biggest asset.
What are some of the technology trends you are watching in your space/domain? What do those trends mean for you from a career stand point?
I see the following as some of the specialization areas within the Application Development and Management for cloud.

  • Building private clouds

  • Building and realizing Hybrid clouds

  • Application
    Development (green - field), Migration (brown - field) and Integration
    to Private, Hybrid and Public Cloud - both IaaS and PaaS models

  • Moving existing applications to multi - tenant SaaS model

  • Security, Testing and Application Management in Hybrid Cloud model.
What is your advice for someone who would like to start of today in the same domain as you are in?
Early to bed early to rise and work hard. People who want to make a
mark in this field need to be innovative and technically very sound.
They also need to get a marketable idea about this domain and understand
the window of opportunity.
How have certifications helped you in your professional life? Which certifications do you recommend for the readers?
Cloud computing is seen as one of the disruptive and all encompassing
technology trend. Any certification within Enterprise Architecture is a
great start. There are numerous technology focused certifications within
Java and .Net (Azure) and would be applicable as well.
Books/ Websites that you recommend for someone who want to excel in the Cloud domain.
Books/ Websites that I recommend for Cloud Professionals would be:

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